I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 500: Fleet on the Pacific


She Yu looked at the lizard on Fang Chong's shoulder with a doubtful expression. How could she imagine that the small lizard that she saw now could be changed to hundreds of meters in length? This kind of visual impact 佟Yu is hard to imagine ...

But if Fang Chong and so many of them join together to lie to her, it is impossible, let alone she knows the prayer of labor so much, the specificity of blinking of labor prayer does not flash out. m [] 78xs.

Others can deceive her, but prayer is impossible. She still has confidence in her sitting, and she has no motive to deceive her ...

Yan Yu finally chose to believe.

However, I have to say that when leaving the reservoir, the giant lizards made such a figure and Fang Chong were all frightened. After all, this ability was too bad, and Fang Chong was so depressed. It is the giant lizard that has vomited blood and has become smaller.

It's like this, it can understand people's words, and of course know that Yu Yu is talking about him, and he even blinked. This expression made everyone laugh, and Fang Chong almost forgot the danger of this guy ...

However, such a giant lizard, Fang Chong is even more discoverable. This killer will definitely give him more help in the future. Fang Chong is very much looking forward to his future opponents. Whether humans or Zak people see this lizard suddenly Wouldn't it be a surprise to see the big changes in your face?

"Well, I won't say anything about this lizard for the time being, don't be deceived by its appearance, this guy is very cruel ..." Fang Chong returned to business, and there are still many plans to implement in the future. Attention to this giant lizard is undoubtedly a waste ...

However, Fang Chong's remarks caused the dissatisfaction of the giant lizard. He looked at Fang Chong with aggrieved eyes, and with tears in his mouth, he also made two hums in his mouth to indicate his dissatisfaction ... " It's cruel ... "

Such a reaction, Qin Lan, Yan Yu, they bent over with a smile, it was too funny ...

It is simply the temper of a child. However, Fang Chong was not angry. According to the age of the lizard, this guy said that he was still a kid ...

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Going to dig up the energy crystal over the reservoir?" Xu Yu said after listening to Fang Chong. She frowned slightly, and it was not difficult to dig up the energy crystal stone, but the rumors that have been circulating since this time have planted a scared seed in the hearts of many people.

Ordering people to die, although it works, does it. Obviously, they violated the rules they set in the base city. They broke their own rules and may not have anything before encountering any major troubles. After all, the powerful strength they have is there, but once the southern Guangdong base city meets What a fatal blow. I ’m afraid it ’s just an instant, this base city in Nanyue may be torn apart, fighting on its own, but it ’s time to not keep it at all ...

This consequence is what Yu Yu does not want to see ...

"Yes, we don't have so much time to stay here, and you should know the preciousness of the energy crystal stone ..." Fang Chong nodded, everything can be abandoned, but this energy crystal stone cannot be missed.

To a large extent this energy crystal stone represents the future of mankind ...

"Now the giant lizard inside the reservoir is here. [You can read the novel ~] You don't have to worry too much about the safety of the people who go there ..." Qin Lan could see the reason why Yu Yu frowned.

"I know. It ’s just been so enthusiastic before. It's hard to make people think that it's fundamental at all. I don't know what reason to keep people from resisting it ..." Yu Yu nodded. You know, but what do you say?

"It is impossible to order death, it will aggravate the contradiction between the survivors and those in power in our base city ..." Xu Yu added ...

"Death order is absolutely not possible. But we can use rewards to reward materials with the amount of energy crystals dug out. Weapons, including genetic potions. I believe that in an environment like the last days, we want to become strong People will not be in the minority ... Fang Chong is not difficult to be overcome by this problem. In Fang Chong's view, there are many solutions.

And reward materials, weapons, including genetic medicine, is undoubtedly the most suitable method. Without survivors, they would not want to live better.

The powerful combat power is a guarantee of good survival ...

In the case of a fight, you can become strong. I am afraid that many people are willing to take risks. After all, no one is as good as a dog in the last days, especially when the child becomes better.

Although in the base city, there are rules set by Yu Yu and them, but it is simply impossible to truly achieve equality for all. Survivors with strong strengths do not have problems eating meat and soup, but those with weak strengths, The most bite is the food that has spoiled rice, rice noodles ...

Wanting to eat meat is simply a luxury. In this case, even if they wanted to change, Fang Chong could not do it.

After all, if you try your best to eat the same things as survivors who have no fighting power, I'm afraid they won't fight again.

Human beings want motivation, and a superior life is often a motivation ...

"This idea works ..." Fang Chong finished, praying that his eyes lighted up. He didn't say a word from now until now. To a large extent, he was tangled about how to solve it. problem.

Fang Chong's words instantly made him realize.

