I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 462: Just handsome for 3 seconds

In the ancient desert city, it was already the middle of the night.

Liu Bai twined the remaining red-haired monsters together with sand thread, watched the position, and threw the business card in his hand vigorously.

The business stabs went straight through the foreheads of the monster group, and the corpses of the fallen monsters drifted away with the wind.

Gu Shui also gave a low drink, and quickly tightened the released black shadows, cutting off the bodies of those monsters who stepped into the black shadows.

And did not let those fly ash into the building.

Gu Shui still didn't forget to turn around and praise:

"Captain Liu Bai is really efficient."

Liu Bai didn't care about Gu Shui's fake politeness, picked up the business card stuck on the wall, turned around and asked:

"What's the situation with Song Qian and the others?"

"They have found the so-called weightless space, but there is no signal after going down, Ellie, is there still no news?"

Forget about the screen, Ellie shook her head and said:

"Since I talked to Captain Song Qian a few hours ago, there is no news, but she said that the signal may be missing down below, let's wait a little longer, I believe there should be no problem, when I accompanied them on the mission before , and almost a day and a night."

Gu Shui looked at the few unmoving ropes at the mouth of the well and said:

"Do you think a few of them can do it? I have always had reservations about the old man sending a few of them to complete this kind of task."

Liu Bai took a sip of water before replying:

"This kind of task is different from the nature of our handling of abnormalities in other worlds, and they have indeed completed the task every time. I think they can do it this time."

Gu Shui looked around at the edge of the dark ruins again:

"But in this kind of wilderness, people from the Consciousness-only Society should not be able to find it, right?"

Liu Bai sighed and said:

"Before you, crow's mouth, said this, I also felt that they would not be able to come."

As soon as the words fell, there was a loud "boom" outside.

Gu Shuixin said that he couldn't be so accurate, so he hurriedly looked out.

Fortunately, it turned out that Yan Mu threw the huge red-haired monster into the ruins again.

After crashing several buildings together, Yan Mu finally had enough.

While the monster didn't stand up, he slashed at the back of the neck of the red monster with a knife, beheading its head completely.

The entire body of the huge monster, together with the head that landed on the ground, turned into flying smoke and drifted away with the strong wind.

Yan Mu twisted his neck and said to himself:

"Enjoyable, or this kind of big guy is the most enjoyable."

Gu Shui saw Yan Mu's excited look from the gap in the building, spread his hands and said:

"Tsk, as expected, a brainless person like Yan Mu is the happiest, and he doesn't have to worry about anything."

Liu Bai said to Christine and Ellie:

"Don't worry about him, everyone, take a break and leave the vigil to Gu Shui."


At the same time, in the underground weightless space, Chen Kezheng asked with a puzzled face:

"Ethan, what did you mean by 'fresh blood in the past two days'?"

Ethan pointed to the back of the boulder he had just discovered, where a large puddle of dark red blood was covering the surface of the stone.

"There's nothing wrong with it, the bloodstain is definitely from these two days."

Eggplant also stepped forward to check and said:

"Ethan is right. The blood is fresh, grass, and there may be more than one monster. Maybe the fight here happened two days ago."

Song Qian looked around vigilantly:

"Since there is blood here, it means that this area also belongs to the sphere of influence of those things."

Eggplant pointed to an area where the crushed stones were relatively small and close to the wall:

"Go down from there, the rocks here are too big and easy to be attacked."

Everyone slowed down and got closer to each other, paying attention to the floating stones around them at all times, feeling as if they were traveling through the jungle.

After all, relying on air backpacks is not as flexible as on land, so everyone will still accidentally touch those rocks.

Ethan, who rushed to the front, just pushed aside a stone when he saw a one-meter-wide stone flying up from below.

"Be careful!"

While reminding, Ethan has already metalized his body, turned the gear of the air pack to the maximum, and withstood the flying stone with one punch.

Song Qian and the three also hurriedly moved away, and together they took their weapons and aimed at the back of the stone, but the back was empty, without any attachments.

Eggplant scolded:

"It seems that the dog is not only familiar with this place, but also has a lot of strength."

You must know that it is definitely not easy to push such a huge rock up in such a place where it is not easy to use strength.

As soon as the eggplant finished speaking, several stones flew up again, but this time they were not as huge as before. Song Qian successfully changed the direction of the gravel with the heart lock chain.

He lowered his head and swept down, but didn't see any monsters, but at this moment, Eggplant heard a heavier "whoosh" sound from somewhere.

Looking up, I saw a huge boulder with a diameter of about five meters falling towards the four of them.

"Over the head! Spread out!"

Everyone was surprised when they looked up, and wondered if there was a monster above their heads? Did you not discover it just now, or did you climb up later?

But at this time, I can't care so much.

Although this is a weightless environment, the speed of the boulder flying is not fast, but it is not easy to stop it with such a large mass.

If it hits any of the surrounding rocks under its pressure, it will not be much different from hitting the ground.

In this case, spreading out is equally dangerous, but it can only solve the immediate problem first.

Song Qian, Qiezi and Ethan hurriedly scattered around, but Chen Ke did not retreat in a hurry.

Instead, relying on the jetpack to turn over and adjust his figure, he reached out and pressed the Hyakkimaru on his waist.

Seeing this, Song Qian hastily reminded:

"Hey, Chen Ke, don't force yourself!"

But Chen Ke was still not prepared to escape.

Facing the falling boulder, Chen Ke tried his best to calm himself down, then took a light breath, Chen then pressed his finger to the blade, from the bottom left to the top right, and swung the knife vigorously.

Because the force came from the ground, it was suspended in the air at this time, Chen Ke didn't have a good grasp of the strength and angle, so the knife was still slightly skewed.

But the moment Hyakkimaru passed by, a blue light extended and spread along the blade, passing through both sides of the boulder.

As Chen Ke retracted his knife into its sheath ~www.readwn.com~ with a click, the boulder falling above his head broke into two halves.

Looking at the back of Chen Ke with the knife in hand, Song Qian and the three of them couldn't believe it.

First of all, although Chen Ke has grown up during this period, he no longer yells and runs back when he sees monsters like he did at the beginning.

But if it is said that his strength has improved to this level, it is still unbelievable.

Ethan was even more amazed:

"Hey, I didn't expect Chen Ke to be a master at using knives?"

According to Christine's previous determination, Chen Ke should be more of a technician.

It seems that Ji Han is not the only one in the Alien Guard who hides his own strength, Song Qian, Chen Ke and Eggplant are not as simple as they show.

But Ethan and Song Qian didn't care about being surprised, and each made up their feet on the left and right, kicking the broken boulder to both sides.

He knew that his sword was very handsome, and it would be even more handsome if he turned around without saying a word, but Chen Ke still couldn't hold back the excitement of using Hyakkimaru correctly for the first time in front of everyone, so he turned around and smiled.

But before he could pretend to be 13, a black fleshy tentacle bounced off his head and wrapped itself around Chen Ke's arm.

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