I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 506: Take a stand


"They can fly?" Watching Fang Chong and Qin Lanyun reach the warship from their volley in a light breeze, such an incredible scene, seeing all the Chinese soldiers who can see Fang Chong and theirs There was a stunned expression with the commander. m []

When will humans fly? This kind of scene that has transcended their cognition of humans has caused a wave of ferocious waves in their hearts. The feeling is afraid that only they can describe it ...

Under their gazing eyes, Fang Chong and the two of them were not timid or slow, step by step towards the battleship's command cabin.

I do n’t know if someone noticed or was shocked by the strength shown by Fang Chong, there were a lot of soldiers on the battleship deck, and none of them walked over to block, let Fang Chong approach them ...

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!", While the knocking of the door of the warship command cabin was silent, dozens of commanders in it awakened.

After Fang Chong and Qin Lan could not be seen through the front glass, they knew very well that the knock at this time was undoubtedly them.

Everyone glanced at each other, a commander closest to the hatch came over, but from his solemn expression it is not difficult to see that he was very afraid of Fang Chong their strength ...

Fang Chong's performance is no longer like what human beings can have, and the ability to fly is too bad.

The idea of ​​being able to fly has no idea how many humans have fantasised and expected since ancient times, but is there anyone who can actually achieve flying?

This is especially the case without the help of other things. If it was before today. Tell them that they will not believe it, but after today, they believe it ...

Of course, if there were not so many people to witness together, they would even suspect that their eyes were out of order ...

"Squeak ..." The heavy metal hatch opened slowly with a sound, and the figures of Fang Chong and Qin Lan appeared at the door ...

Looking at the two young faces of Fang Chong and Qin Lan, they were shocked again.

Although far away, Fang Chong could be noticed that they were not very old, but after a closer look. Younger than their imagination, he exaggerated ...

While they were looking at Fang Chong Qin Lan, Fang Chong and Qin Lan were also looking at them, and they also entered the cabin door ....

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

Fang Chong's expression remained calm. And Qin Lan didn't show much. Before Fang Chong did not speak, she was quiet. Her world was dominated by Fang Chong. Even if she knew these commanders, maybe someone would know her or her father. , But she still didn't speak ...

The silence spread throughout the command cabin, and the atmosphere suddenly became heavy. The aura of Fang Chong's performance was that these officers who were not low in the Huaxia military were all calmed down ...

"Your Huaxia military people?" Finally. After a few minutes of silence, Fang Chong spoke, but the sound was unexpectedly bland and not loud, but the tone without the slightest emotion made people unable to believe what the ear heard ...

Listening to Fang Chong's voice, the bodies of dozens of Huaxia commanders were stiff. They had imagined that Fang Chong would ask this question, but they couldn't think of Fang Chong's words in such a way. [Read the novel ~]

What does Fang Chong mean? They don't understand, but they are very clear that Fang Chong is definitely not a person who likes the Huaxia military. It can even be said to be hate ...

"Yes, we are the warships of the Huaxia military, you are ..." The old commander who obviously felt the pressure, nodded after Fang Chong asked such words.

"We?" Hear the old commander said. Fang Chong smiled faintly, but such a smile seemed to be indescribable to others in the command cabin. It seems to be laughing at themselves, but also laughing at them ...

"They are all Huaxia people, tell us that there is nothing like that, right?" Listening to Fang Chong's words, a thick-eyed man standing beside the old commander, a very sturdy man out loud, from him It can be seen that he is clearly different from other commanders.

It should belong to the bodyguards of each of these commanders ...

"Really?" Fang Chong raised his eyebrows slightly, with the slightest smile in his corner of his mouth as he looked at the black man who just spoke.

Although Fang Chong's body looks much smaller and tougher than this black suit, but after seeing the faint smile on the corner of Fang Chong's mouth, the expression of the black man who just spoke instantly froze.

Fang Chong's eyes made him tremble violently from his heart. He even thought that Fang Chong would have a violent uprising, which would end his life in an instant. It was too terrible ...

The back of the man in black was almost completely wet ...

The dissatisfaction revealed in Fang Chonghua, who fired at Geshan, the atmosphere of the entire command cabin instantly dropped to the freezing point ...

At this time, the dozen or so commanders suddenly discovered that they originally thought that they had overestimated Fang Chong, but this was not the case. From Fang Chong's present intention to kill, they have fully determined that Fang Chong is powerful. They believe that if Fang Chong wanted to kill them, no one of them would want to leave here alive today ...

Thinking of this, they even complained about this man in black. What was going on? Aren't you asking for it?

