I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 508: It's time to make a change!


"This is what Shanghai Shanghai is like now?" Looking at the buildings displayed on the light curtain, those familiar buildings that belonged to Shanghai Shanghai appeared in front of them, and the entire conference room was quiet. m []

I don't know if everyone was surprised at what Shanghai's Shanghai market looks like or the others, until one of them shouted an exclamation, and the other talents passed by.

However, it is not difficult to see from their expressions that they are equally surprised by this ...

"From the familiar buildings or the positions on the satellite maps, everything has been explained, and it is impossible to fake ..." After seeing Fang Chong's strength with their own eyes, Guan Li will not doubt that what they see now is Shang What the Shanghai market looks like now, with their ability, it is no surprise to be able to win the Shanghai market ...

"Even if Shanghai Stock Market looks very powerful now, but do we want to be afraid of them?" When Guan Li was very serious about this, a tall and thin man in a black combat suit stood up ...

This tall and thin man's eyes were sharp, and as he stood up, a powerful momentum spread from him. It is not difficult to see from this point that this person has good strength and should belong to the best of the human beings.

But his voice was a bit sharp, and his attitude of disdain sounded harsh ...

"………………." At the sound of such a sound, Guan Li's brow frowned slightly, but he didn't answer.

As for the reason? Is it the acquiescence of this tall and thin black man's opinion or he doesn't know how to answer it ...

Lived the power of most of my life. No one has ever seen it. In his opinion, although the strength of this tall and thin man is good, compared to Fang Chong, they are far worse, and regardless of strength, even in other aspects, this tall and thin man cannot find a point to be able to match with Fang. Chong their ratio ...

At least in terms of attitude, this man in black lost ...

"Tian Zong sits down and listens to Guan Lao ..." In fact, the tall and thin man's tone and speaking attitude. Not only is the old commander offensively dissatisfied, but even other people listen to him to express disgust with fullness.

His strength is not bad, but he was present. Who sent him?

It may be that the atmosphere was a little unharmonious, and a man who was ten years younger than Guan Li was called at the top of the conference table.

Tian Zong is his sister's son. He is the only relative in the last days. Although Tian Zong is arrogant, he has a good talent. He also uses this to keep his nephew by his side and take good care of him ...

However, Jiang Shan's change of nature is difficult to say is correct. Even if he left Tian Zong beside him, he still has no frivolity that can change his character ...

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"The next thing I want to say is related to the satellite system ..." Guan Li saw their head here, which was Tian Zong's puppet. Commander Chen Kai, although dissatisfied with Tian Zong's attitude and exaggerated personality, but for Chen Kai! Guan Li, who is in charge of the naval base, is quite satisfied.

In addition to being not bad in strength, there is also plenty of combat experience. When faced with mutant creatures or zombies, they have the courage and conspiracy. Such people are worth cherishing ...

"About the satellite system?" After hearing Guan Li's story about the satellite system, many people's expressions appeared surprised! What does Guan Li say about satellite systems?

"Everyone was wondering why the satellite system suddenly became better?" Guan Li knew very well the importance of satellite systems for modern warfare. [] If a warship is compared to the human body, then the satellite system is the eyes of the human body. If you lose eyes, the combat effectiveness of this person must be greatly reduced ...

They were able to discover the invasion of the Fleet ’s fleet today, no doubt thanks to the satellite system, but also because the Fleet ’s warships could not receive information about the satellite system. They were able to ambush so successfully.

"Yes, why?" Qin Jian nodded. He is very curious, he also believes that other people should be just as curious as he wants to know ...

"The satellite system was not good by itself, but was successfully repaired artificially ..." With everyone's anticipation watching, Guan Li spoke out.

"Who?" Everyone's expressions became tense with Guan Li's sentence. They seemed to have thought about this, but it should be impossible to repair it artificially when thinking that the human world has become like this ...

After all, judging from today ’s battles, even after the end of the last century, the country, the most powerful country in aerospace science and technology, is the same. They are more at ease, but now, Guan Li will undoubtedly make their hearts nervous.

"The survivors of the Shanghai base city, those who we met today, he told me personally, and ..." Guan Li sighed, thinking of what Fang Chong said later, he was dignified ...

"And what?" After hearing the words of the survivors in the Shanghai base city, their expressions were very stiff.

I don't know why, in their opinion, the survivors of the Shanghai base city have become their opponents.

Maybe they are jealous of their strength or their weapons and equipment beat them.

