I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 499: Return and killer


Listening to Fang Chong's words, Qin Lan had a look of surprise on their faces, and no time was wasted. Fang Chong's ability was clear to them, and he would not make a boring joke on such things. m [Go to the novel ~]

Although it is temporarily unknown what the role of the war pet is, Fang Chong said that they were still moved.

Fang Chong's words, they were very convinced, Fang Chong also had a reason to lie to them ...

Everyone with this idea, under the command of Fang Chong, walked in front of several boxes that had been opened in an orderly manner, and the next action was to touch.

Whether the eggs of the war pets will light up for you is a question mark, and it is why they are stinging now.

War pets are unwilling to identify with your existence. In fact, the relationship is not particularly big, but with pets, the biggest change is combat effectiveness. It can be said that it can double the combat effectiveness ...

This is the top priority ...

Qin Lan was the one who walked in the forefront. After watching Fang Chong opened dozens of boxes of different colors, Qin Lan took a deep breath, and she took a step forward and came to the front of Fang Chong ...

"Don't be nervous, isn't it just the egg of a pet of war? No big deal ..." Fang Chong spoke with consolation when Qin Lan's expression was tense, always the first time ...

"Understand ..." Qin Lan listened to Fang Chong's words, and some understood. After exhaling, she lifted her fair arms slowly, then slowly put her hand to a color as Fang Chong said. On the flaming egg, Qin Lan's slightly trembling hand can still see that Qin Lan is still a little nervous ...

However, Fang Chong didn't say anything again, but his reaction was similar to Qin Lan's, and he looked at Qin Lan with a little nervous expression. Fang Chong's heart was very hopeful that Qin Lan could get a war pet smoothly. .

But will things be consistent with Fang Chong's wishes? It's hard to say ...

Qin Lan's expression was very serious. As her hand touched the fiery red egg, Fang Chong's expression became more serious.

Fang Chong said that he didn't care if it was false. If everyone of Qin Lan could have one strength, compared with them, they were not too many pets. He would be more at ease with their safety ...

After all, the eschatological future is becoming increasingly dangerous, especially after the large-scale emergence of the Zak ...

Fang Chong was secretly praying. I hope that Qin Lan and each of them can meet the conditions ...

"No movement ..." Qin Lan's expression was very serious, and the action was meticulous as Fang Chong said, but the first fiery red egg didn't react at all. It can be predicted that this egg is not Qin Lan's dish at all ...

"It's okay, there's so much later, try slowly. There is always one for you ....." Although Fang Chong had thought about this situation, he was worried and comforted after seeing Qin Lan's slightly disappointed eyes. .

He knew he couldn't expect too much, after all, it wasn't something he could control.

And he had forgotten to ask Maya before, is it still suitable for girls sent to earth by things like war pets?

However, Fang Chong knew that it was not suitable to say this at this time. Just don't ask, let Qin Lan have their luck ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

After Fang Chong straightened his mind, he was not as nervous as before. The reason why Qin Lan cares so much Fang Chong understood at the moment when he looked away. The biggest reason why Qin Lan was so strong was that he wanted to be more In addition to surviving, I hope to help Fang Chong in fighting. (Go to read the novel.) She hopes that every time Fang Chong fights, she will be her back to back ...

She gave Fang Chong's back to other people ...

"This kind of thing is similar to luck. We don't hold too much hope. Becoming stronger is not just this time ..." Fang Chong wanted to understand this time and then he spoke this time very clearly. He believed Qin Lan should Can hear what he wants to express ...

"Okay ..." Qin Lan nodded. She knew that her thoughts had been seen through by Fang Chong, but Fang Chong was not unreasonable. There are many ways to become stronger. Especially with the gene drug Moxin, the situation is even more different.

Qin Lan believes. They should be able to break through the five hundred levels in the near future, by that time. Can really be regarded as entering the ranks of the strong ....

After thinking about this, Qin Lan smiled slightly ...

"You follow each other one by one, and take it off when you light up ..." Fang Chong saw Qin Lan's smiling face, and he also smiled. He could see that Qin Lan had figured it out, and this was undoubtedly what he wanted to see of….

"Understand ..." Muge nodded in the back. Unlike Qin Lan's and Fang Chong's worries before, the smile on Muge's face showed that she was very excited, and she can expect to have such a pet. of.

And Murong Xue and Xiao Lan at the back were quite calm.

But knowing that there are more people than there is no such reason, still line up, as Fang Chong said, come one by one ...

After Qin Lan figured it out, his hands moved faster.

After no longer paying attention to yes or no, she did every standard of action, but as soon as the egg did not respond, he quickly gave up ...

