Qin Lan's status in the Shanghai base city is very special, especially in the minds of Muge, Ling Ya, Xiao Jun, and Xiao Lan. Her existence is a big sister. Their relatives are just as good as Qin Lan. They all know. m [Go to the novel ~]

Especially Ling Ya and Muge were grateful to Qin Lan from her heart.

The arrival of Qin Lan's father is not a big deal for them. When Fang Chong received Qin Jian, these people had already given up their work and rushed back ...

Of course, in addition to seeing Qin Lan's father, because of the emergence of the Southern Naval Base, they also wanted to explore some countermeasures ...

"Dad, this is Commander Makino, who was the commander of the Kyoto Military Region before the last days ..." After entering the city government building, Fang Chong and Qin Lan took his father into the conference room.

When I got there, everyone else was basically there ...

"Qin Jian, Captain of the Southern Naval Base ..." Qin Jian, who had heard of Fang Chong ’s mention of Makino ’s identity, did not show much shock or something else. After Qin Lan's introduction was completed, he himself Introduced ...

"Captain Qin should be a little older than me. If I don't mind, I will call Brother Qin ..." After confirming Qin Jian's identity, the commander of Makino was slightly surprised, and there was nothing abnormal. [Read the novel ~]

"Okay, I'm entrusted ..." Qin Jian is also a bold man. Indeed, when he was a little older than Commander Makino, he recognized ...

"Hehe ..." Inside the conference room. The two oldest people looked at each other and laughed cheerfully. The scene is very relaxed ...

"Well, I know what everyone wants to know ..." After a while, Qin Jian put away the smile on his face, and turned his expression seriously ...

"The current strength of the Southern Naval Base is about 100,000, with hundreds of large and small warships. The combat effectiveness is not to be underestimated, and the number of abilities and evolvers is also quite a lot ..." Qin Jian, while everyone listened carefully, Speak up.

The contents of the introduction are about the situation of the southern naval base ...

"These are not afraid. What we want to know is what is the current belief of the army in the southern naval base?" Huang Qianchuan looked very calm. After all, in the eyes of the current Emperor Qianqianchuan, combat effectiveness like the southern naval base should not be able to pose any threat to them, compared to the strength of the army. Huang Qianchuan wants to know more about their military beliefs. Huang Qianchuan wants to know if these people have any value ...

"Faith?" Qin Jian looked puzzled when he heard this question raised by Huang Qianchuan. He didn't understand what it meant. . .

"Yes, it is faith. Once a person loses trust, he has no value in this world ..." Huang Qianchuan nodded, and he pointed out without any concealment ...


Hearing Huang Qianchuan's words, Qin Jian's expression was full of misunderstandings, but he was wrong. Qin Jian understood that it was time for Huang Qianchuan to express, although he felt there was some trouble in doing so. [] But this method of selection can undoubtedly be truly fair ...

"Except for a small part of them who still insist on hiding their strength, others still believe in defending their homeland ..." I understood what Huang Qianchuan was asking, and there were other meanings in his eyes.

Qin Jian did not conceal anything, and he said everything he knew as a military commander.

He did not lie, he had understood the truth after listening to the words of Huang Qianchuan. Once an army loses the soul of faith, it does not matter whether it exists or not ...

It turns out that they were all wrong ...

"Okay, thank you, we understand ..." Huang Qianchuan nodded and expressed his thanks. It is not difficult to see from his expression that he already has a plan in his heart ...

"What are you planning?" Qin Jian asked, many of the southern naval bases were drawn by him, especially after the large-scale outbreak in the last days. He is even more diligent in building this China's countless sea power.

It can be said that he put everything he has in it. This is also why he cares now ...

"Let's talk ..." Fang Chongdu's response was in Qin Jian's eyes. He originally intended that if the armed forces of the Southern Naval Base did not retreat, he would regret them, but after hearing Qin Jian's end After these things, Fang Chong's plan had changed unknowingly.

Fang Chong couldn't promise, he needed to see if the team was like Qin Jian said.

"I understand ..." Qin Jian looked at the expression with a little complicated Fang Chong, and nodded.

………………………………………………………………………………………… ..

"What's your strength now?" After the meeting was over and other people who had work to keep up with left one after another, Fang Chong and some of them stayed behind, ready to talk with Qin Jian about the house ...

Qin Jian was the quickest to speak. After seeing that everyone's strength was not bad, he was very curious about the strength of Fang Chong and Qin Lan. He felt that he was very strong. As for how strong it is, he must not Okay ...

"Reached 400 levels, close to 500 levels ..." Qin Lan pointed to herself and said one in turn.

Their strength has also grown rapidly in the recent period of time. With sufficient resources, these are not problems. For them, the five hundred level is only a matter of time ...

"What is a 400th class? A 500th class?" Listening to these numbers from Qin Lan, Qin Jian's face was wrong. Although there is a division of power in the southern naval base, there is no way to think about it Expressed ...

"It's level five like an ordinary zombie ..." Qin Lan didn't show any impatience ~ www.readwn.com ~ He introduced her father with a serious expression, and said it in great detail. With the improvement of their strength, the division of these strengths can be of great use, especially in the case of the need for the other Zak in the future ...

"The division of these strengths is great ..." After listening to Qin Lan's words, Qin Jian's expression was slightly excited.

In addition to knowing Fang Chong's strength, they are also very happy ....

Apart from this, he also knew where Fang Chong's self-confidence came from, but at the same time, Qin Jian was more curious.

He wanted to know why all the survivors in the Shanghai base city were so powerful?

Qin Jian is very clear that most of these survivors were ordinary people before the end of the world ...

…………………………………………………………………… (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote and recommend it. , Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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