I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 507: Naval Base


Fang Chong stepped out of the battleship command cabin, looked up slightly at the still blue sky and some harsh sunlight, while his eyes narrowed slightly, he took a deep breath ...

Smelling the slightly smelly air, Fang Chong's expression was a bit weird, and he could not see that he was angry or happy ...

But seeing Qin Lan who Fang Chong stopped, she can feel that Fang Chong's mood at this time is much better than when he was in the cabin before. Why?

Qin Lan thought it should be related to Fang Chong's determination to break with the Huaxia military. Qin Lan doesn't know if such a change is good or bad, but after seeing Fang Chong's whole person seems a lot easier, she felt this Right.

Not to mention others, it is enough to let Fang Chong not be under such a great deal of pressure ...

"Let's go ..." Fang Chong, feeling the sea wind blowing across his face with his eyes closed, opened his eyes after a few minutes.

"Hmm ..." Qin Lan nodded, and she was very clever. How could she not know what to say at this time? Just follow Fang Chong silently to give him the best support ...

After confirming that there is nothing left, Fang Chong and Qin Lan are still on the deck of this battleship on the side of Huaxia, just like they were when they came over.

When Qin Lan returned to her battleship, her expression was a little complicated. Looking at the red flag with a yellow star, she couldn't forget it. That is the soul and belief of a nation, but what about the future? Will it be the same ...

Qin Lan did not dare to guarantee from the heart. After seeing the reasons why the Chinese military did not express their stand. Desperate to describe Qin Lan's feelings at this time can't be more appropriate ...

What makes Qin Lan even more upset is that her father is the same ...

However, after thinking of her father, Qin Lan's mood also fluctuated, and she could not show it if she wanted to be positive ...

"Will Uncle Qin believe your words to leave the southern naval base?" How could Fang Chong not notice the change in Qin Lan's mood, looking at Qin Lan with a blank look, Fang Chong asked, of course, Fang Chong's words were full of worry ... .

If Qin Jian is unwilling to leave, then they are really right.

How to fight with Taishan in the future? Fang Chong was depressed after thinking ...

In other words, even if Qin Lan had no problem, Fang Chong could not get it. My parents are like that. Fang Chong, who has already lost his parents, understands this truth better. He should cherish it ...

Of course, Fang Chong knew the same. The reason why Qin Lan said so before, in addition to the same annoyance of her father's actions in her heart, she put her heart more on his side ...

As for Fang Chong's own views on Qin Lan's father and Qin Lan are very different. I had to say it before, Fang Chong also hated it, but after listening to what the old commander said in the cabin today, Fang Chong looked To another aspect.

As a soldier, many times are involuntary. Qin Lan's father will make such a choice. I am afraid that to a large extent, it has nothing to do with military orders.

Want to say Fang Chong is the person he hates most now? I'm afraid that the order that was ordered to hide the strength is high. The officer is all right.

"She shouldn't. People who consider the army more important than life, do you think he might give up?" Qin Lan shook her head gently. As her daughter, would her father's personality not be understood?

Although she thought from the bottom of her heart that her father would leave, what happened? I'm afraid it will only become clear as soon as the war begins ...

Judging from the current situation, it is impossible for the Huaxia military to withdraw directly from the Huaxia area. The impossible result is World War I ...

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"President, what do we do now?" After Fang Chong and they left the warship's command cabin, the atmosphere inside the cabin suddenly became a lot more harmonious. However, a dozen commanders who were half-dead by Fang Chong just now are still shocked. They looked at them with a pale expression, sitting between them, said the old commander who could not see much expression.

By this time, the old commander was not only the oldest, had sufficient experience, but had seen through life and death. The expression was very calm, and it was difficult to see what he was thinking from his expression that had not changed much ...

After no other way. Other commanders can only put hope on him ...

"You need to find someone to control these battleships in the country of Mi, and then return to the naval base to talk about other things ..." The old commander sighed. In his mind, the most circling still was the scene of Fang Chong snarling before.

It's hard to say false, but in this matter, who should he say now? Let him choose, he will choose Fang Chong their side without any consideration. After all, the military that has the greatest hope for the Chinese people is actually in danger, that is, they are abandoned when the end of the world really comes. This kind of thing, as long as it is Normal people, who can accept it ...

Fang Chong's response was exceptionally correct. After the incident spread, the military forces in the Huaxia region would like to stand on the fear of relying only on miracles ....

