Chapter 12

“I thought how powerful the inheritance of the Seven Ninja Swords is, but I didn’t expect it to be like this.”

“what are you thinking about?”

An indifferent voice suddenly sounded in everyone’s ears. As soon as the voice fell, a knife was inserted into the chest of the student who played the flute.

All the people present were stunned. They didn’t expect that the student who had inherited the Seven Ninja Swords before was pretending to lose to the opponent.

“It’s a murder! It’s a murder! Everyone, go to the police, go to the school teacher.”

“Stop for me, and take a good look at whether there was any murder, not ashamed of it, it’s making a lot of noise.”

The man glanced intently, then stunned and pointed at the scene in front of him, his face full of disbelief.

“No…impossible…obviously just now…”

Xu Hai frowned slightly.

Although he used Sharingan to see that it was an illusion, he was still shocked by the realism of the illusion.

The student holding the flute seemed to be stabbed in, but in fact there was nothing wrong with him.

He who stood in place before was just an illusion.

By the time the inheritors of the Seven Ninja Swords realized that they had fallen into a trap, it was already too late.

Behind him, a flute was gently placed on his neck.

The inheritor of Tayuya smiled slightly: “It looks like you have already lost.”

The inheritors of the Seven Ninja Swords gritted their teeth. Although they didn’t want to admit it, they lowered their heads.

“Fuck, is this the inheritance of the legendary Otonin Village? Sure enough, no one in the four major villages can match this illusion skill level?”

“I don’t think so. I think it’s just that his fit is relatively high, plus that the inheritor of the Seven Ninja Swords is not familiar with his inheritance.

I have read the materials, the inheritance of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen is a relatively slow one, and it is quite normal that the inheritance of Otonin Village cannot be beaten now. ”

“Even so, the two of them are very good. It has only been a few days since school started. These two are definitely not ordinary students.”

“You look at the clothes they wear and the jewelry they wear on their hands. You should be able to see that they are students from a big family, otherwise there wouldn’t be so many weird things.”

“It’s just jewelry, what’s the big deal about it?”

“Are you stupid, don’t you see the light above? It’s all energy fluctuations, with various buff bonuses. Do you think it’s the same as the thirty-dollar necklace you bought at the stall? ”

The battle is still going on, and the students nearby are also discussing their exchanges.

Many freshmen looked at those who accepted the inheritance at about the same time as themselves, and various complex expressions flashed in their eyes.

And Xu Hai, who saw this scene, had mixed feelings in his heart.

Against these people, although he was confident that he could win, he was not able to ensure that he could easily crush the opponent.

From the conversations of those classmates before, he also heard that these people are all descendants of a family with backgrounds.

That’s why the inheritance has been polished so well in such a short period of time.

Taking a deep breath, Xu Hai left the crowd.

He is not discouraged. He who has the inheritance of Sharingan has much greater potential than these people.

“Although my strength has not yet reached the level of crushing my peers, as long as I with Sharingan can make myself exhausted and then recover, then my ability to control Sharingan can rise to a level.

But now if I compete with them with my strength, the danger is still too great, and if you get hurt, it will be more than the gain. ”

“Now I still have to go to the retreat room to practice hard. My physique is too weak to support the high-intensity pupil technique of Sharingan.”

“Sure enough, people with background can eat well no matter where they are.”

On the way, Xu Hai was still thinking about the previous two groups of people fighting.

Although this wasn’t considered a high-level battle, the Tayuya inheritor’s use of his inheritance still amazed him.

Regarding the strength of the inheritance itself, that person should be more proficient in the application of his inheritance than Xu Hai’s Sharingan.

Although he knows Hokage ninjas well, and also knows that Tayuya has no way to compare with the Uchiha family, when he saw the battle scene of the opponent with his own eyes, the impact still impressed him.

Like the fighting skills they used, the accessories that could open the energy shield on their bodies gave Xu Hai another layer of guard.

If he is equal to the opponent on the battlefield, then these trinkets are likely to be the key to victory.

“It seems that in addition to strength training, we still need to dig into various usages of Sharingan.”

There are many functions of Sharingan. These miscellaneous uses may not be very useful in normal times, but they are likely to have miraculous effects on the battlefield.

Just like Hatake Kakashi in Hokage Ninja, although the first Kakashi did not open Mangekyō Sharingan, it still applies Sharingan to Ultimate.

Of course, Xu Hai, who has seen the full version of Hokage Ninja, also knows very well that Sharingan also has many limitations.

The first is the issue of battery life.

After all, he does not have the blood of the Youyu Chiba family and the physique of the Senju family, so even if the inheritance is obtained, he needs to pay more attention to the battery life.

This is also Sharingan’s biggest flaw.

After upgrading to Mangekyō Sharingan, he also has to take into account the problem of vision.

He didn’t have the opportunity to change his eyes like Sasuke, if Mangekyō Sharingan really had visual impairment, he would use it with caution.

In addition to these, Sharingan shouldn’t have a big problem.

“Next, we should study the inheritance of Sharingan. There seems to be a little difference between the Uchiha family in the copy and the manga.”

The next day, Xu Hai did not go to the retreat room to study Sharingan, because today is the day of class.

As soon as he walked into the classroom, he saw the teacher handing them piles of textbooks.

After sending out the textbook, the teacher stood on the podium and said to the students present: “Students, it is nice to meet you.

My name is Zhang Jian, and I will be your future head teacher. If you have any questions in the future, you can come to the office to find me. ”

The greetings were short, but with a few words of effort, Zhang Jian came to the roll call and clicked more than a dozen people in one breath.

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