Chapter 13: New Copy

Xu Hai noticed that the inheritance of these people is very good in their respective copies, and their matching degree is also very high, the highest one even reached 99.

But among them, Xu Hai is most interested in a classmate named Meng Xiaotian.

The inheritance that this person accepted actually came from Dragon Tiger Mountain in the comics under one person.

Compared with the many island country comics, this seems like a clear stream.

However, in Xu Hai’s impression, this comic should not be regarded as a martial arts world under one person. I don’t know how far Meng Xiaotian can practice after accepting their inheritance.

After reading it for a long time, he didn’t even recite Xu Hai’s name. Just when he was a little drowsy, he suddenly heard a voice.

“Xu Hai, the teacher will miss you.”

Xu Hai glanced at the person next to him, and his eyes were puzzled.

The speaker was the roommate who hugged him before. This person’s name was Dong Yunhao, and he was very close to Buddhism. It is said that the contract signed was the inheritance of a Buddhist monk.

Xu Hai looked at Dong Yunhao and said with some curiosity: “How do you know it’s approaching me.”

Dong Yunhao smiled mysteriously and said: “There are fifty people in our class. He has already read forty people, and you are the last one on the list. Of course, he will be near you.”

Sure enough, as soon as the voice fell, the teacher said: “Xu Hai, the inheritance accepted comes from the Konoha Village of the copy of Ninja Village.”

After speaking, there was a whisper in the class.

“I didn’t expect the rumor to be true. The champion of our province actually signed an inheritance agreement with Konoha Village.”

“It’s a pity. As the province’s champion, he actually signed such a rubbish village. It seems that he can only do scientific research for a lifetime.”

“Don’t say that. I heard that he was determined to accept the Konoha inheritance from the beginning. It’s not that other villages don’t want to sign an inheritance agreement with him.

There may be special reasons for doing this now. ”

After all, the students from the scientific research department are far better in quality than those before.

Even knowing that he signed the Konoha Village heritage, he did not cynic or look down on it, and he would even be more cautious.

To be honest, such qualified students made Xu Hai a little uncomfortable for a while.

After finishing Xu Hai, the teacher basically completed the task of roll call and introduction to each other.

He covered the roster, then looked at the students present very seriously and said, “Classmates.”

The students present immediately stopped laughing and sat quietly looking at the teacher, waiting for him to speak.

“I want to tell everyone that although the outside world says that our Department of Scientific Research is a place where only a bunch of dead houses come, but here is definitely not as comfortable and simple as you think.

It’s not that after you come, you can take the subsidies and resources that the state gives you, and be a grandfather here and eat nothing. In many cases, we are more dangerous than the combat system. ”

“Our scientific research department is not only responsible for sitting in the office. Many important resources and materials in the copy require us to enter the copy for sampling and research as soon as possible.”

“In a sense, we are more dangerous than combat students, because what we face is often the unknown.”

“So, I hope that those students who are thinking about eating together in the office and waiting to die and take care of their days in the future, hurry up and apply to other suitable majors for you. After all, every time a new copy comes, the first one to go in. Criticizing people will always belong to our department of scientific research.”

As soon as this sentence was finished, the students present exploded.

“Oh my god, we want to enter the dungeon I know, but why are we the first to go in every time? In case there is a vicious unknown existence on the side of the dungeon, won’t we be finished.”

After hearing what the classmate said, the teacher on the stage smiled and said, “It’s not that exaggerated. The leaders are all powerful masters, and you won’t lose your talents in that place.

During the university, we took the students to the past mainly for the students to accumulate experience. The real resource mining and the collection of important materials are all done by us teachers. ”

“However, with the opening of more and more copies now, our people are actually not enough.

That’s why the Department of Scientific Research will expand the enrollment. This also means that in the days to come, if there is not enough manpower, it is very likely that seniors will bring juniors and sisters into the dungeon. You should be mentally prepared Get ready. ”

From this point of view, although the combat department is the mainstream, the scientific research department is the first major in copy development.

So after the teacher said these words, the students in the audience also began to have a lively discussion about their major

“It sounds like our profession seems to be much more useful than the combat department. No wonder the subsidies and resources given to us are not much less than them.”

“Don’t talk about it. I thought the Department of Scientific Research is a major that can get resources even when sitting in an office, but I didn’t expect it to be like this.”

“No, no, the frequency of dungeon activation is relatively low, so we still sit in the laboratory most of the time.

And when we go to the dungeon, there are special personnel to protect it, so the question of strength is more of a personal choice, otherwise we would not be called a dead house professional. ”

“It makes sense, then I can rest assured.”

Looking at the students under discussion, the teacher above also showed a touch of relief.

When the voice of the discussion gradually became smaller, he clapped his hands, and then said to the people present: “Well, classmates, we need to say one more important thing next.”

The students in the audience all looked at the teacher curiously, not knowing what important things will be done in the first lesson of the school.

The teacher coughed, and then solemnly said: “I just received the news that the number of copies of our scientific research department has been down. It is a copy that has never appeared before.”

A copy that has never appeared before?

This aroused Xu Hai’s curiosity.

As a high-achieving student, he naturally knows that copies often appear repeatedly.

And the copy that has never appeared before, this can be regarded as very rare among the copies.

Although he has also been to the dungeon of Ninja Village, that place is mainly for the first inheritance, which can be regarded as a dungeon of the novice village type.

And this time, what their teacher wanted to say seemed to be a copy of a non-novice.

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