Chapter 194

“It is estimated that Xu Hai will not leave because he thinks that his strength should be able to fight this Wang Xiuwei. If I were such a super genius, I would definitely want to fight him if I met such an opponent.”

“Don’t you think that Xu Hai is very courageous? He was so comfortable in the previous battles that he showed the appearance of a salted fish.

But in a battle of this level, if it is me, I will surrender as soon as possible. After all, it is about my own life, and looking at this momentum, even if the opponent can’t kill Xu Hai, he will definitely abolish Xu Hai. of. ”

“I think this is the courage of a reckless man. The courage is commendable, but in this kind of competition, it would be too irrational to say that the opponent will fight to the end because of the intentional arrangement of the opponent. If it is ruined by it. What should I do about my future path?”

Many people think Xu Hai is a bit silly, but more people think Xu Hai is a warrior.

Although Xu Hai is putting himself in the most dangerous situation, the place of the game itself exists to challenge the impossible. If a strong man runs away every time he faces danger, then he cannot become a one. The real strong.

However, besides them, there are many people who have a vague attitude towards Xu Hai’s behavior this time.

“Anyway, whether Xu Hai wins or Xu Hai loses, there will definitely be big problems in the betting this time.”

“I think many people have put their money on Xu Hai. If Xu Hai is killed this time, these people will really lose out. No one else has made a lot of money because of Xu Hai. He then put all his wealth on Xu Hai’s body. I don’t know if this time he will become a pauper because of this incident.”

“But I’m a little curious, if Xu Hai died, what kind of punishment would this person be punished?

After all, he seems to be from the Hidden Persons Association, this Hidden Persons Association is really cruel enough to actually do such things. ”

“It doesn’t matter to him, what kind of punishment he receives has nothing to do with us, and the country will definitely attack him by then.”

Although I have just seen Xu Hai’s strength, most people feel that Xu Hai has met a general-level master, even if he is a super genius, the chance of surviving is a bit small.

And in that closed room, the three old people were very nervous at the moment watching the scenes during the game. The old man from the military was now full of breath that couldn’t stop gushing, which made the few behind them. A young man kept sweating coldly.

“Calm down for me. You are so close to the auditorium and the door has been broken again. Do you want to kill those people with your aura?”

“Yeah, those next to you are ordinary people. A little bit of your aura is enough for them to feel uncomfortable for several days. Not to mention that you are in such a violent mood. It may kill half of the audience. Will you be able to afford this responsibility?”

Old Liu on the side saw that the old man from the military was so angry that he hurriedly stopped.

The strength of this old man has half-footed into the half-step saint level. Once it breaks out on the scene of the game, except for the man-made copy inside, it is estimated that the audience present will be inevitable.

Although they are all top masters, in this country, no matter how strong they are, they need to abide by the law to kill.

With so many people, even a half-step saint would have to accept legal sanctions, and even be directly sentenced to death.

After hearing this sentence, although the military old man’s aura a little, he still failed to restrain the trend of the outbreak.

He glared at the screen angrily: “This is a game run by our country, and it is a game run by your Ministry of Education. How can you allow the Hidden Persons Association to send someone to disrupt it?

Damn, after finishing this game, Laozi must run to the headquarters of the Hidden Association to tear down that place. ”

The two old men looked at him and both sighed slightly. Of course, they knew that the old man in the military was talking angry. Let alone who in the Hidden Association is backing him, just talk about the headquarters and let the military. I have been searching with the Administration Department and other hidden departments for many years, and it can be said that it is even more difficult to destroy this organization.

“Are your teachers so easily confused by a talisman? What do they eat? Did they rise to the general level by eating shit? It is a violation of the rules to use their own skills in this kind of competition. If it were placed in the military, it would have interrupted this match, shit, this time Laozi, the man in charge of this formation, must ask him to settle accounts.”

He came directly to the old man from the Ministry of Education and said to him: “Quickly, open the emergency door for me. I will personally enter the scene to rescue Xu Hai and tear this guy to pieces.”

The old man from the Ministry of Education also looked at the picture on the screen with a gloomy face, as if he was hesitating to open the back door to the man-made copy this time in violation of the regulations.

As the vice minister of the Ministry of Education, he naturally has this right, but this requires a high level of authority. Even he only has the key. If you really want to open this door, the price you need to bear is really not small.

And just as he was about to take out the key, a very majestic voice suddenly came not far away.

“Tell me to be honest, if you don’t want Xu Hai to die in it right away, you can just watch it here.”

This voice was very ethereal, but it changed the expressions of these three people.

Because judging from the aura that it exudes, the owner of this voice is definitely a semi-holy level.

Moreover, this is not the one who built a team with them to maintain the order of the game.

When did Xu Hai provoke this old monster? Why don’t they know?

And the most important thing is, why did this old monster suddenly come to this competition arena and look at Xu Hai?

The three old men were silent. If they forcefully rescue Xu Hai at this moment, then it is very likely that they will be blocked by this semi-holy master who does not know where they come from, and Xu Hai’s situation may be even worse. Danger.

And the semi-holy level master on his side still needs to maintain the formation of the game and the stability of the world, and it is very likely that there is no way to help them.

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