Chapter 110 Martial Arts Competition

Xu Hai nodded. He has heard about this many times.

Li Yunlong looked at Xu Hai, hesitated and said, “That’s it. I don’t know what the Ministry of Education is doing this year, saying that he is going to upgrade the scale of the martial arts competition.

In other words, the National Freshman Budo Contest is no longer a freshman contest this time, but has become a national university martial arts contest. What does this mean you should know? ”

Xu Hai squinted his eyes, and the Freshman Budo Contest has become a National College Budo Contest, which means that the contestants this time may not be limited to the freshman students, which also made him feel a little more jealous.

To be honest, in terms of newcomers alone, Xu Hai doesn’t think he can’t beat any of the students, but if you add sophomores, juniors, and seniors, then this matter can’t be guaranteed.

After all, people have not learned in vain in the past few years. If nothing else, Zhou Wenzheng now has the strength close to the peak of the general. It really made Xu Hai match up. He definitely can’t beat the opponent now.

Fortunately, there are still a few months to go. If he has been training at this rate of strength growth, it is estimated that when the national student martial arts competition starts, his strength will not be better than these students. How much is the difference.

After seeing Xu Hai’s reaction, Li Yunlong felt a little disappointed. He originally thought Xu Hai would be very surprised.

“Actually, this is not the most important thing I want to tell you.”

“Ah, what is important then?”

“What I want to tell you is that our school is a declining school after all, with few talents, but there are still many top martial arts universities in China. The students who came out of them may not be as strong as you on the freshman side. , But if you add sophomores and juniors, your strength may only be regarded as a middle and lower reaches.

At least it looks like this for now.

If I am not mistaken, your current combat power index is only between one thousand and two thousand points. ”

Xu Hai nodded.

“For students who can participate in the competition this time, the combat power index is almost the same if you start at 1,500. So you must be careful when the time comes. Even if you can win this competition is not the key, the most important thing is You must protect yourself and not get hurt.”

Hearing this, Xu Hai’s eyes lit up.

“Principal, I want to ask you something.”

“Just ask, what’s the matter.”

“Principal, since the players participating in the competition will be very strong, does this mean that the rewards they will get after participating in this competition will also become more?”

Li Yunlong smiled and said, “Aren’t you nonsense? This is a national competition, and the rewards that can be given to you will definitely be more than those of the deputy Bendo before.”

He is a bit speechless. Xu Hai is not a normal person at all. Other students are probably scared to death when they hear this, but as long as it involves Xu Hai, his focus will strangely extend to money. side.

“Principal, I also remembered one thing, why the efficiency of our Ministry of Education is so low. After the copy of the Primeval Forest before, he said that he would give me rewards, but it hasn’t been given to me for many days.”

Xu Hai curled his lips, but he remembered it clearly.

Hearing this, Li Yunlong said with some dumbfounding: “You kid is really a money fan, but you can rest assured that this reward is prepared by the Ministry of Education, and it is now being transported to our school.”

“Ah, really? Isn’t the Ministry of Education not far from us? Tell me where I can’t get it in the past.”

“You really don’t understand or fake don’t understand, these things all require formalities, and the transportation does not take too long, but in terms of formalities, if you step down layer by layer, it will be delayed for several days or even ten and a half months. It’s all normal.”

“Ah…The principal, can you tell me what the rewards are for me this time?”

“I don’t know what rewards the Ministry of Education has given you. You can go and see it yourself when the time comes.

If you feel dissatisfied with the reward, you can apply for a replacement. Anyway, you have made such a great contribution. I guess that even if you say that you want to choose the reward, the Ministry of Education will not have any major opinions. ”

“Well, I thought the principal’s information was very good, but I didn’t expect it to be so.”

When he said this, Xu Hai’s eyes were a little bit disappointed.

Of course, this was all pretended by him to stimulate Li Yunlong.

Seeing Xu Hai’s eyes, Li Yunlong was a little embarrassed. At any rate, he was also a master at the level of a half-step saint. He was actually looked down upon by a small new student?

He didn’t get angry: “This is not the point! I didn’t come here to tell you about this. Did you kid remember what I was talking about?”

“Remember, isn’t it a national martial arts contest for students?”

“Yes, there is one more thing you must remember. Although this time seems to be a ring game, it is actually a melee match. Do you understand what a melee match means?”

“Melee match?”

Hearing this, Xu Hai was stunned. He originally thought it was a one-on-one heads-up match in a ring match, but he didn’t expect this to be the case.

“Yes, it’s a melee game. Of course, Sun Qiang and the others will tell you the specific rules.”

“Then I won’t bother you to speak to the principal. Then I will ask Teacher Sun Qiang to explain to me.”

“shut up!”

Li Yunlong can’t wait to slap Xu Hai to death. This guy is really irritating.

“This time I came here mainly to tell you a few things.”

“Go ahead, principal.”

“The place for this competition is a small world similar to a dungeon created artificially by us. There will be many random things in this small world, such as various offensive weapons and various skills.

If you are lucky, you are likely to experience skills that do not belong to your realm. Although you will not be able to use them after the game is over, it will give you a lot of insights.

And if you can get the first place in this competition, then you can get a skill of your choice to bring out this small world directly. ”

“Oh, this thing is a bit interesting, principal, is there any better exercises or skills to reveal in advance.”

“This is really not very clear, but there is one thing I can tell you. This is the internal news that I finally found out from the minister.”

“What internal news, principal, come and listen.”

Xu Hai was really curious this time. Judging from the principal’s description of this matter, he probably also knew that this should be similar to the battle royale game he played in his previous life.

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