I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 514: Dependent things


"These are the things we rely on ..." said Fang Chong, a gene research and development center in Shanghai's base city, pointing to rows of white liquids in glassware containers. m 【】 【】 ◎ Smart kids remember super fast hand updates. ◎

Qin Jian was very curious about why Fang Chong could have so many superhuman fighters. While there was no way to explain it in detail, Fang Chong took him to the gene research and development center.

The Shanghai R & D center's gene research and development center has grown to a size over time.

And with a survivor population of more than one million in the Shanghai base city, Yu Wenjing can find all kinds of talents one after another.

It can be said that the two centers that support the rapid development of the Shanghai base city, the development of weapons research and development centers and genetic research and development centers can not be overstated.

Fang Chong knew very well that only by developing these two places can the future human hope be great, and want to rely on others? It's better to rely on yourself. It can be said that these two R & D centers are the places where Fang Chong has invested the most resources, and the most important place in the Shanghai base city. No other department can compare ...

"What is it?" Looking at the various instruments and machines in the Gene R & D Center, Qin Jian's expression was astonished. What appeared here was completely beyond his imagination, especially the instruments he saw now. 【】 【】

I am afraid that the instruments of the National Gene Research and Development Center before the end of the last century are not comparable to these.

He didn't know why the Shanghai base city could have these things.

After looking at these, he became more curious about the origin of Fang Chong ...

However, he has also seen people with strong winds and waves. Although surprised, he quickly reacted.

"Generic drugs, but these are ordinary types, from the muscle of zombies ..." Fang Chong gently took out a bottle. Say.

Although he did not deal with these genetic agents. But any kind of genetic medicine on earth was the fastest he got, would he not know? The answer is of course no ...

"Function ..." Qin Jian nodded, he was even more curious about the role of these genetic agents ...

"It can make an ordinary person reach the level of 20th level, but I want about 20 days ..." Fang Chong introduced the role of various genetic agents, from ordinary zombies to terminator and destroyer. These ones…

"These ..." After listening to Fang Chong's comments, Qin Jian's expression could not be described by surprise, in his opinion. The effects of these genetic agents can already be regarded as bad.

After taking a deep breath, he finally held back and asked excitedly about the genetic medicine in the other room where the medicine was stored. (Read novels.)

Because in the other room, the genetic agents have different colors, he knows that the effects of these genetic agents should be different ...

"Those are myogenic meats from mutant organisms. If the effect on the enhancement of power is similar, the higher the level of genetic agents extracted from the myogenic meats of mutant organisms, the higher the level ..." Fang Chong continued He is also clear that they are even more relevant than Yu Wenjing and their R & D personnel ... "But there is one point that requires special attention when taking these genetic agents from mutant organisms. It is the same kind ..."

"Similar?" Qin Jian heard this, knowing that it was the point, and his expression became serious.

"Yes, it's the same kind ..." Fang Chong nodded and continued. "Zombies don't belong to xìng. Their speed and strength basically rise linearly with the development of time, but mutant organisms are different. They are divided according to the type."

"Similar to mutant mutated cattle, it is a common type of mutant creature known for its speed. For Lightning Leopard, we know its speed is scary when we hear the name. The two mutant creatures are very clear, and from their bodies The gene medicine xìng contained in the muscle meat was different from each other ... "Fang Chong took out two bottles of gene medicine for comparison ...

"What's the biggest difference, is it a side effect or something else?" Qin Jian's expression was serious and he listened in great detail ...

"If a speed-type genetic warrior took these power-type genetic drugs, not only would his strength not increase much, but genetic conflicts would occur, but his strength would decline. Without further development, he might not be able to save the heavy ones ... . "Fang Chong said what he learned from the Maya system, but it is not true, Fang Chong did not know, after all, under their reminder, no survivor took himself to experiment ...

However, Fang Chong firmly believes that the Maya system will not lie ...


In the next time, Fang Chong continued to introduce to Qin Jian, and Qin Jian shook from the initial feeling to the final expression was completely numb. He finally knew why before they heard about the military strength of the southern naval base. The expression will be so calm.

He thought about it a bit differently, and if he had such strength, he wouldn't care.

With tens of thousands of troops, for them with such strength, there is no threat at all ...

"Dad, let's go back to rest. There are still many things in Shanghai base city that you can't imagine. Fang Chong dared to say such words that day, not just casually. It can be said that now I really want to compete and face We have no fear of international machines ... "Of course Qin Lan could see what Qin Jian was thinking, and she continued to throw him a bombshell ...

"I see ..." Although Qin Lan said it sounds very exaggerated, it is not unreasonable to think about it. Qin Jian is completely relieved ...

"Then go back ..." Qin Jian finally said.

After several people left the gene research and development center ~ www.readwn.com ~ it is not too early. After eating food made from meat taken from various mutant creatures, Fang Chong and Qin Lan took Qin Jian to rest.

Although it's early in time, Fang Chong and they have another purpose ...

"Take things out ..." Fang Chong took Qin Lan to the place where they arranged for Qin Jian to rest.

"Okay ..." Qin Lan didn't have any opinion on this. She quickly took out a small metal box with dozens of bottles of tightly packed things. Yan Sè was dark green and looked strange ...

"What are these?" Looking at these things looked strange, but from the intention on the packaging and Fang Chong's serious expression, Qin Jian knew that these things were unusual.

"It is something extracted from a creature called Mo Xin ..." Qin Lan did not hide it. This is a good thing to say. Let his father know that Fang Chong is very good for them.

………………………………………………………………………… .. (To be continued.)


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