Qin Lan soon tried red, orange, yellow, green, and blue… .. and waited for dozens of colors of eggs to try a change, but unexpectedly none of them could light up ...

After looking at the last color of the egg that is not too different from the ordinary white egg, Qin Lan's hand slowly put it up ...

Although this egg looks unattractive, it is quite certain that this guy is definitely not an egg, because the role of ten eggs is not as good as ...

"It's on, it's on ..." But when Fang Chong was thinking about these things, others exclaimed ...

Fang Chong turned to look at the past. Qin Lan touched the white egg with his hands, and a soft white light emitted from the white egg, which felt very warm ...

Qin Lan didn't know it at first, but after hearing everyone's exclaiming voice and the kind of warmth coming from her palms, the corner of her mouth raised slightly, and she showed her inner excitement and happiness without any concealment ...

"There was a reaction ....." Fang Chong relieved, his worries dropped as the last white egg lit up. Maya didn't lie ...

But what kind of war pet will appear in this white egg? Fang Chong is looking forward to ...

"I can feel its vitality, the little guy is very naughty in the egg ..." Qin Lan's eyes were slightly closed, but already closed tightly. [Just read the novel ~] She describes her feelings at the moment ...

It ’s different from touching the egg before, it was cold before, but now? Qin Lan could very clearly feel the information revealed to her from the egg.

"Put a little blood on the egg. After completing the last action, I don't know what kind of war pet will appear in the egg in the future ..." Fang Chong added ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

After completing these actions, Qin Lan left the egg.

The description of Qin Lan and the look of holding a white egg made others more impulsive to try ...

"It's on, it's on ..." Muge went down in Qin Lan for a few minutes. A green egg in her hand is similar to the white egg of Qin Lan just now, exuding a touch of green ...

As two people in a row were able to be fortunate to get approval, the expressions of the following people became more calm.

Murong Xue is the third, but compared to Qin Lan's troubles and ease of pastoral ...

When Murong Xue touched almost half of her hand, a black egg lit up ...

Finally, Ling Ya. What surprised everyone was that after Ling Ya's hand touched the first red War 1 pet egg, the surface of the egg suddenly lighted up. There is no doubt that red is Ling Ya ...

Inevitably happy, Murong Xue and Qin Lan Muge are no different. After the black egg lights up, she picks up and walks to Qin Lan Muge. Discuss with them about the pets of the war pet ...

Ling Ya's reaction is of course the same ...

Fang Chong looked at them like this. Nothing more to say, it's common for girls to overflow with love ...

However, they can no doubt treat their pets in this way. It is undoubtedly a thing Fang Chong would like to see. As pets of a combat system, the better the master treats them, the more they will definitely repay the master ...

In the ensuing time, Fang Chong was not wasted, and Xiao Lan and Song Ming did not know what was there. And Li Yunyu ...

Maybe they will have other gains in this spaceship ...

…………………………………………………… ..

Not long. After all the pets of the war pet had been stored in the storage space, Fang Chong and they left the room. Run straight to the back ...

The gains along the way have been no small, but the greedy of human nature, Rao is Fang Chong knows this truth, but when the Maya system confirms that there is no danger, he has not been able to stop his heart ...

Want powerful ...

The steps of the crowd were fast, and they appeared outside a room on the first floor of the spacecraft. Listening to the sound coming from the room, they went in without much hesitation ...

Xiao Lan and Song Ming are inside, and this room is large, but from the look of it, it doesn't look like a warehouse or something, it is more like a rest cabin ...

However, judging from the things in the center of the room, it's not hard to see that Xiao Lan and Song Ming still learned something.

"Lightsaber ..." Qin Lan and others who have been in contact with this weapon for a while before, called the names of these weapons at once. Lightsaber is indeed the most suitable weapon for girls. Light and sensitive. These are the benefits of lightsaber .

The biggest reason why Qin Lan abandoned them in the lightsaber was that the lightsaber's lethality was limited. With higher levels, Qin Lan and others had to abandon the higher the number of combat opponents they contacted ...

But do these lightsabers work today? Fang Chong hesitated.

There are many types of lightsabers, and it is not surprising that their lethality is strong. What Fang Chong is not sure about right now is the situation of these lightsabers ...

"What is the lethality ..." Muge asked curiously, one of her lightsaber enthusiasts ...

"It should be good, after all, this spaceship doesn't seem to have a low level ..." Fang Chong looked around and responded ...

"Hurry up and see ..." Muge heard Fang Chong's words, and there was an impatient rush ...

