"Remove?" After knowing that these robots have such a large role, Song Ming asked, and has been with Fang Chong for a long time. Everyone has become accustomed to the way of doing things rather than killing. m []

Not to mention these robots are all good things ...

"Of course, but I can pack them all up. You go to the surrounding warehouse to see if there is anything else. The spaceship is so big, don't waste it ..." Fang Chong nodded, and it was sure to move away. It wasn't that the spacecraft had already been damaged when it fell. Fang Chong was afraid that even the spacecraft was going to be taken away with him, but now he just thinks about it.

But for him who has storage space, it is not a problem to pack these robots and take them away. As his strength exceeded 400 levels, the storage space he took with him has expanded to 200 cubic meters. Such a large storage There is more space to fit… ..

"Okay ...." The others nodded, Fang Chong already knew this without asking much.

After everyone else left, Fang Chong's gaze stayed on these robots, so he didn't think about it any more, and started to do it manually ...

After dozens of minutes elapsed, Fang Chong had completed another operation, and he had a hundred and twenty robots with different functions in his pocket ...

After finishing this, Fang Chong couldn't help laughing. Today's harvest is here today. I don't know what words to use to describe it, fuck. Fang Chong can't help but explode ...

But I think there are other warehouses for the spaceship. Fang Chong kept walking outside ...

"How's this?" Came out of the warehouse door. After walking for ten meters, Fang Chong stood at the door of another room and asked.

Ling Ya and Muge are busy in the room.

"I don't know what these things are! But we are not going to waste ..." Qin Lan heard Fang Chong's voice, and after turning his head, North Korea praised the things in Yang's hands ...

"Square head?" Fang Chong looked at Qin Lan's hands with a strange expression. Indeed, the things in their hands looked strange and packed tightly. I couldn't see what they were ...

"You know a lot. See for yourself ..." Ling Ya lost Fang Chong's white eyes. What square head is not square head? Mayan civilization might call such a name? However, after thinking that Fang Chong knew more, Ling Ya still threw one for Fang Chong ...

"It is only a kind of food in the Mayan galaxy. However, this food has a high nutritional value. One meal per person will suffice at most, but the only special thing is its taste and taste ...." Fang Chong After taking over the boxy things with hands, Maya's very nice voice appeared in Fang Chong's ears.

"Just food?" Fang Chong did not expect that there was food in such a warehouse, but Maya said that the taste is special, and Fang Chong did not intend to waste ...

"What did you say?" Although Fang Chong was surprised, the voice was not great, but Qin Lan, who was not far away, heard them.

"Nothing, I'm just surprised that the warehouse above this spaceship actually has food!" Fang Chong did not expect that Qin Lan's ears would be so sensitive, but then explained to them such things ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Food?" Qin Lan and Ling Ya heard Fang Chong say these two words. [] [] Almost exclaimed at the same time, apparently they had guessed the role of these boxy things, but they could not think of this thing or food ...

Although it is said that the food in the last days is quite scarce, but taking back some food from such important things as alien spaceships is really depressing and they can't think of it ...

"From the description, the taste is very good, and a person needs only a little to consume a day. In an environment like the last days, it is quite rare. And it is a food from the Mayan civilization. Don't miss it ..." Fang Chong Seeing the error in their hearts, he had to speak comfortably.

From Fang Chong's point of view, they have learned enough today, and he still understands the truth that people cannot be greedy ...

"Now I can only comfort myself ..." Qin Lan and Ling Ya nodded. Although disappointed, waste is even more shameful ....

"Well. Don't be bitter, two big beauties laugh one ..." Fang Chong joked.

With the fun of Fang Chong, Qin Lan and Ling Ya laughed and put aside all disappointment ...

Soon, with the help of Qin Lan and Ling Ya, Fang Chong wiped out the contents of the room without spending much time ...

After leaving the room, of course, the three of them continued to go deep. They did not find anything good, which did not mean that the other people were the same ...

Now they have to pin their hopes on them ...

After walking through the door of a corridor, Fang Chong appeared outside the other room. This room is small in size, but there are a lot of things in it. The people inside are praying ...

"You're here, look at these things, I don't know what it is ..." Fang Chong pointed to the things on his hands, like clothes, but Fang Chong's Judging by the touch, it seems as soft and comfortable as silk.

"It should be a suit of armor, but it seems that this suit of armor is more comfortable ..." Fang Chong guessed, he didn't know everything, but since he has been in the suit of armor for so long, it should be correct … ..

