I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 853: old rascal

Seeing the portrait composed of countless colored broken glass, Ji Han was also full of curiosity.

The two people in the picture are Duke and Messiah in their youth. That's right, but why their glass statues are placed here.

It looks like a place of worship.

Recalling that the Messiah seemed to push Duke away at that time, could it be said that he died to save Duke, so Duke is still here to commemorate his good friend?

It is reasonable to think so.

"Where did you find this altar? Is it their family altar?"

Kiryu denied:

"That's what was found in the bunker prison. There's no altar on them at all."

"Bunker Prison? You mean that this glass painting was not taken outside for worship?"

"Of course, if only Duke can enter the outer part of the underground prison, the glass painting you see may only be seen by him and the people who came out of the prison."

Ji Hanxin said that this is not right, if Duke is really saved by the Messiah, then he can openly leave the portrait of his benefactor and himself as a brother outside.

Why hide like this?

This custom of gratitude should not be different because of different races, right?

"Kiryu, have you heard of the Messiah before? Or does the Dracula family have any other clues about him?"

"Before you told me just now, I have never heard of this name. Based on my understanding in the Dracula family, if there has been such a person in the past hundred years, I must know it."

Tsk, this is not just downplaying someone or something, but it should eliminate the evidence of the Messiah's existence.

But if it is really eliminated, why place such a glass painting in the underground fortress to worship alone?

Ji Han was really confused.

At this time, Kiryu asked about the situation when he was fighting against Duke and Messiah. Naturally, Ji Han didn't mention the matter of crossing, and didn't go into too much detail, but just explained the battle situation at that time.

"If it is true as you said, that Messiah might have saved Duke, the situation in front of me is really incomprehensible.

Judging from Duke's reaction, the people in the bunker prison must be related to game bugs, and the glass painting of the Messiah is underground. "

Listening to Kiryu's replay for himself, Ji Han followed up and analyzed:

"There is a contradiction here. If you really don't want outsiders to know, there is no need to make a glass painting, so a reasonable explanation is that the production time of the glass painting is before Duke's removal of the Messiah mark.

In other words, it may be that the relationship between the two was good at the beginning, and they even survived after the battle with me. Then something happened to make Duke consciously erase the traces of Messiah. "

Hearing this, Kiryu clapped hands and said:

"I see! Do you think there is such a possibility that what we saw was not the real Duke, and the Messiah killed or absorbed everything Duke occupied him.

So he will not let other people know the existence of his past self, the Messiah. And that painting was placed underground because no one knew the details. "

When Ji Han heard this, he was taken aback by Kiryu's bold guess. One person absorbs or replaces another person, occupying his everything, which is indeed somewhat magical.

But although it can explain some problems to a certain extent, it has nothing to do with the topic of game bugs.

Ji Han denied:

"Not right, let's not talk about whether Duke has the motivation to absorb another messiah who has finally found and has the same smell as himself.

Judging from the tone of my simple conversation with him today, he is definitely Duke. Although this kind of imagination is bold, it can basically be ruled out. "

Kiryu was discouraged and said:

"Phew, then I can't guess, that's all I can find out so far, dead Duke, it's really **** deep.

And after my infiltration this time, the protection of the bunker prison will definitely be upgraded, and it will be even more troublesome to go in next time. "

"That's even better, even if you want to take risks again, I won't agree."

"Hey, are you really afraid that I will die?"

"Tch, I'm afraid you didn't die in my hands.

We have to change the way of investigating this matter. From what you're saying, it seems that the Dracula family has an eyeliner. I believe it should not be difficult to get the contact information of Duke's granddaughter Lilith, right? "

"Hey, you old rascal, you not only beat the grandfather, but also the granddaughter, no wonder Duke hates you so much."

"Go away, stop talking, remember to tell me if you find it, she may be another breakthrough for us.

In addition, I have to recuperate for a while after completing this dungeon. During this period of time, apart from low-key investigations, do not do other actions. You also give me a good recovery. "

"Follow me~"

Ji Han hung up the phone in a feeling of nausea.

Although I don't want to admit it, I have to say that without Kiryu, I might have died in Duke's hands long ago. He seems to be a little different from before, but I can tell what is different.

At least, it seems that I haven't heard him talk about the strange goal of "chasing evil gods" for a long time.

Thinking of this, I turned around and found that other people had rushed over, as if they were worried about being away for too long.

It wasn't until he came back and boarded the return plane with everyone that Ji Han finally had the opportunity to check his game interface:

[Status: Stamina: 9600; Armor: 6320 (immune to fire damage) (immune to a fatal attack)]

[Game Level: Level 86 Evil Section (The next section is the Disaster Section)]

【Points: 658】

[Game cash: 65.62 million]

[The current game title can be exchanged for cash after the game is over, and the accumulated superposition: 69 million]

[Weapons column: Death Separation, Flame Demon Fist Blade, Chongyang Respecting the Elderly Stick, Zhenyue Sword, Cold Moon Wolf Bow, Claw Knife (Quenching), Mechanical Crossbow, Dagger, Crossbow***]

[props column:

Treatment props: 3 bottles of green nutrient solution~www.readwn.com~2 bottles of blue nutrient solution, 2 packs of blood ashes, 1 bottle of flesh suture solution;

Attack props: 4 bags of hallucinogenic gold powder, 20 meters of shadow thread;

Fusion props: 1 leech blade, fire of death;]

[Backpack column:

Other acquired props: vampire expert suit (without gun), a five-minute hourglass timer, mist-releasing wind bead, space-time compass (with Dumen, Shumen, Jingmen, Jingmen time rings), injury time ring, black Jade spirit ring, five jars of mercury, the first Jade Seal of the Kingdom, 1 piece of divine bird fire feather, 1 bottle of blood water from a thousand corpses, 1 piece of replica jade, 5 jars of yellow sand as a souvenir, pieces of meat flowing from a thousand-year-old body, black shadow corpse liquid 2 bottles, 5 bottles of Black Rock Mountain solution, 5 underground mycelia, 2 bottles of sea spirit sand]

[Skill table:

Shaken Faith, Finger of Calling Meteor (cooling down), Returning to Nothing, Double Jump, Eye of Prophecy (opened), Borrowing Soul Possession, Evil Spirit Possession, Instant Strike, Thousand Corpse Soul Surrounding, Alien Eye, Gaze into the Abyss, Identify Mycelium, Invulnerability, Nightmare Whisper, Tentacle Control, Flame Addition, Overlap]

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