Chapter 39: Jealousy

Thinking of this, he glanced at the young soldier next to him, and said to him: “Make arrangements and cancel the latest schedule. I’m going to meet Xu Hai in person, and don’t make any trips. If you let me know, you will be expelled from the military.”


And just in the square of the school not far away, Zhou Hua’s dissatisfied voices were constantly filled with the classmates of the fighting department.

“What does Xu Hai absolutely have to do with it? Otherwise, how could it be possible to get such a high score with his Konoha Village heritage?”

“Even if he took second place, I pinched my nose to recognize it, but the first place is still the first place with such a big gap between the scores. This is obviously because there is something tricky in it.”

“The head of the army is so anxious to see Xu Hai, is it just to collude with him? Could it be that someone on the military side helped Xu Hai take action?”

He kept talking about his guesses, but the teachers didn’t say a word.

Obviously, they also feel that even if it is not as dark as Zhou Hua said, Xu Hai’s ability to get such a high score this time is definitely tricky.

Otherwise, a Konoha Village inheritor, no matter how talented he is, it is impossible to get the first place with such a big gap.

“Yes, what Zhou Hua said is too reasonable. I have always suspected that this matter was planned secretly.”

“Yes, we met him in the sand desert map at the time. Didn’t he even get scarred all over his body without even beating a zombie?”

“Hao Rong, haven’t you seen him in the rainforest map? Tell me how he disguised himself.”

“He can kill zombies in the rainforest map. It is Hao Rong’s credit to you. A top-level auxiliary system like you can kill a zombies even if it assists a pig.”

“That said, Xu Hai is taking advantage of Hao Rong’s advantage. It is really shameful to eat Hao Rong’s soft rice.”

Hearing these people speculating about Xu Hai indiscriminately, Hao Rong frowned and said to them: “Shut up, you guys. Not only did I not help Xu Hai, I almost caused him a lot of trouble. He wasted a lot of time just to protect me.”

“Also, I want to tell you one thing. After entering the rainforest map, I was almost lost. It was him who helped me find a way to escape the illusion from the rainforest map.”

“Zhou Hua, I warn you, don’t just say that Xu Hai is bad in front of me, otherwise I’m not polite to you!”

After saying this, all the combat students present were silent.

Even the first person in his class, Hao Rong, said so, so they only met with Xu Hai and were killed by Xu Hai. They have no right to say anything.

But Zhou Hua was still unwilling to say: “Hao Rong, are you confused by this Xu Hai? You are the first person in our combat system. You can’t speak without conscience.”

Hao Rong glared at him, and said in a weird manner: “It’s hard to tell if you don’t look at Xu Hai, but at least you don’t look down on you.”

After speaking, Hao Rong turned his head without even looking at Zhou Hua.

In her eyes, Zhou Hualian now has no qualifications to compare with Xu Hai.

In the school, before Xu Hai and other students from the scientific research department came to the principal’s office, there was a lot of rumors about Xu Hai killing the Quartet in the illusion dungeon and refreshing the record of freshmen.

In the school’s conference room, the principal happily patted the table and said: “I really didn’t expect that this time the Department of Scientific Research actually got such a high score, I am afraid that even other universities can’t match it.”

He is really happy, because since that incident in the Department of Scientific Research, not only the Department of Scientific Research itself has become lonely, but even the entire Imperial Capital Budo University has slid from the top level in the country to the first-class level.

He can’t remember how many times the Imperial Capital Martial Arts University has not won the first place in the university in the experience of such a large copy of Illusory Dungeon.

“I heard that Xu Hai is still the number one in the college entrance examination in our province. It is not easy to be able to come to the Imperial Capital Budo University, but why hasn’t he been properly trained before then? Is it just because he has accepted the inheritance of Konoha Village? ?”

Those teachers present, especially those who have participated in professional assignments, have some misery.

They are all assigned to the Department of Scientific Research. Isn’t this a good training?

Besides, the combat department didn’t want him either. The general Sun Jiancheng had already spoken before, but he didn’t want to go.

Next to the principal, Sun Qiang, who had already returned first, saw the principal like this, smiled and said to him: “Principal, I want to apply to you for one thing.”

The principal nodded and said, “Go ahead, Sun Qiang, do you have any requirements?”

He has always been very optimistic about Sun Qiang. A top genius like this young generation is willing to teach in school, and he never forgets the scientific research department from which he came from. This in itself means that this person is not only superb, but also of character. Rarely good.

Sun Qiang coughed, and then said to the principal: “That’s it. Everyone knows that Xu Hai, who won the first place this time, accepted the inheritance from Konoha Village.

To be honest, as to whether this inheritance is waste or not, I think we need to discuss it again, but one thing is very clear, that is, Xu Hai’s combat aspect may be buried in the Department of Scientific Research. talent.

But Xu Hai himself is reluctant to leave the scientific research department, so I think the school can transfer some teachers from the combat department to take charge of the combat part of the scientific research department.

In the past two years, the Department of Scientific Research has paid little attention to fighting. I think this goes against the philosophy of our school. After all, this is a Budo University, not a research school. ”

On the spot, a combat teacher raised his hand and said, “Teacher Sun Qiang, can’t we let the combat department and the scientific research department jointly train this student named Xu Hai?”

Sun Qiang shook his head: “Before other teachers in the military and combat department had similar ideas, but Xu Hai rejected them. He does not accept joint training and just wants to stay in the scientific research department.

Of course, I guess the most important reason for rejecting the Combat Department is that some people’s students are irritating with others all day long, which leads to a bad impression of our Combat Department. ”

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