"The host you guessed right, it's just a type of Warframe suit, called 'weak water'. It is a good defense armor suit, which can defend against attacks below level 300, because of the nature of water, let it wear It ’s more comfortable than other types of armor suits, so in Mayan civilization, such armor suits are mostly worn by female warriors…. ”Fang Chong ’s hands really felt very soft, and Maya ’s explanation let Fang Chong I will understand ...

"It seems to be a girl, right?" Qin Lan and Ling Ya picked up one and looked at it. And the two of them knew this very well ...

"You guessed right ..." Fang Chong looked surprised. A woman is indeed a woman. In this kind of problem, he can't catch up with the horse ...

"Pray for you to take a piece back to Jiyu. This suit of armor can defend the attack power below 300, is still good ..." Fang Chong later said to Prayer.

Although he has n’t asked about the progress of the labor prayer and Yu Yu, but there is no good or bad thing that labor prayer sent to Yu Yu ...

"Okay ....." Lao Qing's face turned red, but Fang Chong's meaning was clear. []

Indeed, when Fang Chong said that the defensive power of this thing could reach less than three hundred levels, he was tempted.

If he cares about who he cares about most in the last days, we can say that Yu Yu is the first one ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Did you say that the captain and soldiers before this spacecraft were all girls?" Fang Chong also put away a lot of armor suits. I will continue to the next room, but Fang Chong is a little skeptical ...

"Isn't it possible? You discriminate against girls?" After hearing Fang Chong's words, Ling Ya and Qin Lan hummed at the same time, it seems that the other side is a little dissatisfied ...

"Hehe. I don't mean it, I'm just curious, the Mayan civilization is also a female soldier ..." Fang Chong didn't expect that these two actually care so much about what he said today. At this time, his smartest way is to be confused. ….

"Are you imagining if you are beautiful and charming?" Qin Lan asked with a smile, with a very gentle tone, but such a smile shuddered in Fang Chong's eyes ...

"No, no, no matter how good-looking it may be compared to you?" Fang Chonglian waved his hands again and again, saying to Qin Lan. But he is very familiar. If he accidentally says something wrong, I am afraid they will have an alliance ...

"Count your acquaintance ..." Although Qin Lan knew that Fang Chong was flickering at them, she would still be willing to accept it ...

As for Ling Ya and Lao Qi, listening to their conversation, they couldn't help laughing ....

Listening to Qin Lan's overbearing words, Fang Chong said nothing. Although Qin Lan was overbearing, the reason was simple. Not just afraid of losing him ...

"If the equipment and weapons appear in the next room and the women's clothing is still available, it is likely that the girl's spaceship will be ..." Folding a smile, Fang Chong said very seriously.

If the next few rooms are really like what he said, that would be a good gain, after all, since the end of the last days has erupted so long. Weapons and equipment specifically designed and manufactured for girls have never appeared.

Others don't know if they have thought about it, but Fang Chong himself definitely took it into consideration. After all, there are many women around him.

Their fighting power will not be much weaker than that of men.

Like Qin Lan Muge Ling Ya, they all have very good talents, and Xiao Lan, Murong Xue, and Yu Yu are the same ...

It is not difficult for Fang Chong to understand that women in the last days are not weak. Although in most cases, women still depend on men to survive, this situation refers to a physiological dependence ...

That is, with this understanding, Fang Chong's consideration has passed a little.

The girls 'group itself is not weak. If there are weapons and equipment tailored specifically for girls, can your girls' combat power be more powerful?

Fang Chong thought, the answer should be yes, after all, girls' aggressiveness and evolution are very different from men's, and most men's pursuit of strength and speed.

In most cases, female fighters are flexible and intelligent. Using the same weapons in these two very different situations, the difference is very big ..

"You are right, we are really looking forward to it. If it is really a girl's spaceship, is it not solving the problem you have always wanted to solve before?" Qin Lan nodded and said. "You won't want to suppress our women anymore ..."

"Uh ..." Fang Chong did not expect that Qin Lan was still indifferent, and he was speechless ...


"It's Murong Xue and Pastoral ..."

Haven't entered the door yet. Ling Ya said. It seems that they were assigned when they left ...

"Look at it ..." Fang Chong didn't say much, who is the same. Among the people they came here today, each of Fang Chong was very convinced. Don't say it is Murong Xue Muge two. Fang Chong did not doubt ...

It is Fang Chong's principle to deal with people in the last days ...

"Hmm ..." Qin Lan nodded and opened the door. What's in this room? She is even more curious than Fang Chong.

