I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 852: bunker prison

Seeing this reply, Ji Han really couldn't laugh or cry.

This tone is definitely Kiryu's right, people from the Duke or Dracula family will not be so disgusting.

damn thing! He was so worried here, yet he was still in the mood to joke around!

Seeing Song Qian and A Dong looking at each other in confusion, Ji Han explained:

"They should have also escaped from the Dracula family's stronghold."

Song Qian shook her head and said:

"Brother Han, your ability to make friends is really unbelievable. How long has it been? The Consciousness-only Society, which was still fighting with us, is now able to go to the tiger's den for you. How is their situation? They need our help. ?"

"It's not clear yet, but at least it's out of there."

Not long after, the ambulance finally arrived at the airport. Originally worried about Ji Han's situation, the team leader suggested sending Ji Han to the hospital for treatment first.

But Ji Han explained that apart from being weak all over, he basically had no problems, as long as he went back to rest and recuperate.

And cultivating in this kind of place is probably more dangerous than going back.

The people behind also arrived at the airport one after another, including the buried eggplant and Chen Ke, the broken Xiaochun, Lao Xia and Erqiu and others.

After confirming that everyone arrived at the airport safely, Jiang Lan arranged for everyone to take the flight back.

Before boarding the plane, Ji Han seized the opportunity to come to an open and empty place alone, but when he turned around, he found that Song Qian, Chen Ke and Qiezi also followed.

"It's okay, Brother Han, I'm just a little worried about you, afraid that you won't be able to hold on for a while and faint, I'm here to help you out."

"Tch, it sounds like I'm useless."

Although he protested, Ji Han also knew that this was their approval of Consciousness Only Society.

But because the person he contacted was Kiryu, in order to avoid revealing the truth of the game, Ji Han couldn't communicate frankly in front of them.

After answering Kiryu's call, before he could speak, Kiryu said to himself:

"Originally, I wanted to enjoy your worries for a while longer, but I was really afraid that you would do something stupid after worrying too much, so I hesitated and replied to that text message. Now that I think about it, I really regret it. What will you do."

When Ji Han heard this, he replied angrily:

"Fuck off, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, but escaped from Dracula's place, are you really okay?"

Tong grew up and said:

"That's not true. After all, it's the old guy's bunker. In order to successfully sneak in, he still broke an arm. Now it's connected. It's just a waste of blood. The most annoying thing is those strange mirrors, which almost dazzled my eyes. blind.

But I'm not that hardheaded, and I left immediately after deliberately exposing him to clues. "

Ji Hanxin said that in order to sneak in, he would not find that his arm was broken?

Although as a player there are healing drugs to recover, it does require guts.

The most important thing is that this guy can break his arm without hesitation in order not to expose his whereabouts to Duke, but he will expose himself to Duke without hesitation for his own safety.

"What an idiot! Can you tell me in advance next time you have such an action? If I knew you were so desperate, I would have dealt with Duke again."

"Hey, take this sentence as a reward for this trip. Well, don't worry about me. Seriously, I made a big discovery during this infiltration."

"Oh? You mean about bugs?"

Kiryu said seriously:

"That's right, Duke's bunker is heavily guarded, and those props and traps are not used to guard against thieves or enemies at all, but to guard against other players.

So after I went down, I believed that the clues about the game bug must be in the bunker. At first, I thought it might be some special effect object or a mutual restraint prop.

But as I continued to fall, I discovered that the entire bunker was actually a prison. "

Hearing this, Ji Han was also surprised.

At the beginning, I guessed the same as Kiryu.

Based on my own experience in playing games, the so-called game bugs are generally situations that the game designers have not considered. Most of them are problems between game settings or item effects.

For example, a prop can be inserted into a dead person to bring him back to life, so what if the prop is used to stab a person to death?

Can it be revived immediately to cause the result of not being able to kill people, so that it can continue to deal damage.

Although this game is quite cheating most of the time, since I played this game myself, I have never seen a similar situation.

Combined with what Kiryu saw, the game bug that Duke found must not be the case.

Then it is very likely that the game designer did not consider it.

Thinking of this, Ji Han guessed:

"Prison? Could it be that he collected players from all over the world and absorbed their game abilities through some kind of ability?"

Kiryu replied:

"I've also had this idea, but let's not say that I haven't seen any props that absorb players' abilities. If it's really just absorbing, just **** it up. It seems that there is no need to build a prison to imprison them. The other is Duke That old **** has never had my idea, which means that it should not be the absorption of the player's ability."

Indeed, besides, how could there be so many players for him to absorb.

"What does the prison you're talking about look like?"

"The prison is just my understanding of it, because the surrounding area of ​​the bunker is covered with protective props by that old **** Duke, and from my point of view, it is impossible for the people inside to come out.

The only thing that can get in and out is a blood ladder, and it is estimated that only the Dracula family can use that thing, and maybe even Duke himself. Five people. "

Thinking of this, Ji Han replied:

"I have a clue here that you can try~ www.readwn.com~ At the same time as Duke, there is a player named Messiah, who seems to be a vampire, but it seems that he can't be found now. Does the guy have anything to do with Duke's game bugs?"

"Messiah? What does it look like?"

"Well, he was also a young man with long brown hair back then, but I don't know what he looked like later on."

"You really fought against them?"

"Uh, it was a long time ago."

"A young man with long brown hair? Take a look at the photos I sent."

The photo sent by Kiryu seems to have been taken in a place where the light is not so good. There are many black candles burning around the picture, and a huge stained glass painting is on top.

On the huge round glass, a lot of colored broken glass was spliced ​​to form a bust of the two.

Ji Han was very familiar with that scene, it was Duke and Messiah who he had fought against back then.

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