I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 497: Robots in a spaceship


Fang Chong didn't say much, it was the first to drink anyway, no big deal. Although the shape of Mo Xin was a bit scary, the response like the pastoral song was a bit exaggerated. m [Go to the novel ~]

However, Fang Chong also knows that men and women differ greatly in this regard, and he will not say much ...

Song Ming spoke, and Fang Chong immediately started. With the guarantee from the Maya system, Fang Chong was very assured of the safety of this thing. Without this worry, everything else didn't matter.

The movement in Fang Chong's hand was very fast. After taking out the corresponding things from the storage space, he put a piece of ink heart into the gene extraction machine, and as he pressed his finger on the button, a glass of glass made a glass of ink. The green liquid appeared in Fang Chong's hands.

Sure enough, Fang Chong frowned slightly after smelling the taste. It was not stinky, but it was a very strange question. People who believe that it is normal do not like this question.

Although the giant lizard reminded Fang Chong before, when he really smelled it, Fang Chong still had some weird expressions.

After all, it's a far cry from the slightly sweet question of ordinary gene medicine ...

"It's okay, isn't it just a matter of asking?" Fang Chong's expression changed. Everyone else looked in his eyes. Unlike Muge and Ling Ya's surprise and fear, Song Ming just smiled.

"I added it to ordinary genetic medicine, and I believe it tastes good ..." Fang Chong thought the same way, but after seeing the exaggerated expressions of Muge. He thought of the smell of genetic medicine. It's okay to neutralize it ...

For Fang Chong's idea, other people did not express it, after all, no one knows if he doesn't try ...

Soon, a glass of pale green liquid appeared in Fang Chong's hands, and the color looked much better. Besides, the taste was diluted a lot, and it smelled slightly sweet.

Fang Chong himself did not have this idea ...

In the end, Song Ming muttered his head in the expectation of everyone. The gene medicine in the large-capacity cup went into his stomach ...

"How?" Everyone was looking forward to Song Ming's next reaction. After all, the giant lizard talked wildly, and the Maya system said this thing so magically, if there was no reaction in humans. Aren't you foolish?

To be honest, Fang Chong was also a little excited at this time ...

Success or failure depends on this time ...


"Uh ..." Song Ming gave a full blow in everyone's expectations, so the unexpected response made everyone cry and laugh ...

But as Song Ming ’s face turned red, everyone ’s expressions were condensed. Without Song Ming ’s mouth, everyone knew that there was a reaction. As for the effect, you need to wait until Song Ming absorbed it ... .

Everyone didn't say a word. After all, they do n’t know how the energy contained in Moxin is now, but what everyone knows is that they can improve the strength level. The greater the energy contained.

And the energy difference is also not small, some are softly absorbed, some are violent ...

In the case of different strengths, the drugs suitable for absorption also vary. 【】 【】

After seeing the effect, Fang Chong's expression was different from Xiao Lan's worry. Fang Chong's previous worry was to be afraid of this fake heart. After all, the effect was too bad.

But now that it is determined, Fang Chong will not worry about it. Fang Chong knew the effects and reactions of the medicine extracted from Mo Xin from Maya.

For the strength of more than three hundred levels. Baili without harm ...

But for this level of strength, if it is not diluted, if you take it rashly, the blood of your body may not be able to withstand it, and the possibility of exploding is very high.

At this time, Song Ming's face turned red because of Mo Xin. The energy contained in it is positive, and the energy 'fire' is inevitable. But as this 'fire' energy is absorbed and assimilated by Song Ming's body, there is no problem ...

In summary, as long as the strength exceeds three hundred levels, taking the genetic medicine extracted by Moxin will only increase the strength, and there will be no harm or accident ...

I do n’t know if the energy contained in Mo Xin is too big or for other reasons. Song Ming has n’t had any movement for a long time. He only woke up after dozens of minutes ...

However, with the opening of Song Ming's eyes, everyone suddenly realized that I didn't know when the paleness on Song Ming's face had disappeared, and he looked relaxed and stood up without any signs of injury.

With such a big change, Li Yunyu's eyes look a little straight ...

"It's too exaggerated? Is it so amazing?" Others don't know, Li Yunyu was very clear in his heart, and Song Ming was hurt so much that everyone knew it, but even that kind of injury didn't see any problems ?

Li Yunyu believes that this genetic medicine is amazing ...

"How does it feel ..." Fang Chong also stood up and came to Song Ming's side.

Although he didn't want Xiao Lan to be as worried as they were, he still wanted to know how Song Ming was doing.

See if the genetic medicine extracted from Moxin is really as magical as the giant lizard said ...