Fang Chong is worried that they all know it, so being able to relieve this annoyance is undoubtedly something worth celebrating ...

Open the door. Muge and Murong Xue are similar to those of Qin Lan before. They are busy tinkering with some unknown things. As for what these things are, Fang Chong is fainting again. He is going to be tested again. Although the existence of the Mayan system can't help him, but if this spaceship is really a girl, he is afraid that something will be ridiculous. … ..

"You are here ..." Muge saw Fang Chong waiting for several people, but said happily, it is not difficult to see from her expression that they have encountered a problem ...

Watching their eyes asking for help, Fang Chong took the initiative to go up this time without waiting for them to speak ...

"Battle of War ..." After Fang Chong touched one of the tightly packed things, Maya's voice answered without unexpected Fang Chong's.

"War pet?" Listening to these two strange words. Fang Chong can't understand the meaning of this sentence, but from these two words, Fang Chong's understanding can help their own pets, but in an environment like the last days, who else has pets?

I am afraid that even if I was afraid of it, I lost it early. After all, in the environment of the last days, what the cute and harmless pets would look like is obvious to everyone ...

"Yes, these boxes are all eggs of war pets. If they can be recognized by war pets, even ordinary people don't matter. Strength can be aided by war pets ..." Of course, the Maya system can see Fang Chong's doubt.

"Is it open to let others choose by themselves, and success depends on themselves?" Fang Chong asked again, this important question must be understood clearly ...

"Yes, but the premise is a woman ..." The Maya system added ...

"Oh ..." Fang Chong did not expect that this was what the Mayan system emphasized.

After confirming this, Fang Chong was even more certain that the spaceship was dominated by girls. From the previous to the current pets, Fang Chong's guess is not without reason ...

However, Fang Chong also accepted this situation very much, which he hoped.

"Fang Chong, what are you sending?" Looking at Fang Chong holding the box. Qin Lan and Ling Yala pulled him, and Fang Chong ’s habit of walking away is very bad, but what makes them feel strange is that when the situation is dangerous, Fang Chong never had this situation, but when they asked questions At the time, he walked the most.

Although some doubted that Fang Chong knew that so many things were related to his walking away, but they couldn't imagine where the connection was ...

"No, I'm just thinking about what this thing is ..." Fang Chong smiled awkwardly, and wanted to communicate with the Maya system, which is necessary for the gods. In this case, he didn't know how to explain it, but he put the Maya system It is absolutely impossible to say it directly, after all, he promised the Mayan system.

And the Mayan system is his biggest secret. Even if they were Qin Lan, Fang Chong could not say ...

"What is this thing? You know ..." Murong Xue and Muge cast their gazes at the same time.

The two of them just discussed for a long time, but just found nothing ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"You can understand them as a kind of egg ..." Fang Chong opened the box and took out an egg with a length of about 30 cm.

"Egg?" Looking at such a crimson Dongdong, Qin Lan's expression was very surprised! What kind of egg is so big, and what is the role of this egg? Could it be fried?

"Yes, this is an egg, but among the hundreds of eggs, there are many different types, and the different types of eggs also represent different abilities ..." Fang Chong opened it handily; Another box, and the color of the eggs appearing in this box is a light green, very beautiful, giving a very comfortable feeling.

"Ability? What are you talking about, Fang Chong ..." Although these words Fang Chong said sounded simple, they still could hear the fog, especially after Fang Chong said the ability, they were even more unwilling. Solved ...

"Simply speaking, these eggs come from different creatures, and if they can be recognized by these eggs, they can become their masters, and their names are called pets of war ..." Fang Chongton paused and organized the words I'll introduce it later. He believes that this introduction is always clear?

"Battle of war?" Qin Lan's eyes widened at this moment. They understood, but is this possible?

"That's right ~ www.readwn.com ~ You can try this time, if the egg will light up, it will prove that they acknowledge you ..." Fang Chong nodded, and said the method he just got from the Maya system come out.

The method is simple, but success depends on God's providence ...

"Okay ....." Mage songs are gearing up. After all, in the face of such things, in addition to becoming strong, curiosity also occupies a lot of elements ...

"Then why don't you try it ..." The girls started to try, but Qin Lan couldn't help asking Fang Chong when they stood on the side.

From Fang Chong's words, they all understand that if there is one more pet, there will be more fighting power ...

"This spaceship belongs to you. Only girls can own the pet of this war ..." Fang Chong smiled slightly ...

……………………………………………………………………………… .. (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come (Vote for referrals and monthly passes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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