The selfishness of humanity in the last days shows this very well ...

"And they said that after today, we will no longer be able to receive the picture information from the satellite system ..." Guan Li stated without fail.

"What?" Listening to this, many people couldn't hold back, but after standing up, they found that they didn't seem to be able to do anything when they stood up.

If the satellite system is really their repair, they do have the ability to control the ownership of the satellite system ...

"Not only will the satellite system not be used by us, but he said that if we evacuate from the territory of Huaxia, otherwise, either their Shanghai base will be killed or our military will be destroyed ..." Guan Li continued to drop blockbusters. , He believes that these news should be more powerful than the previous ones ...

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"Good tone. Want us to evacuate Huaxia? Their tone is too loud, right?" Heard Guan Li said these words. Those who fought in battle gave out a cold hum, and it seemed to them that Fang Chong's words were just joking.

After all, as a soldier, they know very well the strength of the army. [Read the novel ~]

It is because of their understanding that they have great confidence in themselves ....

"Just, it's a arrogant kid ..." The others who didn't stand up echoed after a while of missteps.

Even if Qin Jian heard this, he shook his head gently.

He hates arrogant people, and it is really difficult to determine whether the military is powerful or not, even if he is in a high position. It is still unknown how many powerful survivors are difficult to say in a country as large as China.

In Qin Jian's view, no matter how strong the strong are, they should not be able to fight against the army, right? Although they also have a team of survivors, can that power be compared with a well-equipped army?

Can you win the Shanghai Stock Market? Yes, they are not bad. But the army went to fight. Afraid that the ten Shanghai stock markets will be fine.

They are very confident about the strength of the army ...

"He seems to have long thought that you would say this. When he didn't say these words, they added a sentence. The meaning of the words is very simple. It is probably the opportunity to give you. It is your business to accept or not. If he misses it, he will not show mercy because Huaxia ’s military has not deserved to exist in Huaxia since the moment it chose to maintain its strength ... ”The old commander Guan Li was not angry at these southern naval bases. It feels strange. While his expression remained calm, he continued to talk. "He finally said, if you want to fight, he is waiting in Shanghai Stock Market ..."

"Unworthy of being in Huaxia? Why should he say that? Does the military not only rely on the existence of the country, but also fight for those ordinary survivors?" After Guan Li said these words, the meeting room fell into this time. Jing Jing, everyone's expressions are a little strange, but because Guan Li mentioned some things before and others, everyone didn't speak.

But this quietness soon broke.

Talking about the side that supports the hidden strength of the military ...

As for whether they really think about the country, they do n’t know if they want to maintain their strength or for other reasons ...


This sentence echoed in the quiet conference room for a long time, but no one answered. Silent people are still silent, or that everyone has their own minds ...

"Let's talk about other views ..." After a long time, as the commander of this southern naval base, Zhang Kai still looked far away.

Guan Li's character is best known. Had it not been for the opponent's strength to be jealous of him, he would not have been able to speak out such threats. Because it doesn't make any sense at all.

But to say that the strength of the other party has reached a point where it can't compete, then the situation is different ...

Zhang Kai is not a fool, he is dubious about this ...

"I think we still pay attention to one. After all, from the battleships they own, the strength of these people is not bad. After all, even if their battleships are a higher grade than the battleships of the M State, and there is still a moment that can be broken An unknown weapon of a frigate, these are enough to threaten us ... "A very old man, but his body was slightly short, and he spoke.

This person has Zhao Long in the southern naval base ...

"Zhao Long is right. In addition to dreading this, because of eschatological reasons, how many powerful fighters exist in this Shanghai base city? We need to understand clearly that the population base of survivors is higher than our There are more troops, don't capsize in the gutter ... "Another said.

"And once the survivors of the Shanghai base city are incited by them, we need to face more people, these are what we want to pay attention to ..."

After Chen Kai finished speaking, so many people present at the scene came up with ideas one after another. The so-called "many people have great strength" means that, and soon a plan was made by them. It's not hard to see from their excited expressions. They are full of confidence ...

However, unlike some people's elation, the army commander Qin Jian was silent, while Guan Li, the old commander, looked worried.

Although it was said that Chen Kai, the commander of the Southern Naval Base, and Zhao Long, the think tank, they made this plan is not good and not careful, but in his opinion, such a thorough plan still underestimates the strength of the Shanghai base city ... .

