I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 461: fresh blood

Remember in a second【】

Chen Ke let out a sigh of relief, pressed the Hundred Ghost Pills on his waist, and was just about to rush forward, when Ethan, who was beside him, got in first.

Ethan didn't act rashly before, because he was afraid of causing trouble to them. After all, the team he led before was like this.

But with the planned action at this moment, he will naturally not back down.

When he came to the inner hall, Ethan quickly sized up the corpse stuck on the wall, then quickly circled around to confirm that there was no threat, and then turned around and shouted:

"Okay, it's safe, there's only one corpse."

Song Qian and the three followed in.

Everyone also noticed the buddies posted on the wall first, and only then did they understand why Eason told them that they were not in danger after just one glance.

Because not only more than half of that guy's body was exposed, but there was also something stuck in his abdomen, which nailed him to the wall.

Eggplant stepped forward to check briefly, then curiously said:

"Tsk, that's interesting.

There was an iron gun stuck in his abdomen, but judging from the position of this guy's arm, he should have nailed himself here. "

Ethan asked:

"That is to say, this guy committed suicide here? But are these bones exposed on his body?"

Eggplant shrugged and continued:

"This is where the problem arises. Come and take a look. The flesh on this guy's body is not rotting and falling off, but has been gnawed off."

Chen Ke didn't notice this either, and asked curiously:

"Ew off? You mean this guy's body was eaten by monsters here?"

Eggplant frowned and pointed to several injuries on the corpse and said:

"The answer is correct but not completely correct. Look at these few bite marks on his legs, the bite marks are obviously made by wild animals.

But look here, on his shoulders, these teeth marks are definitely made by human teeth. "

Although Song Qian didn't know the dead body as well as Chen Ke and Qiezi did, she could still see a few obvious bite marks on the man's shoulders.

Eggplant concluded:

"A man nailed himself to a wall and let wild beasts eat his body with the others.

Good guy, let alone **** who was crucified on the cross, it is probably Sakyamuni who cut his flesh and fed it to eagles, and he probably had to pass him a cigarette when he saw it.

But the good news is, Chen Ke, you finally found the food you mentioned. These guys may be cannibals. "

At this time Song Qian fiddled with the corpse and said:

"Wait a minute, there seems to be writing on the wall behind him."

Following the place Song Qian pointed out, the three of them found that there seemed to be a stone slab inlaid on the wall with some figures engraved on it.

Eggplant gently supported the corpse and pulled out the spear forcefully with one hand. Ethan helped put the corpse aside.

Only then did the appearance on the wall behind the corpse appear:

There is a khaki-colored stone slab inlaid directly there, because it is similar in color to the wall and also uneven, so everyone didn't notice it at first.

There are many figures densely engraved on the slate, and it seems that they should be their characters.

Ethan asked:

"Do any of you know the ancient characters here?"

Turning around, they found Song Qian, Qiezi and Chen Ke looked at each other and smiled wryly.

Chen Ke replied: …

"In the past, Ji Ge was responsible for the translation of such ancient characters, so let me take pictures first.

In the past, the texts translated by Ji Ge have been sorted out after I took them back. Maybe there will be similar graphics in them. After sorting by analogy, I may be able to translate something. "

While talking, Chen Ke showed the computer screen to the three of them and continued:

"There are results, and a little bit of translation has come out."

Song Qian and the others saw that the large pieces of text on the small screen were all garbled characters, which obviously did not match the hieroglyphs that Ji Han had translated before.

However, a few words at the beginning and at the end were successfully translated.

The second line at the beginning has "a gift from heaven", and the last sentence contains "the evil spirits have been released".

"I still can't see any specific content. I will enter these texts first. If I have a chance later, I will let... try to translate again."

Song Qian checked around again to confirm that no clues were missed before saying:

"Then let's continue diving. So far we haven't found any clues about the divine pillar, and there are more and more questions."

Relying on the lack of gravity here, the eggplant bullet flew the farthest cigarette **** in history and said:

"Hopefully, there are only questions waiting for us below."

Because of the half-brightness and half-darkness in this room, it helped the four of them better adapt to the darkness here.

So after walking out of the courtyard, not too far to dive again, Eggplant pointed down and looked carefully:

"There seems to be something reflective over there. Although I can't see it clearly, it seems to be water. It should be a river."

Ethan doesn't have as good eyesight as Eggplant:

"River? How can there be a river in this weightless space?"

Chen Ke explained:

"That's not necessarily the case, as long as the forces at both ends of the river are balanced, it's not impossible."

At this time, Song Qian from behind suddenly excitedly said:

"There is a signal! The Shenzhu detector has a signal."

Everyone looked back, only to see Song Qian

^0^Remember in one second【】

The Shenzhu detector in his hand was shining with a yellow light.

A stone in everyone's heart fell to the ground, which at least showed that the trip was worthwhile, especially Song Qian, Chen Ke and Eggplant, because the possibility of resurrecting Jihan was right in front of them.

"The display is diagonally below, shall we go directly there?"

Eggplant looked down at the vast darkness, shook his head and said:

"I suggest that we go down slowly close to the side of the house, so that in case of any danger, there is still room for buffer."

Chen Ke also agreed:

"That's right, now it's time to confirm the location of the divine pillar, and we can make steady progress."

The four of them, who were already a little tired, searched down the damaged house again, as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

From the big house with the dead body just now, many chains have been broken, so the white light is not coherent, but it is enough to illuminate the general situation around.

After the four of them flew over several houses in succession ~www.readwn.com~ a large piece of rubble appeared in front of them.

With the dark environment behind, it looks like an asteroid belt.

Eggplant gently kicked it apart and said:

"It should be the wreckage of a broken house. It seems that the battle that took place here was more intense."

Ethan walked around a stone in front of him, only to find a large pool of blood on the back.

Ethan scratched with his hand, then suddenly changed his expression:

"Everyone gather here first, these gravel groups may not be so safe, I found bloodstains from Da Tan here."

Chen Ke replied:

"Looking at the degree of destruction here, I don't feel so surprised by the mutilated limbs seen above, and the blood stains are normal."

"But what if it's fresh blood from the past two days?"

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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