After all, weapon preparations include genetic medicines, and there are many base cities in Nanyue. Before, no conditions were given to vary from person to person. After all, everyone's potential is different. Under the circumstances that genetic medicine and weapon preparations are limited , They can only do so, and the technical strength of the base city of Nanyue is lower than that of the base city of Shanghai. I do n’t know how many times. It ’s impossible to satisfy ...

It can be said that it is an enviable thing to own a suit of armor in the base city of Nanyue ...


"If it works, you can start preparing. There are many more tests in the future. In terms of weapons and equipment, I will let the Shanghai base city send an extra batch of ..." Fang Chong nodded, may he have a bad idea?

"Fang Chong, I want to ask, you seem to be under a lot of pressure this time, why is it ..." Lao Qi said when Fang Chong finished talking. (Read novels.)

Fang Chong did not weaken. But the concerns they show from time to time can still be seen ...

"Our survivors are afraid that there will be a lot of enemies, except for zombies and mutants. Zach, I am afraid that there are some people who are reluctant to power. You must be prepared for the near future. Our enemies will have more of us. Fang Chong… .. ”Fang Chong said with a gentle smile, but he very much hoped that his worry was superfluous, but in this case, is it possible?

"You mean ..." Lao Qi's expression suddenly chilled. Although Fang Chong did not say clearly, he was still able to hear something different, after all, he also came from that place.

I heard Fang Chong say this today, and he finally understood why after the end of the last days, he had never heard of a large-scale counterattack by a human army ...

Although the zombie mutants are very powerful, they can survive to this day by searching for weapons and equipment left over from military bases. Can the well-prepared army be wiped out all at once? It is simply impossible, and what might be powerful is what Fang Chong said. Someone reluctant to power ...

"That's right. Everyone who keeps an eye on everything becomes ...." Fang Chong nodded, but at the stage of doubt, he didn't want to say anything. He believes that it doesn't take much time for everything to be clear ...

After all, people who like power can't hold it for so long ...

"Our base city in Nanyue will always be on your side. Regardless of the organization of the survivors, we cannot let Qin power out ..." Yu Yu saw such an angry expression of labor prayer. Although the conversation between Fang Chong and Lao Qi was a bit like a maze, she was still able to hear something ...

Prayer shows attitude. She must support everything she says.

"I hope our guesses are all wrong, but with the repair of the satellite system to be successful. What we want to know is not far away ..." Fang Chong exhaled, although feeling a bit self-deceiving, However, Fang Chong actually hoped that ...


"Well, these things will not be mentioned for the time being, everyone will be careful. You will also get some good things on the alien spaceship. You Yu and Xiao Lan have a fate ..." Fang Chong also did not want this atmosphere Everyone was out of breath.

Thinking that Xiao Lan and Yan Yu had not picked the eggs of the war pets, Fang Chong took out dozens of different eggs belonging to xìng.

But he couldn't guarantee that Xiaolan and Yan Yu would be recognized like Qin Lan and they ...

Although Qin Lan hadn't gotten any of them unexpectedly before, Maya said that the chance was about 80%.

But it is not low ...

"There is such a thing ..." Looking at the different eggs of Yan Sè, Xiao Lan and Yan Yu's expressions were difficult to hide. Especially after Fang Chong talked about the great role of war pets, they became even more excited.

Although Fang Chong said that it was a 80% chance that they were a little worried, but it didn't matter ...

"I'm here first ..." At this time, Yu Yu no longer looked like a big sister close to thirty years old, and she didn't know where to throw it. She looked like she was rubbing her muscles, very funny ...

"Which one should I choose?" Standing in front of the dozen or so eggs lined up, Yu Yu's expression was serious, but her hand was stretched out and then collected, and she was uncertain on several occasions ...

"It's them who pick you, not you, just put them one by one ..." Fang Chong They looked at the childlike appearance of Yu Yu, but smiled lightly, but they prayed a little. But went ...

"I know ..." Yu Yu didn't expect that the usual prayers, which are not usually spoken, would say this, and I was a little surprised to know that she did have a lot of nonsense, and I spit out my tongue and prayed, but didn't think much , Put your hand up ...

"No response, or nothing ..."

And then, Yu Yu's expression was depressed, trying one by one, but she didn't have any response until she tried seven, she panicked. She was so envious that Fang Chong had such a small lizard wrapped around her body ...

"How many more ..." Lao Qi smiled helplessly, and the expression that Yu Yu was about to cry could only comfort him ...

"Okay ..." Seeing the encouraging look cast by Lao Qi, Pu Yu gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

The hand slowly stretched out, as if the hand weighed ten million pounds.

