From the pier all the way to the center of the Shanghai base city, it took less than ten minutes all the way. Wanting to let Qin Lan's father, Qin Jian, appreciate the speed of this small energy car, he just let the small energy car Let go of the hoof, slow speed is impossible ...

At the same time, Qin Lan also introduced the functional speed and new energy system of this small energy vehicle in detail. m [Go to the novel ~]

Knowing that Qin Lan could not lie to his Qin Jian, his mouth was wide and his expression was full of surprise. He couldn't believe it. Except for the biological plants on the earth's surface, the earth's surface also appeared so large Change, it ’s hard to overstate it in an incredible way ...

"Here ..." Fang Chong opened the door after parking the small energy vehicle steadily in front of the city government building ...

"It turned out that the Shanghai Municipal Government Building ..." may be afraid that his father didn't know where this place is, Qin Lan added after getting off the bus. "Now is the command center of Shanghai Base ..."

"The base city of Shanghai is so big, who is in charge and who is in power ..." Qin Jian nodded. Although Shanghai was not particularly familiar before the end of the world, he was not particularly strange. At least he could remember these iconic buildings.

He didn't know what Qin Lan's purpose was to bring him to this place, but when people get here, he can't just ask these important questions by the way ...

Qin Jian is not sure if the southern naval base will have a bad relationship with the Shanghai base city in the next time. []

In Qin Jian's view, if possible, he wants to do as much as possible to see if he can avoid the mutual killing of human beings.

"Dad you are asking the right person, if other people may not be able to give you a better answer ..." Qin Lan didn't know that Qin Jian considered it so deeply that she was only curious about his father.

"Why?" Qin Jian didn't know why Qin Lan laughed after he got to this question.

The reason why he chose to ask Fang Chong and Qin Lan, in addition to being unfamiliar with other people in the Shanghai base city, more importantly, Qin Jian remembered that when he set off today, the old commander Guan Li told him. Yesterday it was announced that two young men would be hostile to the Southern Naval Base. One of them was undoubtedly his daughter Qin Lan, while the other was largely Fang Chong ...

Qin Jian knew. Dare to say that his status in the Shanghai base city should not be low ...


It is with such a mind in mind that Qin Jian will have a problem. His purpose is very simple. (Reading the novel will come.) He just wanted to see if he could get online with the power-holders of the Shanghai base city through the relationship between Qin Lan and Fang Chong ...

If he said something awkward before, he can say that he completely put down ...

"Because it is not possible for others to know in detail that the person in power in the Shanghai base city and the current leader are two different people ..." Qin Lan smiled slightly. She seemed very satisfied with the effect of this thing that surprised his father ...

"Different powers are not the same as leaders?" Listening to Qin Lan's words, Rao is the most stormy wave Qin Jian has ever seen.

After all, this sounds incredible ...

"Because the leader of the Shanghai base city is the father of Muge. That is, the father of the girl who just informed you that you can enter the dock directly ..." Qin Lan did not hang on his father's appetite. "Commander Makino is one of the original commanders of the Kyoto base city. In addition to its strength, in terms of building the base city's defense and development, there is absolutely no one in the entire Shanghai base city that can be compared with him."

"What about those in power?" Qin Jian nodded and understood. Someone who seemed to have heard the name Makino, after all, the person who can make him remember is either a success or a certain status in the military or the official People ...

That's why. Qin Jian felt that Fang Chong's countermeasures were not wrong.

But to say that he is not the leader most interested now. It is the person in power. In the mind of Qin Jian now, he first felt that the person in power was very brave and could see other strengths and his own weaknesses ...

This is extremely rare ...

"Far in the horizon and in front of my eyes ..." From the tone of Qin Jian, Qin Lan, his daughter, could not see what her father was thinking about at the same time, and she was smiling with a smile. Say something you often hear ...

"What?" Qin Jian's eyes widened, his mouth widened in surprise ...

"Yes. It's Fang Chong ..." Qin Lan's face was proud, and his man's achievement was higher. It ’s even happier for women ...

"When I heard Qin Lan's introduction and Qin Jian's expression of surprise and confusion, Fang Chong could not find anything to say except for a bitter smile.

"Fang Chong, are you really the authority of the Shanghai base city?" Although knowing that it is very impolite to ask such questions, Qin Jian couldn't help asking it. After all, the authority of the Shanghai base city was really Fang Chong, That's too ...

Qin Jian doesn't know how to describe it, is it to say against the sky or something?

"Yes, uncle ..." Fang Chong nodded, although he knew Qin Jian would be surprised, but he couldn't deny it? Without any other means, he could only nod.

"…………………………." After Qin Jian got the affirmation of Fang Chong ~ www.readwn.com ~ he didn't know what to say any more, besides shocking Fang Chong's young man has such a powerful ability Later, he was even more happy, he could see the extraordinary relationship between Qin Lan and Fang Chong before.

There is such a powerful man as his daughter's man. As a father, there is nothing to worry about ...

And from now until now, Fang Chong has always felt good to him ...

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

Looking at Qin Jian's shock, Fang Chong and Qin Lan did not continue to talk about this topic. While bringing Qin Jian into the city government building, which is now the command center of Shanghai Base City, the two of them also successively put on The current situation in the Shanghai base city has told Qin Jian again, he knows that Qin Jian should also have some interest in these.

And Qin Jian is not an outsider, they are not afraid of some secrets being known ...

……………………………………………… .. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (an.) To vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support Is my greatest motivation.)

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