However, at the same time, after Fang Chong's eyes saw Song Ming's spirited look, he already had the approximate answer in his heart ...

Even if it does n’t help evolution much, after all, Song Ming ’s injuries were there, and now that he ’s completely fine, even if it is used as a repair gene, there are many benefits ...

After confirming this, Fang Chong knew that the trip had already made a lot of money ...


"Okay, good ..." Song Ming only said three words, but these three words are enough to prove the effect of the genetic medicine extracted from Mo Xin ...

"What about strength?" Fang Chong asked again.

"I don't know yet. But it should be able to improve a lot ..." Song Ming's expression was slightly confused. "The body is still hot. It seems that the genetic medicine from Mo Xin has not been completely absorbed by the body ..."

"Oh ..." Fang Chong didn't ask again. Although Song Ming's words were simple, he already knew something about Fang Chong's combination of some things he knew before. (Read novels.)

The reason why it has not been completely attracted for so long is very simple, that is, the gene medicine from Mo Xin contains too much energy ...

"Fang Chong, get a cup for Yunyu, he is no less injured than before Song Ming ..." After Fang Chong was completely sure that the gene medicine from Mo Xin was harmless, Murong Xue looked anxiously and slightly. Said nervously.

Although Li Yunyu's injuries are not minor, they will not die. Murong Xue is afraid that Fang Chong will not be able to treat them equally.

"It's simple ..." Fang Chong had planned long ago, but he was afraid to try it before he could be sure that the gene medicine was exactly what it was.

Song Ming is not alone now. Moreover, the strength can be further improved, all the concerns of Fang Chong have disappeared, the facts are sufficient to prove everything ...

Soon, a glass of pale green. After taking the mixed genetic medicine with little difference from Song Ming before, it was born. After receiving such a cup of mixed genetic medicine from Fang Chong, Li Yunyu's expression was drunk without any change. Be careful, this cup of pale green gene medicine will disappear ...

Soon, the color on Li Yunyu's face gradually turned from a little pale and ruddy ...

With the example of Song Ming before, after Li Yunyu drank the genetic medicine, everyone didn't worry much, just sat quietly and rested. I also listened to Fang Chong's plans on the back ...

After confirming that the genetic medicine derived from Moxin is indeed like the giant lizard and the Mayan system, Fang Chong has plans for the next step ...

Everyone is a smart person. It is impossible for everyone who Fang Chong said to be clear. As Fang Chong said about it, Qin Lan and they soon expressed their understanding, clarity and understanding ...


"Go and see what's on that alien spaceship?" As Li Yunyu stretched aside and stood up, Qin Lan mentioned the alien spaceship that was different and forgotten.

Although I don't know if there are any good things in this spaceship, as long as there is, it shouldn't go there. After all, the power gap in technology is so large. Everyone didn't say it, in fact, I knew very well ...

"Okay ..." Fang Chong nodded. He had planned this long ago, especially after conquering the giant lizard, and there was no such hidden danger in the dark. The difference between taking and not taking the energy crystal stone in the cave is not particularly large, after there is no such potential danger as a giant lizard. Fang Chong they can ask Lao Pray and Yu Yu to send someone over there to dig.

They had dug a large part before, plus Chong from the underground of the reservoir… ..

In all cases, before the Zak did not appear on a large scale, they were enough to use ...

Fang Chong does not intend to press all the treasures onto the energy crystal stone. As the time in the last days lengthens, Fang Chong knows that strength is the true truth.

No one can take it on their own ...

"You said that this spaceship is from the Zak or Mayan civilization ..." Everyone has more or less learned from Fang Chongkou about the Zak and Mayan civilization, although not particularly detailed, I still know ...

It can be said that the secret of Fang Chong's body is left with the Mayan system ...

"I think it may be of the Mayan civilization. Otherwise, there would be no Zak people around ...." Qin Lan made the first statement. She is the most adept at observing the surrounding environment. She integrated what she knew before. It is very likely ...

"I think it's Zak. Who stipulates that the Zak can't be killed when the spacecraft falls?" Murong Xue also has a general understanding of these, but not much.

However, her explanation is not unreasonable ...

As for the others, they all have their own opinions ....

"It's still the most clear to open it ..." Fang Chong saw everyone to relax easily. He also feels good. After all, in an environment like the last days, it is really difficult to get rid of so many annoyances, especially those who know that there is pressure from the Zak and human beings, the burden on them is even more important ...

Accidents can happen anytime, anywhere, maybe today or tomorrow ...