The kind of powerlessness Fang Chong gave him is not something he can imagine, and who dares to challenge an army might be weak? Who dares not to rely on such a big tone?

Guan Li might believe if he could be a lunatic, but is Fang Chong such a person? Obviously not ...

Think of these. Guan Li's expression was very complicated. When he saw Chen Kai's expression, he opened his mouth or chose to remain silent. He knew that even at this time, he could not succeed even if he blocked his mouth.

In what direction things will go in that direction. The military should also pay a price for so many people who died in the last days ...

Guan Li now hopes that no such situation will occur, after all, they are all Chinese.

At present, Huaxia is an internal and external worry, and the existence of such threats as zombies, mutants, and so on, is just like wind and rain, shaking ....

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"Captain Qin Jian, wait a minute ..." After the meeting, the old commander did not forget Qin Lan's final account of him. After the crowd was ready to leave, he called Qin Jian ...

"Uncle Guan, you're welcome ..." Although Qin Jian was surprised that Guan Li would stop him, he stopped. Guan Li is a man of integrity, and Qin Jian has always admired it, which is why Qin Jian is very respected ...

"You should have a daughter, right?" Guan Li didn't say directly, he must determine whether Qin Jian has a daughter, otherwise, it would be bad to rashly misunderstand ...

"Yes, yes, Uncle Guan ..." Qin Jian's expression was even stranger, but he still nodded. After all, he had a daughter and many people knew about it.

"Is it called Qin Lan?" Guan Li was very careful. He didn't want to go wrong ...

"Yes ..."

"You're right ..."

"What's right?" After hearing these strange words, Qin Jian's expression was even weirder. He seemed to think of something.

But after confirming these, Guan Li didn't make his heart any more. "Qin Lan was among the battleships that defeated Mi. This time, and she was one of those two who could fly ..."

"What?" Listening to Guan Li saying these words, Qin Jian's expression was completely blank. He couldn't believe it. Since the end of the last days, he has never dared to imagine how his daughter would live in an environment like the last days after leaving them.

It may even be gone, but today? He actually heard that his daughter was still alive, but still so powerful? Thinking of this, his old tears wandered ...

"Yes, she asked me to give you the first sentence ...." Looking at Qin Jian's excited expression, Guan Li knew what he was thinking and understood it very well. After all, it is the end of the world and can hear the existence of loved ones , Such things are more important than anything….

"Say what?" Qin Jian couldn't be calm. He remembered very clearly that when he parted in the last days, Qin Lan was stubborn.

"I want you to leave the southern naval base and leave Huaxia, she said you are not worth ..." Guan Li didn't say the last words, because he believed that the words were enough here, but he didn't understand Qin Lan as a daughter. Come then ...

"Indeed, I really don't deserve it. If I didn't obey any military order, I was afraid that we wouldn't have to be separated. The survivors of Huaxia might be a lot more than now ..." Qin Jian's expression was complicated, but he did not blame Qin Lan Meaning, it turns out that he was indeed wrong ...

"It's too late to say that, we all made the wrong choice. But now that we know we're wrong, don't make mistakes again and again ..." Guan Li also bowed his head. His choice was not the same as Qin Jian's, but regret was useful. ?


"It's a must to go to Shanghai base city. To be honest, I don't like this operation of the Southern Naval Base at all. During the period of hiding, they have wiped out their fighting spirit. Such an army has lost its most powerful force. On the other hand, the Shanghai base city is not a piece of paper. Just look at the base of Shanghai base city. "Guan Li continued.

"It is not without problems that we are captured by powerful weapons of destruction ~ www.readwn.com ~ but they do not. It is not difficult to see that there is not much damage from various buildings. When they first hit the Shanghai Stock Exchange, No powerful and lethal weapons were used at all, and they did not have the opportunity to come into contact with these weapons. In most cases, they should be completed by human power. The kind of battle is beyond our imagination, you can imagine Will the fighters coming out of such blood and fire be weak? "Guan Li said very seriously ...

"I'll go, I'll go to fight for Qin Lan, my daughter's forgiveness, so much wrong, it's time to pay back ..." Qin Jian made a firm decision.

"It is indeed time for the military to make a change. Many of us will make the same choices as you ..." Guan Li nodded. Qin Jian is really right ...

The military has missed a lot in more than a year, and their only hope now is that it is not too late to change ...

What's going to happen? They don't know now ...

………………………………………………………………………… (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for it , Monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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