"Okay ....." After others have no backbone, they now completely put their hopes on the old commander. They no longer dare to imagine what will happen in the future. Now they can live another day.

As the dozens left for the commander, the old commander exhaled. The reason why he behaved so calmly was that he did not want them to be too worried and lost confidence ...

The old commander also had a plan at this time. Although they are now in Huaxia's waters, are there no powerful mutants in Huaxia's waters? The answer in Fang Chong's mind is of course impossible ...

Obviously the old commander also understood this principle ...


Returning from the sea, Fang Chong's warships were not idle. When returning to the sea area near Shanghai base city. Fang Chong released a giant lizard.

The purpose is very clear. In addition to letting the giant lizards prey on their own, Fang Chong intends to let the giant lizards clean up the possible dangers in the waters around the Shanghai base city, rivers, especially the Yangtze River basin. After all, Mutant creatures in water are not much weaker than the ground.

With the wider ocean, mutants that are more powerful than terrestrial mutants should also exist ...

There are king mutants on the land. Although Fang Chong in the water has not encountered it yet, he believes that there are ...

The giant lizard is today. He was very obedient to Fang Chong's order now, especially this time, long before he saw the huge ocean, his heart had been agitated. But at that time he also knew that in dangerous situations, he chose to lie on Fang Chong's shoulders ...

But at this time, the situation is different. After learning that the giant lizard is not afraid of the sea, Fang Chong read the emotion of the giant lizard from the eyes of the giant lizard, he directly picked up the giant lizard and threw it into the sea ...

Although some frustrated Fang Chong dropped it into the sea as such an action, as the body touched the sea water, the expression of the giant lizard suddenly opened his eyes and smiled. After no longer asking Fang Chong anything, he disappeared ...

Fang Chong looked at the giant lizard submerged in the sea, Fang Chong's face remained calm. Fang Chong believes that with the strength of a giant lizard, if there are other mutant creatures in the water that are stronger than this giant lizard, Fang Chong will not believe that he was killed ...

The battleship's sailing did not slow down the speed of the battleship because Fang Chong wanted to launch a giant lizard. Fang Chong was quite principled in this regard ...

Not long after, Fang Chong's warships leaned on the original international dock in Shanghai.

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On the other hand, after Fang Chong's warship left the place where they originally intended to ambush the Mi Fleet, after the Huaxia military's fleet took over the ownership of the warship, they were also afraid of any accident. They were the same as Fang Chong. , Selected return flight ...

And those words Fang Chong said. Even the old commander himself did not dare to take the initiative alone, he was very clear about the important matters ...

That's it. After Fang Chong's warships returned to the Shanghai base city, the Huaxia military's warships also reached the sea not far from their naval base.

Vaguely looking at the old commander on the shore, his expression is very complicated ...

Southern Navy military base. Many warlords gathered in a large conference hall in the base building, which is a multifunctional military conference hall. There are many advanced instruments in it ...

A light screen of several square meters in size has a clear picture of the warship's navigation, and the warship on the picture is undoubtedly the warship of the old commander.

From being able to see the scene where the old commander battleship was sailing at sea, I did not imagine that the previous picture of Fang Chong's confrontation with the rice warship should not be able to hide the side of the southern navy base.

That's right, the navy base did see it clearly before. They were lucky enough to see Fang Chong's powerful new weapons.

What I have to say is that none of them have confidence in such a weapon, they are very excited ....

Even if time has passed for a long time now, they are still tirelessly searching using the new satellite system. They want to try their luck and see if they can find it smoothly ...

But what they didn't expect was that while they were searching carefully, Fang Chong's warship had arrived at the pier in the base city of Shanghai ...

At this place, how easy is it to find these warships from ships? Do not say that it is difficult to find using satellite systems, even if people come in person, it is not a bad thing to find out ...

In addition, Fang Chong ’s new type of warships are very fast. As far as the southern naval base is concerned, when Fang Chong left, the satellites could not keep up, so where did Fang Chong ’s warships go, they did not know…..

From the conference room, everyone's expressions are not difficult to see, they are very sorry that they were not able to use the satellite system to see what kind of forces Fang Chong belongs to ...

However, with the return of the old commander's triumphant battleship and a lot of rice warships and weapons and materials, their previous depression was swept away. It is very obvious that the country has a strong naval power over China. And this time. Not only did he defeat the entire fleet of Miguo, he also captured hundreds of captives. In this case, it is undoubtedly a very worthy celebration.