Even if it was the Mayan system, she couldn't give Fang Chong an accurate answer, telling Fang Chong when the Zak people appeared on a large scale ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

After saying this, Fang Chong stepped forward. Although they said they were guessing whether the spacecraft was a Zak or Mayan civilization, one thing is for sure: the manufacturer of the spaceship must be Mayan civilization, and the Zak will only rob ...

Civilizations from the same galaxy. There is not much change in the shape of the spacecraft, especially with regard to the door.

This is not the first time that the ship's password has been cracked. After Fang Chong walked in front of the ship, his hand stretched out and was placed on the brain above it.

After a few minutes, as the Maya system reported success in Fang Chong's ear, Fang Chong successfully opened the spacecraft's door ...

In the case that the Maya system controls the entire spacecraft just now, it has been investigated whether the spacecraft is dangerous.

There is no such worries about danger, and there are giant lizards on the outside of the spacecraft to help the guards. They can be said to be very safe ...

After entering the spaceship. Under the guidance of the Maya system, Fang Chong, although the situation inside each spaceship is different, but Fang Chong is still familiar with the introduction to everyone ...

Seeing the prayers and Murong Xue, Li Yunyu was amazed ...

If it hadn't been for Qin Lan before, they had explained to Fang Chong that he was an authentic earth man many times. They really still have Fang Chong from the Mayan galaxy. Otherwise, there are people here who know alien technology so well.

From unlocking the door on the outside of the spacecraft to now, I will introduce them to the various aspects of the spacecraft.

This makes them difficult to understand ...

However, Fang Chong introduced a lot of things. They need to remember carefully. For a while, no one had time to ask Fang Chong. Everyone followed Fang Chong silently. Listen to what Fang Chong said and introduced.

Fang Chong's speed is not slow, because after entering the spacecraft, the Mayan system has been urging Fang Chong to go inside. As for what is inside, Maya didn't say.

Seems very important. Fang Chong is also curious ...


Before long, Fang Chong appeared in front of a gate with the words Warehouse on the door. This is not the first time Fang Chong who has been in contact with the spacecraft, can understand a little bit of simple Mayan characters, similar to the word warehouse, it can be said that Fang Chong has the most contact, understand it is not surprising ...

"What's inside ..." Seeing Fang Chong stopped and didn't talk anymore, everyone was a little curious, they couldn't understand the text, but if they could stop Fang Chong, there must be something to attract Fang Chong's attention ...

"This is one of the spaceship's warehouses. If there are any good things, open the door and see ...". It is known that this spaceship is a medium-sized transport ship up to 100 meters long, Fang Chong did not hide his face. Look forward to ...

"Warehouse?" After hearing Fang Chong's words, Qin Lan's expression was slightly surprised and full of expectations.

Although I do n’t know how Fang Chong knew the warehouse here, as long as there is a good thing, everything else doesn't matter ...

Everyone was slightly nervous and looking forward, and slowly waited for Fang Chong to open the warehouse door ...

And let Fang Chong look a little bit more, the door of this warehouse is obviously more difficult to open than the door through the previous several passages. Even if the Maya system does it by itself, it only takes a short time to contact the central intellectual brain in the space to control the password. time.

However, this difficulty is still not able to stump the Maya system.

A few minutes passed, and under the expectation of Fang Chong and others, the door of the warehouse finally opened ...

But what makes everyone a little bit depressed is that after the warehouse was opened, the black paint did not bring enough surprises to everyone ...

In such an unexpected situation, Fang Chong was also a little speechless, and the Maya system was too unkind to do things. He did not control the central intelligence of the spacecraft to turn on the lights ...

But as the warehouse returned to light, everyone's expressions became stunned as the scenes in the warehouse appeared one after another, and they found that all their previous waits were worth it.

In a warehouse with an area of ​​tens of square meters, a large number of robots are stacked in a dense number. Yes, there should be more than one hundred humanoid robots ...

Looking at these robots ~ www.readwn.com ~ Fang Chongxin couldn't avoid the fierce beating. No one knows more than how great these robots are for them.

The manufacturing robots from the Maya civilization are each more powerful than any manufacturing master on the planet. With hundreds of robots joining the Shanghai base city, it is not an exaggeration to double their strength. The problem.

As long as Fang Chong is given their time, the Shanghai market can reach an unprecedented strength. The future is his own Huaxia, Zak, and the invasion of other countries. Fang Chong is fearless ...

As for others, after Fang Chong described the role of these robots, they finally understood why Fang Chong cares about these robots so much. These robots represent not only technology but also their future.

Although my strength is important, there are assistive technologies that can be used. I am afraid that only fools will not use them, and those people cannot use them, which does not mean that survivors in other base cities cannot use them ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… (To be continued. If you like this work , You are welcome to vote for referrals and monthly passes. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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