I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 509: 1 thing called love


"Let's go, let's go and see what the Shanghai base city is like now ..." It was the next day, and Qin Jian, who was not squinting all night, stood on a small battleship. //

He didn't know if it was because he didn't sleep all night or something else. It looked a little ugly, but his eyes were full of excitement.

It is conceivable that when these two different things appear on the same person's face, there are as many blame as there are blame.

"Good start, I just hope that Chen Kai and they can think the same as us, don't make mistakes again and again, they still focus on China ..." Although Qin Jian's expression was strange, the old commander Guan Li did not have much The accident, in addition to his understanding of the excitement after hearing the news of his loved ones in the last days, he also understood a father's love for his daughter.

It was also because his attention was absolutely part of the rest of the Southern Naval Base.

Their fastest departure, he now does not know when the other warships, namely the fleet led by Chen Kai, will set off?

They may have no problem with such a past, but if multiple warships appear at the same time, I am afraid that the defense system of the Shanghai base city will not be vegetarian, and I am afraid that the World War I will be triggered soon ...

Thinking of the scene of cannibalism, Guan Li's brow with frowns has been tightened even more ..

Moreover, Guan Li himself was very clear in his heart, with the strength shown by Fang Chong and Qin Lan before and the speed of their warships. None of them is comparable to the battleship in their southern naval base. It can be said to be a complete victory ...

Thinking of this, his worried expression deepened ...

"The satellite system has lost its effect. I am afraid that as you said, Huaxia's satellites are now completely controlled by them ..." The radar on the battleship has lost its function, and they can only rely on navigation It's experience and HNA chart ...

However, these sailors who want to have rich experience can be competent ...

Like them now on this battleship, except the old commander Guan Li and Qin Jian himself, no one else at all ...

"What they say should be true. It is undeniable that they are really powerful. I hope you can make a difference when you go ..." Guan Li nodded. After hearing what Qin Jian said, he also found out, but his expression was still calm, these were all within his acceptance range ...

"……………… .." Looking at the blue sky outside. In the blue water, Qin Jian didn't talk anymore, he tried hard to recall the appearance of his daughter.

It's been more than a year. Such a period of time is enough to change a lot of things, and Qin Jian is afraid that it is not the change of Qin Lan's appearance, but the relationship between them!

Will Qin Lan hate him? What Qin Jian fears most is hate ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"The presence of warships was found more than a hundred nautical miles from the base of Shanghai ...." In the base of Shanghai, the sending and receiving information center of the satellite system, Muge said with a serious expression.

The presence of battleships made her very excited. After all this time, they found that there were very few incidents. Counting the fleet that appeared in the previous few days, this is only the second time.

"From where ..." Fang Chong frowned slightly when he heard the news. Although it was temporarily unknown where the warship came from, it was only discovered so close to the base city of Shanghai, which undoubtedly indicates that A little bit, this battleship is native to China ...

"Will it be the naval base?" Muge made a conjecture, saying that the route from the warship had such a great possibility ...

"Is that right?" Fang Chong heard this speculation, and already knew it. He remembered what Qin Lan asked the old commander to bring yesterday.

If really coincidental. I am afraid that the people on this battleship are those who have a relationship with Qin Lan.

And to a large extent, it will be Qin Lan's father, and it may be Fang Chong's Taishan ...

The thought of Fang Chong's expression seemed complicated after thinking of Taishan.

Seeing something like Taishan, he was also the big **** the sedan chair. For the first time ...

Hiding is no good. And from Qin Lan's tone Fang Chong was not difficult to detect yesterday, Qin Lan had a tone of resentment against his father.

Fang Chong did not want to see regrets between Qin Lan and his father. In an environment like the last days, can I see my loved ones again?

Fang Chong, who has not felt the warmth of his loved ones for many years, has a deeper understanding of this feeling in his heart.

Thinking of this, Fang Chong's mouth rose slightly, he smiled ...

"What are you laughing at?" Watching Fang Chong smiled strangely at this time, the expression of the animal husbandry was a bit weird, and he looked at Fang Chong abnormally.

"It has something to do with your sister Qin Lan. You see, I need to go to Qin Lan ..." Fang Chong said with a smile, although it was not immediately clear that the person on the battleship was Qin Lan's father, However, as long as it is normal, this kind of thing will not go away. If Qin Lan wanted the old commander to bring it, wouldn't Qin Lan's father jump in a hurry? There are parents in the world who don't love their children!

Moreover, although Qin Lan said that he did not want to see his father, in fact Qin Lan never laughed again after coming down from the battleship yesterday. Although he was pretending to sleep one night, could he deceive Fang Chong?

I had a hard time not knowing how to solve Qin Lan's Fang Chong, but now his eyes are finally on ...

"I'm gone. You stay here today, and I'll be with you tomorrow ..." Fang Chongyue thought more and more happily. At the same time, others had already ran out ...

"..............." Mu Ge looked at Fang Chong who was leaving quickly. Although there was a little dissatisfaction, but thinking of Qin Lan, she understood something ...


"Walk ~ www.readwn.com ~ Let's go to the dock ..." Fang Chong soon came to Qin Lan who still showed her unhappy expression. Some of Qin Lan's surprise was that Fang Chong raised her hand Get on the small energy car directly ...

"Why?" Qin Lan had no objection, but didn't Fang Chong say that she should be left alone for a while?

Although some do not want to go, knowing that Fang Chong did this also wanted him to be happy and had no objection ...

"If you go, you know ..." Fang Chong did not drive very fast. He knew that the distance of one hundred nautical miles was short. If he went fast, he would have to wait a long time ...

Looking at Fang Chong's mysterious expression, Qin Lan smiled slightly.

It feels like he has you in his heart.

Really ...


Today ’s update is less ..... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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