I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 496: Is it magical


Fang Chong's expression gradually became surprised with calmness from the description of the Maya system. From the Maya system, it seems that the role of Moxin is more than that obtained from the giant lizard ...

Fang Chong was surprised, listening to every bit of this Moxin, wondering whether the Maya system was wrong. m [Go to the novel ~]

However, as the Maya system was angry and stressed not to doubt her, Fang Chong believed.

When Maya gets angry, it is really rare ...

However, surprised and surprised, Fang Chong frowned slightly, because he found that from now until now, it seems that he only saw one in this place ...

If the quantity is so scarce, no matter how powerful it is ...

"Front ..." When Fang Chong showed a weird giant lizard, his head arched forward.

"Oh ..." Fang Chong didn't expect that the giant lizard had such a clever side, and with a look of surprise, he was busy swimming in front of him.

Have you determined this? After Mo Xin is absolutely good, Fang Chongke is unwilling to go deep into the treasure house and go back empty-handed.

How to say, we must take advantage of this opportunity to let their entire team give birth to hundreds of thousands of strong people.

However, Fang Chong also knows that this is just a luxury hope. If hundreds or thousands of powerful people can be born, they can really walk across the earth.

These are not mutant zombies, even Zak can not be their opponents ...

Of course, if there are many good things in Moya's mouth like Mo Xin. Not impossible. Can there be so many such precious things? For this reason, Fang Chongna convinced himself that he did not believe ...

However, with the movement of the body, Fang Chong soon did not have time to think about these, because after a distance of ten meters, a large stone appeared in front of Fang Chong, which should be a height of 20-30 meters.

Looking at such a huge stone, Fang Chong's expression was a bit sloppy, but as he just now, he soon found a different place. This stone didn't seem to be in the reservoir from the beginning.

With the light from the energy crystal stone, Fang Chong can see that the surface of this stone is smooth but the surface is black. It seems to have been burned ...

"Is it a meteorite?" After observing Fang Chong, he felt that this was most likely the reason, and like the Maya system said, Mo Xin should not have existed on the earth. Mo Xin is different from other mutant creatures in that they are originally not on the earth.

That is why there is a reason for this layer, Fang Chong will immediately define this stone that does not exist in the reservoir as a meteorite ...


At this time, Fang Chong didn't care whether it was a real meteorite or not, because as he got closer to this dark stone, some strange scenes made Fang Chong's eyes light up ...

What was the depressing giant lizard bringing him here just now? However, as Fang Chong found the small hole in the boulder in the water, his expression changed and he became happy.

Because Fang Chong went closer to his eyes and could see what was inside the small hole through the light emitted from the energy crystal stone. [Read the novel ~]

The only thing that dark green figure does not mean is its ink heart ...

But rejoicing and rejoicing, Fang Chong was not stunned by this sudden sense of happiness, he observed that this exists behind the boulder. With a serious expression, Fang Chong needed to think of a way and needed not to destroy this big rock under the circumstances.

Actually, such a meteorite appeared in the low and middle level of the reservoir. In addition to knowing that it is rare and so ingenious, Fang Chong moved the idea of ​​protecting it, and after knowing that this meteorite is a hero who brought things like Mo Xin, Fang Chong was even more unwilling. Willing to destroy.

Fang Chong also hopes to rely on big stones to continue to make more Moxin ...

However, it is more difficult to say whether the facts can be as he hopes ...

Aside from the earlier messy thoughts, Fang Chong's eyes were seriously put on these small holes on the boulder. I don't know if it was dug out by the creature such as Mo Xin or these small holes that originally existed on the boulder. Fang Chong's The expression is a bit difficult ...

Dig by hand? Obviously the fingers are not long enough. And the use of weapons will inevitably destroy the structure of this boulder.

The latter is what Fang Chong does not want to see. After all, Fang Chong also hopes that in the future, he can continue to harvest the best evolutionary choices in the Mayan mouth such as Mo Xin.

It ’s so easy to evolve, and it ’s still not simple. It ’s impossible if you are not a fool ...

But this is not enough. That wouldn't work, Fang Chongyi didn't know how to continue for a while ...

However, this problem did not allow Fang Chong to struggle for too long. As Fang Chong took out a special metal from his storage space, the solution to the problem came out ...

Fang Chong's idea is particularly simple, that is, he pulls the special metal in his hand into an iron wire, so that it is easy to hook out a creature like Mo Xin who is hiding in a small cave ...

With the success of the iron wire manufacturing, Fang Chongli started non-stop, and everything went smoothly as he imagined. The colors were dark green, and the caterpillars were almost just a few inches larger. Taken out by Fang Chong ...

