Chapter 38 Heaven-defying Xu Hai

“I originally thought that it was not easy for him as a student to enter the fourth floor, so I planned to break out and rescue him first, but before I succeeded in breaking out, he had already killed four or five wise zombies.

And when I killed half of my opponents, he had already run out of the encirclement of hundreds of intelligent zombies.

I was a little curious, so I followed him, and wanted to see how his ability was and how long he could stay on the valley map in the fourth, but I didn’t expect this guy to go directly to the portal. ”

“At first I thought, why this student is so stupid, didn’t you people let the people below warn them not to enter the golden map?

But when I just woke up, and it didn’t take long to explain to the group of people, this student actually woke up, and then you should know the rest. ”

Sun Jiancheng buckled his table with his fingers, and then said: “This matter needs to be continuously followed up and investigated. If there is any abnormality in his body in the follow-up, he must be reported to the military in time. We will send a commissioner to pay attention to this matter. matter.”

Imperial Capital Budo University, outside the copy.

Those students of the combat department lined up in a row, almost everyone’s face was not pretty, they were accepting the instruction of their combat department teacher.

After all, this time in the illusion copy experience, the combat performance can be regarded as the worst in history.

“I hope that you can remember the lesson this time, and work hard. When you go to the copy next time, you can give us a satisfactory answer.”

“Okay, get ready to go back.”

The teacher was planning to lead the team away, but suddenly felt a strong breath.

He changed his face and his body immediately tightened, but when he looked back at the master whose aura was exuding, he breathed a sigh of relief.

This man is not a powerful alien, but a second generation military who is very famous among the younger generation, Xu Haodong, a powerful quasi-marshal level.

He was about to go up to say hello, but Xu Haodong walked in the other direction without even looking at him.

The teacher’s expression was a bit awkward, but he didn’t dare to say anything, after all, he couldn’t afford to provoke the man in front of him.

“It seems that the people in the scientific research department should have already left. It’s a pity. Why did this kid go to the scientific research department? Shouldn’t all such combat geniuses belong to the combat system?”

After thinking for a while, he suddenly turned around and said to the combat teacher: “Come here for a while.”

When the teacher heard him say this, he immediately stepped forward and said respectfully: “Sir, what’s the matter?”

He glanced at the teacher and said in a bad tone: “How did you do when you were doing professional assignments? A top combat genius like Xu Hai was not assigned to the combat system. Do you guys eat dry food? ”

The teacher was speechless by Xu Haodong’s words. Who would have thought that Xu Hai, who had accepted the Konoha inheritance, could actually achieve this level of results in the illusion dungeon?

For a while, the combat students behind also bowed their heads.

Until the end of the fantasy dungeon experience, they have been laughing at Xu Hai as a waste, but they did not expect that just such a waste, they have achieved results that no one can think of, and even eliminated a group of combat members.

Seeing the reactions of these people, Xu Haodong frowned, and then said in a stressful tone: “It stands to reason that the military should not interfere with the affairs of Budo University at will, but I hope you can tell you when you return. Principal of, tomorrow, on behalf of General Sun Jiancheng, I will personally go to the Imperial Capital Budo University to meet Xu Hai.”

After saying this, everyone was quiet.

On behalf of General Sun Jiancheng, come to meet Xu Hai in person?

This kind of honor hasn’t appeared in their university for many years.

Moreover, the emissary of this meeting is too high, right?

After the students and teachers of the combat department had left, beside Xu Haodong, a young soldier looked at Xu Haodong, and said with some confusion: “Sir, although this student did get an unprecedented score this time, he still Wouldn’t you and General Sun Jiancheng pay so much attention to it?

After all, this is an illusion copy, not a real copy. Didn’t some students spend a long time on the valley map relying on the things given to them by the family during the second experience? ”

“And I have heard some colleagues say that it seems that he has rejected all the generous terms we offered him before, and he seems quite determined to stay in the Department of Scientific Research.

If you want to recruit this student named Xu Hai this time, you may not get the results you want. ”

“One more thing, this student, based on the information we have received, the inheritance he accepted is the inheritance from Konoha Village. I think you know what the inheritance of Konoha Village looks like.

Even if the Konoha Heritage is something we overlooked or did not notice in terms of spiritual power, it should not be too heaven-defying. If the Konoha Heritage is really that strong, then those who accepted the Konoha Heritage before, again How could it be lost to everyone. ”

This soldier from the family behind Xu Haodong talked endlessly. As Xu Haodong’s guard, he still knows Xu Hai very well.

Because of this, he was actually a little dissatisfied with Xu Haodong seeing Xu Hai in person. After all, Xu Haodong was already a spiritual belief for them, and asked him to put down his body to win over a student…

“What about the inheritance of Konoha Village? The Sun Qiang from Budo University didn’t even sign the inheritance. As a result, do you think he is weaker than me now?”

The soldier next to him stopped talking.

Xu Haodong took a deep look at the direction of the school, but in the end he still didn’t tell the story of Xu Hai surviving on the golden map.

Since the golden map got out of control, the entire human race has a large number of forces and masters entering the illusion dungeon, wanting to uncover the secret of the golden map out of control, and this secret is likely to be related to the opportunity for the breakthrough of the marshal level towards the saint level. .

However, almost all of the people who have been there are damaged, and no one can come out intact.

Even the top powerhouses of some big forces are often severely injured after entering and cannot fight for a year or a half.

And even so, it was almost futile.

But Xu Hai was different. He came back alive and was safe.

Of course, Xu Haodong also guessed many times that he had misunderstood that Xu Hai did not walk through the portal that entered the golden map, but left the valley map at the moment before entering.

But even so, this Xu Hai, he still wants to meet.

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