But in fact, they were also very clear in their hearts that before they met them, this man in black was very powerful. Even in the naval base, he was ranked number one ...

The man in black is a relatively famous evolutionary ...


"Fang Chong, forget it ....." Of course, Qin Lan can feel the sudden change of atmosphere, and Qin Lan can even feel the dissatisfaction revealed in Fang Chong's tone.

It was clear to him that Fang Chong had hated the military before this time. Qin Lan was very worried that Fang Chong would kill all of them ...

Although killing these people is nothing. But Qin Lan was worried that Fang Chong lost his heart.

What if a person loses his heart? Qin Lan is unwilling to think ...

"........." Fang Chong's hand was grabbed by Qin Lan's hand. He glanced back. Although he was still unhappy, he understood something from Qin Lan's eyes and took a deep breath. After the tone, he nodded ...

"Mr. Fang Chong, I'm sorry, he didn't know how to offend Mr., I apologize for him like you ..." The old commander saw Fang Chong's expression returned to calmness, and looked at Qin Lan very gratefully, he took a step forward. (Reading novels.) The tone is very sincere

"I ask you, how many people are there in the Huaxia military ..." Fang Chong did not express forgiveness. In his opinion, the face of the old commander has not been so great. And similar to Qin Lan's thinking, Fang Chong now hates the existence of the military ...

If it weren't for him, he wouldn't have come to the Chinese battleship here ...

"I don't know about the army, but there should be hundreds of thousands of words in the navy ..." Although I didn't know what Fang Chong asked about these, but after seeing Fang Chong's strength and intelligence, he didn't weave a number by himself, he didn't have the confidence to make up Come up with a lie that can be hidden from Fang Chong.

Fang Chong's sophistication made him feel ashamed ...

"Hundreds of thousands?" Fang Chong's face suddenly became cold as he heard such a figure. From the words of the old commander, Fang Chong has determined that what he had thought about before was facts, and the military just hid ...

Otherwise, the navy alone would have so many troops left ...

You know, in many survivor base cities, the number of survivors is tens of thousands, and the number of survivors is less than that of the army. What does this mean ...

Watching Fang Chong's expression changed completely, Qin Lan's heart raised. The last thing to believe was confirmed.

Before the end of the last days, although the number of Chinese Navy is not known, they do not know, but it should not exceed one million. Almost half of the survival rate is too ridiculous and sad ...

The proportion of ordinary people now is less than one twentieth ...

"This is the Huaxia military ..." Fang Chong flashed a look of choice, his voice mocking himself.

"What do you mean?" Listening to Fang Chong. The old commander flashed a look of mischief, but soon he realized something.

"What do you mean? The proportion of survivors in the army should not be less than 50%, or even 60% to 70% ..." Fang Chong determined that the Huaxia military was really as he had guessed. He had a decision in his mind.

After making a decision, Fang Chong's hatred was not revealed in any concealment.

"Less than half the chance of death, but the general population is less than one-twentieth, do you forget that China has 1.3 billion people before the end of the last days ..." Fang Chong growled, The words are filled with dissatisfaction and hatred ...

"What are their soldiers in the rice country? In order to break through whether human beings can evolve again and protect the people, coming to Huaxia far away, it seems to us as an invasion, but in the eyes of the rice people? They are heroes. Fang Chong said this. He even felt that the soldiers of the Riceland were much more adorable than their own. At least they did not forget their mission of protecting the people ...


Listening to Fang Chong's roar, in the command cabin, a dozen commanders became pale, they are not ignorant of this, but for a long time, everyone has subconsciously ignored this problem, and everyone has not mentioned it tacitly ... ..

But now, when Fang Chong was unveiled in the face, they finally knew why Fang Chong looked so bad to them ...

They believe that if all Huaxia survivors knew what the military did after the outbreak of the last days, they were afraid that they would hold Maya in Huaxia ...

"Who doesn't want to live well and is so dangerous in the last days? Who doesn't want to protect themselves. If the military is all dead, can it stay alive with ordinary people?" The atmosphere became so dignified, finally, a commander finally arrived He couldn't help being surrounded by this atmosphere, he spoke ...

"There are no ordinary people. What is the military to do?" Fang Chong sneered. He listened to this answer, and he understood that the military's team was just like the commander said.

In addition to being afraid of death, greedy for life can find such a reason, and can say so righteously ...

"Anyway, you are not comparable. The military is the military, the ordinary people are the ordinary people ..." The commander, who was dumbly asked by Fang Chong, finally broke out ...

