Chapter 111

A bunch of school people came to melee, and finally decided that one or a group was alive, but now the venue has been changed from the game to a certain small world, and the guns and ammunition have also been replaced with exercise skills and various weapons and equipment, strictly In terms of this, this is much more interesting than the game I have played.

“In this game, there will be a saint-level skill called Shrinking the Ground. You can understand this skill as a spatial skill. As long as you can get it, no matter what level you are in, you can do it in a short time. Movable within.

Even if you learn well, after you reach the rank of Marshal, regardless of consumption, you can reach any place on the entire planet within three seconds.

This skill is very rare. The last time it appeared was obtained by General Sun Jiancheng. Of course, behind this, the old thing behind Xu Haodong also spent a lot of effort. ”


Boy, this skill seems to be too practical for Xu Hai!

Hearing this, both eyes of Xu Hai started to light up. In fact, in many cases, his Sharingan needs to be adapted the most is such a skill. Once he can get the scale, he waits for his Sharingan to activate Mangekyō Sharingan. With the functions of the five-flower Eight Gate, you can cope with it and become invincible at the same time.

Thinking of this, Xu Hai had a lot more expectations for the skill of shrinking the ground.

“Principal, can you tell me what other internal news is there, such as who my enemy is, what are their characteristics, and what needs to be paid attention to? I just think about it first and save time to find it. Their way.”

Li Yunlong said helplessly when he heard this: “I also want to know these news to tell you, but each school has done a good job of keeping their talented players confidential, so the information that can be found is superficial. , And even confuse you, it is better not to tell you.

But I can tell you that all universities across the country are constantly investigating and there are news about you. ”

“If you want to get the skill of shrinking the ground, remember to pay attention to the game information, especially some information about the official map, you may be able to find it.

Let Sun Qiang’s kid tell you the specific process of the game. I still have something to do. Keep busy. ”

After speaking, Li Yunlong left the Chakra retreat directly.

He can’t help it anymore. If he talks with Xu Hai for a while, it is estimated that Xu Hai will have to suffer from the love of the principal today.

After the principal left, Xu Hai hesitated and stopped practicing in the Chakra retreat room and walked towards the office of the scientific research department.

When he came to the office of the Department of Scientific Research, he found not only him in the office, Hao Rong was also here, and beside Hao Rong, there was a classmate he didn’t know very well.

“Yo, Xu Hai, you are here, and I plan to let Hao Rong come to find you.”

After seeing Xu Hai, Sun Qiang smiled and pulled him to his side.

“This is our new classmate in the science department, called Ji Hanyue, who was also a classmate in the combat department before.”

Also from the combat department before?

Xu Hai was stunned. Do students from the combat department like to run to the scientific research department so much?

“Teacher, the Hanyue classmate came to our Department of Scientific Research because of me, right? Then I can count as a draw for our Department of Scientific Research. Are there any rewards?”

After hearing these words, Hao Rong’s face turned red in an instant. It was because of Xu Hai that she came to the Department of Scientific Research.

After Sun Qiang heard this sentence, he turned to Byakugan and said: “What are you talking about? It will be transferred to our scientific research department. If there is a scientific research department from the combat department, then the combat department It is estimated that the teacher will resign or change jobs directly.”

He smiled apologetically at the student, and then said: “This time I asked you to come here because of the national student martial arts competition.

The school has finalized the list, and the original students are the three of you. ”

Xu Hai was stunned for a moment. The students participating in the competition were actually three freshmen? This seems a bit funny.

But after thinking about it carefully, the school might have his deep meaning in doing this. After all, if you bring a few senior, third, and fourth students, you might have an infight with Xu Hai directly, and you might as well bring Hao Rong directly.

After all, although Hao Rong’s combat power index is not very outstanding, Hao Rong can definitely throw others a few blocks away just by supporting it.

“Anyway, you guys are already here, and I won’t waste any time. I will tell you directly about the rules of this game.”

“The National Student Budo Contest was originally called the National Freshman Budo Contest, but this year some changes have been made to allow sophomores and juniors to participate, but seniors are not allowed to participate.

So, Xu Hai, you don’t need to worry that too many general-level students will affect your performance. As long as you train hard, your future strength will be at the top level when you participate in the competition.

Every school in the country is eligible to participate in this competition. They will send a small team to represent themselves, and Lin Lin will finally have three to five hundred teams.

At the same time, the rules of the game are very simple, each team has three people, ranked according to the survival time, the team that wins the first place can get the most rewards. ”

Xu Hai turned to Byakugan after hearing the news, and this rule is really just like eating chicken.

Of course, Sun Qiang at this moment naturally didn’t know what Xu Hai was thinking. After he finished speaking, he turned on a miniature projector and presented a map in front of everyone. Xu Hai took a closer look, isn’t this Is the island map in the previous fantasy map?

“The map of this game is actually a replica of the island map that everyone has encountered in the illusion. Of course, it is not the same as the illusion. This time, if you are killed by someone, you will not have a chance to survive.

Of course, most of the time, we still have certain safeguards. Generally speaking, you will not be killed.

There are a lot of strange beasts in it. Most of these strange beasts are of low level. They are all the strange beasts we captured. The weaker ones are not even martial artists, but the stronger ones can even reach the general level. It is indeed a very troublesome thing, but for those sophomores and juniors, it may not be necessary. ”

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