However, unlike the commanders and captains of the naval base city, the expressions of the soldiers and commanders coming down from the battleships are extremely ugly. This situation is very serious in the eyes of the naval base's rulers. They are surprised Yu, what I want to know is what went wrong.

You know, many of these commanders have experienced many battles. Experience is very frequent.

But this is the team members who today saw the helplessness and worry in their faces ...

What the **** is going on, they have the urge to be crazy ...

Before, I could n’t control the satellite system and could n’t keep up with them, but I do n’t talk about it, but now there is such a thing, they are not depressed.

"Is there anything wrong with Uncle Guan completing this task ..." He returned to the conference room from the dock. Several middle-aged generals in their forties stood beside the old commander. They were very direct. In addition to their relationship with the old commander, he also showed their tension ...

"You should see several warships that do not belong to our Huaxia military from the satellite system, right?" Said the old commander Guan Li. He did not intend to hide the factions from these southern naval bases. Fang Chong did not fight at a young age. And what he said was very exaggerated, but Guan Li didn't know why, he was already a lot of years old, and he actually felt this way ...

"Yes. We have seen that this time the weapons that can destroy a frigate are not underestimated, and from the perspective of the explosion, they should be new weapons, right?" After listening to the old commander Guan Li said, other Everyone nodded, this kind of thing is very likely. Everyone has more desires to understand the forces that are temporarily unknown ...

Commander L didn't speak at this time. He didn't know what they would look like if he would say what he wanted him to do. Guan Li has such concerns and never said anything.

"Uncle Guan, do you still know something ...." Finally, the old commander Guan Li's expression of stoppage was still seen, and this person happened to be Qin Jian.

Qin Lan's father seems to be a little over forty years old, tall and exudes a military flavor, but in fact, he is a little older than he looks. Close to fifty ...

"Yes, I know more. I was thinking about telling you ..." After the old commander heard Qin Jian's words, he raised his head and looked at the real power with a small amount of presence. character.

Guan Li's expression was even more serious. Although Qin Lan was very serious in the time to come, he would not know if he believes it ...

"Uncle Guan, you can just say it directly. You don't need to worry about anything here at the base ..." Everyone heard the old commander Guan Li said this sentence, and they knew that Guan Li might really have something important to say, otherwise If so, his expression could not be so tangled ...

"You should be very curious about where the battleships with powerful combat power came from?" Guan Li, the old commander, stood up, but he did not directly say Fang Chong them, nor did they directly say that Fang Chong came from Somewhere, after all, it was so shocking to say directly. In order to avoid this situation, Guan Li used other methods. Although it was more troublesome, he chose to believe.

"Yes ..."

"They are our own Huaxia, but for some reason, he has a deep hatred for our country ..." The old commander said earnestly, Guan Li said such words, it was like it was not fake ... .

"Why is there hostility?" Everyone's expressions froze, they never thought of it, what is it that hates humans?

"It has something to do with the reasons our military has hidden since the end of the last days. He is a very powerful man ..." After the old commander Guan Li saw that everyone had put his attention on him, he did not sell Guanzi anymore. He said Fang Chong himself.

However, in terms of personal strength, the old commander Guan Li's expression was a bit complicated and difficult.

Fang Chong did not show much fighting power, which Guan Guan couldn't say clearly, but the powerful breath emanating from Fang Chong was very good.

"People can fly?" After listening to the introduction of the old commander, their expressions became rigid, especially after hearing that Fang Chong and Qin Lan would fly, their expressions were suddenly occupied by mistake ... .

"Yes, they are powerful, and they also have the ability to fly, and their warships are fast ~ www.readwn.com ~ not that we who can defeat them at this stage are basically not ..." The old commander nodded, Looking at people including Qin Jian, they are almost the same as what they saw on the boat earlier ...

"Where do they come from?" Listening to Guan Li said that they were fascinated, the expressions of others became a little ugly, it seems that Guan Li deliberately exalted them and devalued them.

Someone is upset ...

"They are from Shanghai Stock Market, aren't they? Right now it should be Shanghai Stock Market, and now we are the largest survivor base city in China ..." For their doubts, Guan Li had long thought about it, and he No accidental answer ...

"Shanghai base city?" Hearing such a name, those who questioned originally closed their mouths instantly.

Because with the picture of the satellite system, the current scene of the Shanghai base city is clearly displayed in front of them ...

…………………………………………………………………………………… (To be continued. If you like this work, welcome You come to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support is my biggest motivation.)

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