Looking at the dozens of ink hearts held in the container in his hand, the corner of Fang Chong's mouth was difficult to suppress.

Fang Chong's heart is full of excitement. These represent that dozens of lives can improve the strength of dozens of levels ...

However, the number of dozens of bars obviously cannot satisfy Fang Chong. The number of these dozens of bars is just the beginning of his small test. With the familiarity of the process just now, Fang Chong's next speed will be a little faster. After a while, Fang Chongyou successfully obtained thousands of pieces except that some of them were too small or learned from the Maya system that Mo Xin had descended and was replaced.

Although this number is not much. But that's a lot. For Fang Chong, such an unexpected harvest has been satisfied, and it is extremely rare to have no casualties, let alone today ...


After completing his work with satisfaction, Fang Chong did not intend to make any more stops. After all, it took more than an hour from the launch to this point, except that the oxygen cylinder on his back was not enough to support Fang. How long Chong Chong had been in the water for so long, Fang Chong said that he was not worried about Qin Lan's situation on the shore. [Read the novel ~]

Everyone has their own people, and Qin Lan they are all Fang Chong's weakness. He couldn't ignore it, and watched them fall into danger and remain indifferent ...

Although none of his communicators had sounded from now until now, Fang Chong was more worried. They are now at a depth of hundreds of meters, and it is difficult to say whether the communicator can notify him ...

After Fang Chong had this kind of worry, he had done everything he wanted to do in this hand, and didn't waste any time. After looking at the giant lizard, he stood on its head ...

Understand Fang Chong's giant lizard. After Fang Chong stood firmly on top of his head, his head immediately lifted up, and the four strong and powerful forces that originally stood on the rock at the bottom of the reservoir simultaneously exerted strength. Shoot out ...

Watching giant lizards moving freely in the water like a dragon. Fang Chong's heart was secretly surprised, if he rushed into the water and killed the giant lizard desperately before, he was afraid of death.

From now until now, the performance of the giant lizard in his hands is not as strong as he is now, and it is too powerful ...

But soon, Fang Chong's expression changed from worry to excitement, because the giant lizard has now been subdued by him, thinking that in the future, there will be such a super thug, and thinking about it can make him physically excited.

"We must look for opportunities to make the giant lizard stronger, and its strength is of great benefit to itself and to us ..." Fang Chong thought to himself. The expression of the giant lizard from now to the present has no disinterested expression at all. Fang Chong knew that the giant lizard could not betray.

Actually, the giant lizard is willing to give up this way, and Fang Chong will not let it pay for nothing ...

Fang Chong's principle of being a man is very simple. You are good to him. He must be good to you, whether it is a human or a mutant creature. Fang Chongyi treats everyone equally ...

Moreover, Fang Chong believes that with a character like a giant lizard, he will be assimilated with them for a long time. Fang Chong does not treat it like a beast from his heart ...

The mutant king of creatures that can rival human wisdom can already stand in the same position as humans ...

In thoughts, hundreds of meters of water have been broken by giant lizards. With a loud noise, the head of the giant lizard rushed out of the water with Fang Chong. Under the sun, the water light flickered ...


What reassured Fang Chong was that Qin Lan and his team were standing intact on the dam of the reservoir ...

However, after the giant lizard carried him up from the water and landed on the shore, Fang Chong still found a different place. Although no mutants or other creatures were seen, the strong **** smell in the air caught Fang Chong's attention. .

Being able to smell such a strong **** smell in such an open environment, I can imagine how fierce the killings I just experienced.

After Fang Chong jumped from the giant lizard's head, his brows frowned slightly. After he approached, he found that Qin Lan and their countless faces were full of tiredness. However, except Song Ming and Li Yunyu, who were pale, others did. Can't see any other problems ...

Adding the **** smell in the air from Song Mingli Yunyu's body, Fang Chong has been able to guess what kind of battle they experienced in the past hour ...

"Don't worry, we were just injured by the mutant creature. There are no major problems ..." Seeing the worry on Fang Chong's face, Song Ming smiled slightly and was struggling to sit up from the ground, but because the action was a bit fierce He pulled to the wound, but it made him hoarse and grin.

"It's okay to die ..." Fang Chong shook his head silently, all wounded to be stubborn like this, as if he didn't understand them ...

As for Li Yunyu, Fang Chong laughed. Did not speak ...

Li Yunyu's injuries are similar to those of Song Ming. They were all wounded in the hands of the same mutant creature, but fortunately the last mutant creature died in their hands, otherwise, their brother would be really depressed ...

Fang Chong was a little curious about what mutant creatures could hurt both of them at once. You should know that they are now the most powerful fighting force besides him and Huang Qianchuan.

If the mutants are so strong, then their previous plans may be useless ...

