Chapter 195: The Water Is Deep

After comprehensive consideration, the trio found that at this moment, not making a move turned out to be their best way.

However, not taking action does not mean that they will be afraid. After all, they themselves are half-legged semi-sage masters. If they really fight, the three of them will face the unknown semi-sage, who will lose. It is still unknown who will win.

And just as they were considering how to reply to the unknown person, a gentle voice suddenly rang.

“Yeah, you’re here, why, just want to see if Xu Hai can beat your favorite men?”

“It’s Mr. Li, Mr. Li is here!”

A voice sounded in the hearts of the three old people at the same time. After hearing this gentle voice, their hearts were relieved a lot. This old man is one of the most powerful beings among the half-step saints. If he is there, this is unclear. The old man who came from the road should not be too presumptuous.

The old man didn’t seem to be surprised when he heard Lao Li’s voice.

“I just don’t want your hands to break this rule, nothing else.”

Li Lao said, and then used secret techniques to say to the three old people: “Don’t worry, I am in control of this situation. They can’t hurt Xu Hai. You guys just watch it get better.”

After opening this soul channel, the old man from the military immediately showed his anger.

“Lao Li, as long as you give an order, we will immediately find this guy to fight with him, even if he is desperately killed, I will beat him to a cripple.”

Then Old Li smiled happily.

“Can you not be so irritable when you are old? Just watch here obediently. This person is not our enemy. There is no need to confront a neutral person at such a high price.”

Hearing what Old Li said, this veteran from the military resisted his urge to make a move.

But in his heart, he secretly took down this account.

What about the semi-holy level? The military is not a master without a half-step saint. When there is a chance, even if there is no way to directly attack the half-step saint, it is definitely not a problem to tidy up his order.

In the entire world, those who dare to fight against the Chinese military have not yet been born.

Inside the stadium.

In the enchantment, a huge explosion just happened.

The barrier at this moment has been smashed by Wang Xiuwei’s explosion, and the faces of Hao Rong and Ji Hanyue behind the barrier have no longer any ruddy aura.

“What about Xu Hai, where is Xu Hai? He won’t die, will he.”

There were still tears on Hao Rong’s face. Just now Hao Rongming saw Xu Hai blocking him, but Xu Hai disappeared after the explosion disappeared. The only explanation is that Xu Hai was in this fierce attack. Down, it has disappeared.

Hao Rong’s eyes were red, and she couldn’t believe how could Xu Hai be beaten by such an attack without any bones?

However, she has no strength at this moment. After all, she has been injured, and her condition is indeed not very good. It is very difficult to stand up, let alone to find Xu Hai in the past.

Not far away, Wang Xiuwei walked step by step in the direction where Xu Hai was.

“I planned for such a long time. Before the game, I had gathered so many people to ambush you. I thought you were just an extraordinary early student, but I didn’t expect you to have such a strong ability now.

Fortunately, I paid so much and finally completed the task from Zhou Wenzheng. As long as you die, Zhou Wenzheng should not come to me again this time, and Laozi will be completely relieved by that time. ”

Looking at Xu Hai who blocked his big move, Wang Xiuwei’s face was filled with excitement.

The move just now consumed most of his strength. Even an ordinary general who encountered this move in the early stage would be seriously injured, not to mention a Xu Hai whose strength was sealed.

He walked in the direction of Xu Hai, ready to find Xu Hai’s body and then give him another corpse whip action by the way, but before he did it, a voice suddenly appeared.

“Yes, the trick you just made can be considered a good trick in the Dragon Ball dungeon, but your proficiency is so bad that you can’t play the true power of this trick at all. If you stand here, you might be pissed off by seeing you use this trick.”

Xu Hai’s voice slowly reached the ears of everyone present, and his figure slowly walked out.

“One to say, your skill really doesn’t pose a big threat to me.”

Looking at Xu Hai’s figure, Wang Xiuwei’s expression immediately changed, and Xu Hai was not dead!

The audience outside the venue was also a little surprised to see this scene.

“I’m not mistaken. Just now, Wang Xiuwei almost hit with all his strength, but he didn’t kill Xu Hai.”

“Where is Xu Hai not killed? Can you see any scars on him? This Wang Xiuwei is not a paper tiger? He has the general-level momentum but not the general-level combat effectiveness.”

“Impossible. If he didn’t have general-level combat effectiveness, how could the rest of the students be killed by him so easily? It can only be said that Xu Hai is too strong.”

“Impossible. Xu Hai has general-level strength at a young age. According to this development momentum, wouldn’t he be a marshal directly in his second and third year, and a half-step saint when he graduates?”

“Moreover, the most terrifying thing is that Xu Hai used pure physical power to take over this general-level trick. This is arguably impossible. Even the top of the generals cannot rely on pure physicality. Do it this way.”

“Didn’t this Xu Hai accept the inheritance of the spirit system? Why is the body so strong? Could it be that he left the blood of that Super Saiyan? That’s impossible.”

“What are you thinking about? Even if he is a marshal-level master, it is impossible to break the seal. That seal has been specially reinforced, so no one can break it in a short period of time, let alone him. An extraordinary person.”

“But the opponent is a general-level expert. Although it is only temporary, it is easy to crush against a transcendent level person.”

“If it is the normal Xu Hai, I don’t think it can be crushed. You see, he can now follow the moves of a general-level master. If he has not been sealed with various abilities, it is estimated that he will be able to fight the opponent. open.”

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