"Okay, very good. Today I am here to inform the military, our Chong. We will be the enemy of the Huaxia military, endlessly ..." Fang Chong looked at the dozens of Chinese military commanders with cold expressions. Wordless word by word ...

"Endless?" Listening to Fang Chong's words, Qin Lan froze. Although she had thought of such a situation, she really froze when she heard Fang Chong's declaration of war.

Huaxia was really messed up this time. Fang Chong was a man who could do it. She had previously imagined that there were other reasons for the absence of the Huaxia military for the people, but she didn't expect it to be true ...

"You ..." The old commander listened to Fang Chong's words, all his clothes were soaked all at once, he didn't laugh at Fang Chong's arrogance, he could see Fang Chong's from his confident expression. confident.

He even had the illusion that whether the number of Chinese military forces over two million could win them.

After all, from Fang Chong they showed a strong personal combat effectiveness. In terms of weapon preparation, they have exceeded their knowledge.

And they also believe that Fang Chong is not stupid, it is not a fool to say that he must have a hole card.

Fang Chong's every move from today to the present has made his simple expression clear.

The calmer Fang Chong's performance, the colder the heart of the old commander. He was also against the hidden powers at first, but as a soldier, he still understood the truth of military orders.

Although he didn't want to, he still had to accept it. He couldn't do things like mutiny.

But to this day, he has to say that he regrets it.

But he did not regret it because Fang Chong wanted to be their enemy. It was because he knew from Fang Chong's mouth that there were only tens of millions of Huaxia billions of people.

This kind of things he can't imagine will only shake ...

He can imagine that if they were not hiding and they were fighting for zombies, they would be afraid that the number of survivors would be more than a few times ...

Early in the last days, though, the zombies were terrible. But for soldiers with guns and ammunition, the threat is not great. Especially after later knowing that the weakness of zombies is behind the head, almost a soldier can deal with a group of ordinary zombies ...

And if ordinary zombies were to be destroyed on a large scale before the last days, there would not be so many high-level zombies later, and the survival environment for survivors would be even better ...

But now, all of this is just being able to think in my heart, regret can not play any role ...


"Do you think I'm a bit arrogant?" Fang Chong laughed, and the old commander looked at him with complicated expressions.

"No, I believe you have this ability, and I also do not object to your intentions. I admit that it is indeed the superior who is wrong in this matter ..." The old commander looked a little bleak.

"One sentence is wrong, billions of Huaxia people have gone for nothing, from the most populous population before the end of the world to this day? Afraid that the country with the most deaths in the world should say Huaxia, right?" Fang Chong said with difficulty He is not a hot-blooded young man, but as a survivor on this kind of issue, it is impossible not to be angry.

Rao Qin Lan heard the fact that she was so cold, she became very cold ...

"It is impossible for you to understand the military orders. I only hope that when you deal with the Huaxia military in the future, ordinary soldiers will be merciful. There are not many survivors in China. The civil war is the most terrible ..." The old commander Some shook his head helplessly, what he said was the truth.

"The captives of the Mi Kingdom will be handed to you, but you will tell all Huaxia military forces to withdraw from the Huaxia area from now on. As for where they go to find, snatch, and occupy it, they are not worthy to exist in Huaxia, or else Do n’t stay ... ”Fang Chong shook his head, and he would not bother with what the old commander said.

"You ..." Listening to Fang Chong's words, and tone, he knew that the matter had reached the end.

Although they still do n’t know what their identity is, they will never be low. Otherwise, he would not dare to say such words ...

"You should know Qin Jian, former Navy commander of the Southern Military Region, right?" Qin Lan asked.

"You are?" When the girl Qin Lan was able to say the name of the former military commander, the expression of the old commander appeared a bit wrong ...

"I'm his daughter, Qin Lan. If you know him, please help me bring a word to him and let him leave Huaxia! He really is not suitable to stay in Huaxia anymore ..." Qin Lan said seriously ~ www. readwn.com ~ you… .. "The old commander did not expect that Qin Lan and their army commander actually had such a relationship, and also said such a word, which was somewhat incredible, and even more surprised was what Qin Lan said later.

But think about it, why not ...

"Okay, I'll bring it ..." The old commander nodded, being able to say so accurately, he didn't have any doubts about Qin Lan's identity, and he would take these words seriously.

"By the way, we are on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. If they want to try to see who is capable of being in Huaxia, they can come and try, and forgot to tell you that we repaired the satellite system of Huaxia You can accept that it was only an accident, and it will no longer be tomorrow ... "Fang Chong added, and after that, he and Qin Lan left ...

Everything I have to say has been said, as for what will happen in the future ...

…………………………………………………………………………………… (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome Come to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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