I Can Upgrade in the Last Days

Chapter 515: relationship

ps thank the brother "Senierlov" for the reward and the "cold old wolf" for the reward again. You guys gave me strength, thank you for your support. m [] ◎ Smart kids remember to update quickly. ◎ It's the end of the year and Hanyue is very busy. There are few updates for these children, but they will not be interrupted ....


Although it seems from the current situation that Fang Chong and his father have a good relationship, it is inevitable that there will be any differences in the future.

If she is not happy, it is not what she wants to see. After all, she is not good at anyone. They are the two most important men in her life ...

"The biggest effect is to enhance strength. Unlike what I saw in the GeneVue R & D Center before, the effects of these gene drugs extracted from Moxin are more obvious, and as long as the strength exceeds two hundred levels, there is no limit and you can directly Ascending to the 500th level, Mo Xin, a creature like this in the environment of the earth, does not exist in a large number, it can be said that it is very precious ... "Qin Lan introduced it to his father seriously, although there is a performance mind in it, But Qin Lan did not exaggerate.

A creature like Mo Xin is very precious in the mouth of the Mayan system ...

"There is still such a thing?" Qin Lan's thoughts as her father, Qin Jian, why couldn't he not know, but after seeing Qin Lan's words so seriously and the role of Mo Xin, he looked surprised ... .

"We also got it by coincidence in the southern Guangdong province ..." Fang Chong nodded, and he has verified the role of Mo Xin, the effect is very large and obvious. []

"South Guangdong Province?" I heard Fang Chong said. Qin Jian got it. It is indeed known that these genetic agents extracted from creatures such as Mo Xin are not simple ...

"There is also a survivor base city in Nanyue Province. The population is even larger than the survivors of the Shanghai base city, but in terms of overall strength, it is slightly inferior ..." Fang Chong casually set the Nanyue base The general situation of the city told Qin Jian again, although Qin Jian did not ask, but it is not difficult for Fang Chong to see from his expression that Qin Jian was very curious.

Or can't it be said to be curious? Since meeting today, Fang Chong already knows the Qìng style of Qin Jian. What I have to say is that Qin Jian is indeed a good soldier and a person who takes responsibility more important than his life.

After Qin Jian came to the Shanghai base city. I always understand why Fang Chong can be so powerful, but Fang Chong did not doubt Qin Jian's purpose. After all, if Qin Jian really had other plans, he would not be so brazen. Moreover, Fang Chong can see that Qin Jian's feelings for Qin Lan are truly revealing. When acting, can't Fang Chong's eyesight see it?

After confirming this, Fang Chong knew that Qin Jian's purpose was only for Huaxia and other survivors of Huaxia, because he didn't know Fang Chong, or how Fang Chong was doing things ...


"Is there a strong connection between your base city and the base city?" Qin Jian asked after Fang Chong introduced the situation of the base city of Nanyue. []

"It's okay now, because with the end of time. In the case of Zak, the chances of it appearing to increase greatly, we need to cooperate so that we can better understand each other's strengths and support each other as much as possible ..." Fang Chong nodded.

Indeed, knowing that the Zak people are still uncertain about the attitude of the Huaxia military, Fang Chong and they are ready ...

"Zak people?" This time I heard an unfamiliar name, Qin Jian stumbled again. He only discovered it today. He thought he knew the last days well, but only today. In front of Fang Chong, he understands that the situation in the last days is no different from the way children see the world ...

"Zak is a creature that does not belong to the earth, and it is also the biggest reason for the earth to enter the last days ..." Qin Lan introduced, and now except for those survivors who are closely related to them, the base city knows that there is such a thing as Zak Except where it is, there is no way of knowing what the Zak people are ...

"Do you mean to be alien creatures in the Zak?" Qin Jian listened to these things that were completely beyond his understanding. It's hard not to be surprised, no matter the Zak or Moxin. Can no longer understand with ordinary heart.

Alien creatures have all appeared, are there anything else that can't appear?

Qin Jian now finds it difficult to remember ...

"Yes, they are alien creatures, and in the near future, the Zak will be the most important enemies of survivors on the planet. They are more dangerous than zombie mutants. Zaks have different forms, but only one point. The same is strength and wisdom. Their intelligence is comparable to ordinary humans, and if they are advanced Zak, they have reached the highest level of human beings ... "Qin Lan said.

"So powerful ..." Knowing that Qin Lan could not scare him with this kind of thing, Qin Jian's expression became difficult to look at once after hearing that the Zak people were so powerful.

Originally in his view, in the future, in addition to the mutant creatures and the oceans, the greatest enemy of mankind was the state-to-state relationship.

But it seems that the creatures of the Zak ethnic group are now the most important ...

"Of course, we have played a lot of times with the Zak people, and we know their strength ..." Fang Chong added that the Zak people are no stranger to them.

They had conceived the Zak as their most powerful enemy a few months ago ...

Now that they have arrived, it should be said that in addition to knowing the creatures of the Zak tribe best, they are also the most prepared and powerful.

In Fang Chong's opinion, although the Zak people are strong and terrible, as long as they are fully prepared, they are not afraid ...

"You have already fought?" Qin Jian's mouth opened slightly to express his shock ...

"Of course ~ www.readwn.com ~ If we didn't fight, how could we know that they are strong?" Qin Lan said, she didn't feel strange about his father sitting down, after all, his father hid their strength to hide, so It's not surprising that we haven't seen anything like this ...

"Did you experience a lot of life and death?" At this time, Qin Jian seemed to imagine the scenes that Fang Chong and Qin Lan had experienced, and he looked at Qin Lan with a look of affection.

Although he had imagined what Qin Lan had to face alone, he found out after today that his previous imagination was not enough to describe what Qin Lan and Fang Chong experienced together.

Qin Jian also knows that Fang Chong can possess such powerful strength, which is not something that can be obtained by sitting ...

In the previous period, Qin Jian did not say on his mouth, but in fact, he was still quite worried that Qin Lan would be hurt emotionally. He has lived for so many years, and of course he can see that Muge, Ling Ya and Fang Chong Relationship is not ordinary ...

…………………………………………………………………………………… .. (to be continued.)


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