"Lighted up ..." Finally. After covering his hands with a pet of the war pet of Yan Huang, a faint light of Huang Huang is emitted from the gap between the fingers of Yan Yu ....

Hearing the exclamation of labor prayer, Yan Yu's originally closed eyes opened instantly. His expression was garbled, but it was quickly obtained by surprise.

As for Xiao Lan, looking at Yu Yu, who was holding the pet of the war pet tightly, she walked to the table calmly.


The calmness of the sniper showed no doubt on Xiao Lan at this time.

This calmness is even admired by Fang Chongdu. Xiao Lan's ability to become a top sniper is not easy, and the effort behind it is much more than them ...

Looking at Xiaolan's calm treatment, Fang Chong smiled happily on his face. Xiaolan grew up quickly, and for more than a year. This little girl had to hide behind Qin Lan from the beginning to the present, and now she can stand alone from the changes. It is not a big deal. Fang Chong is very relieved. Over time, they will become stronger and stronger. definitely….

What surprised everyone was that when Xiao Lan gently placed her hand on the second dark pet of the war pet, the black egg lighted up. This kind of treatment attracted Yan Yu's envy. You know, she was so worried about death ...

I'm afraid I can't get the recognition of these pets ...

It was really person-to-person, irritating, but after Yu Yu's envy moved slightly with her eggs, her attention suddenly returned to the eggs of her pets.

That expression can't be overstated ...

It is envious and envious to watch Lao Yu hold the pet of war in her arms tightly. You have to know how long ago, Yu Yu hasn't let him touch him, but now the towering mountains that he thinks about night let the eggs of this war pet take up ...

Prayer really has the urge to lose this egg ...

But thought of losing the pet of this war pet. The consequences of Li Yu's loss of him may be forgotten after he grinned ...

"That's right. When will Fang Chong's egg be broken? ..." As Ling Xiao was recognized, Ling Ya asked. She was also no different from the others, always looking at the eggs in her hands.

"It shouldn't take long, maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow ..." Fang Chong shook his head slightly. He didn't know the exact time, but from Maya, it shouldn't take too long ...

"What do you need to pay attention to?" Qi Yu also asked, but now her attention was completely on the pet of the war pet.

"Don't drop it, it will be ok ..." Fang Chong knew this, he had asked about it.

It is also strange to say that the eggs of this war pet are a very special existence. If you do not recognize the owner, they will not be out of the shell for a long time, but once you recognize the Lord, you can be born within a short time. , And once the food is sufficient, the growth rate will not be inferior to the mutant creature or Zak ...

Speaking of, in the Mayan galaxy, the research and development direction of this war pet is based on the Zak genes in science and technology. If you talk seriously, there is a certain relationship with the Zak ...

"Since there are no other places to pay attention to, we left, leaving this place to Lao Prayer and Qiu Yu ..." Qin Lan said, after a busy day, she experienced everything nervously, and to be honest, Qin Lan still It really feels tired ...

"That's right ..." Muge smiled hesitantly, looking at Lao Qi and Yu Yu's eyes full of ambiguous ...

Qin Lan and Muge made a joke like this, and Fei Yu's face became rare and blushed, but Lao Qi smirked with a thick expression. This expression made Fang Chong very suspicious. Is this to pray?

"Where have your eyes been looking ..." Fang Chong and his team left after dozens of people left, and Yu Yu's face was still red and red. After looking back, she looked at her prayer eyes and stared at her, sweet in her heart. Yu also has a plan of amusement ...

"I'm watching this abominable egg occupying my place ..." Labor prayed and pointed at the egg and said ...

"You… .." Yu Yu didn't expect that there was such a side to labor prayer, and she didn't know how to say it when she faced her face. Of course, the position occupied by the egg Yu Yu knew of her proud mountains ...

Is there such an unscrupulous aspect of labor prayer?

Ye Yu was shocked and happy ~ www.readwn.com ~ It was not that she was unwilling to pray for labor, but that the fellow was praying without knowing it.

"It's mine. I don't want it to occupy ..." When Lao Yu's expression was wrong, Lao Qi took the egg with her hand and hugged it at the same time. Her hands politely occupied two proud mountains ... .

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"Huang Qianchuan called and said that satellites found moving objects appearing in the Pacific Ocean. I don't know whether it is a warship or a mutant creature, but from a volume point of view, he is more willing to believe in a warship ..." Shortly after returning to his residence, Qin Lan looked dignified Report a message to Fang Chong ...

The repair of the satellite is nearing completion. Although it has not been restored to its original state for the time being, it is already operational.

Huang Qianchuan's discovery of this kind is the fruit ... (to be continued ...)

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