However, after Fang Chong followed Qin Lan to see the two mutant creatures that Song Mingli Yunyu killed after fighting, Fang Chong understood.

King Kong Rhino, a mutant creature king with super powerful attack and defense, although its strength ranges from more than four hundred levels, its power is not comparable to ordinary human soldiers.

It can be said. The possibility of encountering this mutant creature king is very small, but I did not expect that they encountered such a lucky today ...

Chances are less than one in ten thousand ...

After listening to the description of the Maya system, Fang Chong was a little speechless, but it didn't matter if he was injured. After all, the muscle meat of these rhinos is a big supplement for Song Ming. I believe that after extracting the muscle meat of this diamond rhino into a gene medicine, it will be a matter of the near future to break through the five hundred ...

Fang Chong thought that these inevitably laughed, there will be gains and losses, there will be gains, Song Ming this time after taking the rhinoceros gene medicine, the strength can reach a perfect state.

The difference between the mature body and the normal state is not a little bit or two, whether it is attack or defense ...


"I want to eat all these things ..." After Fang Chong checked the situation of other mutant creatures, the giant lizard standing a distance away from Fang Chong opened his mouth, and it actively appeared today to a great extent In addition to being attracted by the sound of fighting. The strong **** smell is also one of the reasons.

His stomach is also hungry, and because he is a super king, ordinary ordinary mutant creatures will not enter his defense zone. It can be said that it is difficult for him to hunt for food ...

"Okay ....." Fang Chong was probably able to guess that the giant lizard was going to eat it after that. He had no objection. After all, if the giant lizard didn't, they would have to dispose of the corpses of these mutant creatures, which would be even more wasteful ...

With Fang Chong's permission. The expression of the giant lizard can be happy! He ran directly to the place where the corpse of the mutated creature had the most, and his mouth was closed, and the mutated creature that was several meters long was eaten by him. Looking at this scene, Fang Chong couldn't help but worry. Can he afford to eat such a big guy?

But after thinking that the giant lizards are now more powerful, they will be a few minutes later. Fang Chong shook his head gently and walked back to where Song Ming rested.

He had some questions to ask Song Ming and they believed that they also had many questions to ask him.

As for sitting here, don't worry if you will encounter mutant creatures again.

Here the giant lizard is afraid that the other one will kill one, and the two lizards will kill a pair, and the giant lizard is so powerful that the deterrent alone is enough to make other mutant creatures intimidated ...

Fang Chong didn't have much worry about this ...

"Are you going well there?" After sitting down, Ling Ya spoke first, and it was not difficult to see from their expressions that they were worried ...

"Successfully, the harvest is still great. The reservoir is the site of giant lizards. For so long, except for some small creatures, there are no creatures that can cause them danger ..." Happening….

"Is the thing that the giant lizard said that can make the evolutionary more powerful?" Qin Lan asked the point ...

"Of course, the purpose is him, so it may not be found ..." After Fang Chong nodded, he took out a glass bottle from the storage space.

In the water glass bottle, a dark green creature the size of the **** is swimming, and the speed is very slow ...

"Caterpillars?" Muge's eyes widened, and the curiosity on her face was choked by Fang Chong after taking out the heart like caterpillars.

Although the idyll is not afraid of caterpillars, but seeing this dark green color and appearance, her expression will inevitably reveal a disgusting anti-reaction ...

"No, it's not a caterpillar. Its name is Mo Xin, a creature that is not from the earth ..." Fang Chong watched the expressions of several women, which were similar to those of herdsmen. He shook his head slightly and had to explain ... .


"Is it true? Is it so magical?" Listening to Fang Chong's expression of the materials from Maya, everyone's expression flashed with surprise, because Fang Chong said so amazingly, it was too difficult to be magical Believe ...

"Try it and you will know ..." Fang Chong said about the effect ~ www.readwn.com ~ He has not tried it himself, how could he know that even after he himself heard these words said by the Maya system, He couldn't help doubting ...

But could Maya lie? Obviously impossible ...

"I don't try and look disgusting ..." Although the growth of strength is exciting, for a girl, eating this kind of thing and drinking the genetic medicine extracted from this kind of thing really made her retreat a little ...

Although Fang Chong hadn't said who tried first, Muge rejected it immediately ...

"Eh… .." Looking at the small face of Muge was frightened, Fang Chong could only shake his head silently, but Muge didn't plan to try Fang Chong first, so he didn't have to try it himself. Anyway, to be strong necessary….

"I'm still ....." Song Ming doesn't care. He was injured under the rhinoceros of King Kong rhinoceros, which made him stronger and stronger. His original intention was not to fight, but it seems that the women were scared. He spoke.

He doesn't matter ... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (an.) To vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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