"Okay, let me see ...." Muge ’s coquettish trick is almost impossible. When faced with this trick, Fang Chong is always difficult to fight ...

However, he himself has a lot of curiosity and wants to take a look and bring such a weapon back, maybe he can bring a new idea to the young children Ye Lao ...

After all, if we did n’t meet again today, Fang Chong ignored this weapon ...


Through the Mayan system. Fang Chong easily gained the power of these lightsabers, but what disappointed Fang Chong was that although these lightsabers were higher than the lightsabers they had before. However, the power of the lightsaber is similar to that of the previous armor set, but it is maintained at 300 levels. This level of lightsaber does not help Fang Chong them much ...

But knowing the power of the lightsaber is just that. Fang Chong and they were not disappointed. After all, they could not use it. There were many people who could use it. There was no need to be disappointed ...

And from the power of the lightsaber and the defensive power of the previous armor set, Fang Chong can be sure. The strength of the Maya civilization's combatants on the spaceship should be about three hundred levels ...

Belongs to ordinary combatants.

But otherwise, this spaceship will not be hijacked by the Zak ...

Folding these lightsabers, Fang Chong went to the last spaceship. As for what was inside the space, they expected ...

Fang Chong's footsteps are getting faster and faster. The light coming in through the spacecraft's window, Fang Chong they can see the afterglow of the sunset, if you don't hurry. The base city of Nanyue may not be able to go back at night….

Although speaking of their current strength. Coupled with staying inside this spaceship, there is no problem in safety, but being able to go home is similar to home. It is always more secure than being outside. This is a kind of spiritual sustenance ....

"You look at these, it seems to be chips ..." When Fang Chong entered the last room. Li Yunyu, who was sitting in front of a table, was holding a few green things in his hands, which looked quite complicated.

When Fang Chong came to him. He raised his hand and asked Fang Chong ...

"This is a smart chip ..." Fang Chong is no stranger to this thing. Maya already told Fang Chong long ago that there are things like smart chips and their functions ...

Fang Chong remembers that when he heard the role of such a powerful chip, he was urged to buy it.

. "What do you mean ..." Fang Chong's words puzzled others, the chip is the chip, what kind of smart chip, but also the smart phone ...

The question is can it be confused?

"The chip that can control many electronic products is hundreds of times smarter than humans ..." Fang Chong didn't plan to manage other things at all, he just wanted to survive well ...

"So these chips are also good things?" Muge's expression of the reader's unquestionable tone ...

"Yes, good things, especially in the area of ​​scientific and technological research and development, it is most suitable to have more intelligent chips that are not completely assimilated ...


"Well, it's time for us to go back. Today's harvest is no small, there is no reason to come outside, and after we go back, we have to talk to Yu Yu and let her send soldiers to dig energy crystal stones. These All are necessary ..... "Fang Chong and others packed up the smart chip, and at the same time expressed his thoughts ...

"It shouldn't be difficult to send someone to dig up the energy crystal stone. Although mutant creatures may appear again, it should not be a problem to have energy weapon guards ..." Lao Prat said, he saw the giant lizard that threatened them the most. The creature is no longer killed, and he has nothing to worry about.

However, as the commander of the base city of Nanyue, even if their relationship is not ordinary, he still has to respect her ...

"Okay ..." Others have no opinion ...

When the team of Fang Chong and their team appeared at the gate of Nanyue Base City, it was already night, and after returning to the base of Nanyue City, Yu Yu's figure was beyond everyone's imagination. She stood at the door. waiting. As for waiting for Fang Chong or praying, I don't know ...

They didn't ask, but one thing they can be sure of is that if they ask, Ye Yu won't tell the truth.

"How about today ..." Back to the center of the base, which is where Yu Yu lived, she couldn't wait to ask.

The strength of Yi Fang Chong's group of people is still so late ~ www.readwn.com ~ It seems that I should have encountered some trouble ...

"I ran into a big guy, the maker of that strange sound ..." Rao said, but when it came to giant lizards, he was still a little scared, even if they were subdued by Fang Chong now. .

After all, the gap in strength is placed here and there ...

"You're talking about this little thing?" Qiu Yu heard Fang Chong's conquest of her, and her eyes suddenly noticed a lizard on Fang Chong's shoulder that became similar in color to the black armor set on Fang Chong's body ... ..

"Yeah ..." Fang Chong nodded. Fang Chong was surprised by the ability of the giant lizard to be powerful and small, but this ability did what Fang Chong wanted to see, because many times the giant lizard would become Their killer 锏 ...

………………………………………………………………………… (Unfinished To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (an.) To vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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