Chapter 66

As soon as the voice fell, the people present fell into a moment of silence, and then countless voices of discussion came from all directions.

“Oh my god, I heard you right, this is a copy of the primeval forest. After death, it cannot be resurrected.”

“He is a real show, how can he complete the level three mission? You said he wanted to die, but he also brought a top freshman Hao Rong. Isn’t this going to make our school lose his life?”

After Sun Qiang in the crowd heard Xu Hai really say this, he squeezed the airplane key in his hand in an instant.

“Tmd does he really want to choose a level three mission? It’s because Laozi thought at first that he just didn’t want to make an excuse to team up with those classmates, but he didn’t expect that he was really fainted.”

“The level three task, even Laozi may not be able to complete it in the first two years. He also chose the alien beast of the primeval forest. What does he want to do?”

“No, I’m going to stop him.”

And just as he was about to take this step, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Li Changsheng looked at Xu Hai who was about to enter the dungeon, smiled faintly and said, “Let him in. You and I can stop this kind of thing once, but you can’t stop it the second time or the third time.

If he really doesn’t count, and feels that he has a little combat power index and he is floating, then he won’t be a loss if he died here.

If he actually has his own considerations, and even has the confidence to complete this task, then if you and I stop him, wouldn’t he ruin his future? ”

“Furthermore, have you forgotten the reason why he refused to join the military? It is because the military is not free enough. Now you go and stop him there. What’s the difference between the military and the mandatory execution of the mission order? Woolen cloth?”

Sun Qiang did not speak, but his face still exposed his mood at the moment.

But even so, he didn’t take a step forward.

Because at this moment, Li Changsheng’s hand is resting on his shoulder.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to move, but that he can’t move.

Not far away, the teachers of the combat department saw that Xu Hai had chosen a level three mission, and the faction he had chosen was an alien beast in the virgin forest, and his face showed a knowing smile on the spot.

“It seems that Zhou Hua doesn’t need to take action. He has already lost the chance to survive.”

“Even if we were in the past, there should be no way to complete the level three mission, and he actually chose the alien beast camp for the first time. He is really a lunatic, but thanks to his madness, we don’t need to worry about anything anymore.”

Looking at the people nearby who were taunting them, Hao Rong’s expression did not change, but Xu Hai thought in his heart: “After I finish this task, don’t blame me if you can’t make a copy.”

After speaking, he took Hao Rong’s hand and walked into the copy very firmly.

The reason why he held Hao Rong’s hand was not because he and Hao Rong had made any substantial progress, but because he heard that the team might separate when entering the dungeon, so he held Hao Rong. Rong’s hand in case the two separate.

Once two people didn’t enter the dungeon at the same time, it would take a lot of effort to find Hao Rong by then, so it might as well hold hands and go in together.

A ray of light flashed, and after a while, two people appeared on a desert.

“Xu Hai, what should we do now?”

In fact, Hao Rong wanted to ask Xu Hai’s plan this time, but because there were so many people outside, she said she didn’t ask.

And Xu Hai didn’t talk nonsense. He pointed to a human city on the map and said to Hao Rong, “Go, let’s go to this place first.”

Before coming in, he remembered that Li Changsheng had told him that this city on the map was the most likely place for alien beast controllers. Although I didn’t know why Li Changsheng told him that, he intuitively told Xu Hai that this Li Changsheng was definitely not. General character.

Since the other party is so optimistic about him and told him this kind of information, it would be a bit too much to not take a look.

According to the information given to him by Li Changsheng, this place can be regarded as one of the base camps of the Doomsday Organization, and it is also the starting point for the known plot of this entire copy.

Therefore, Xu Hai must enter this city.

The two walked for a while, Xu Hai looked around, and after making sure that there was no one, he turned to look at Hao Rong and said to her: “Hao Rong, I recently learned a new secret technique. Wait a while and you will ride on me. On his back, the two of us fly together so that the speed will be faster.”

Hao Rong looked at Xu Hai, whose face was slightly flushed, and smiled chucklingly and said to him, “Well, I actually learned this flying technique at home.”

After speaking, Hao Rong’s body slowly floated, and at the same time, there seemed to be a strange spatial distortion around her body.

Xu Hai’s eyes narrowed slightly. It seems that the flying technique on Hao Rong’s body can be regarded as his advanced version. It should be her family’s elders who used Hao Rong’s inheritance to make a phantom very cleverly as a cover.

And Hao Rong’s real body was actually near the Phantom.

Hao Rong looked at Xu Hai who was in a daze and said to him: “This is a technology in my inheritance, called phantom refraction technology. To put it simply, it is to hide the image near me, and then project it to another. A place to confuse other people’s sight to protect yourself.”

Xu Hai nodded appreciatively, and then he flew up.

In fact, he was still a little surprised in his heart. This flying technique seems to have a very simple function, but as a skill that simulates flying into the air at the marshal level, it is indeed very difficult to learn.

If you want to be a successful Master, you must be able to master the energy in your body, which is the Chakra in the bodies of Hao Rong and Xu Hai.

At the same time, when controlling energy, you must accurately grasp the degree of energy use to ensure that you don’t fly too high or fly too low.

Even with his talent, it took Xu Hai three full days to learn how to fly.

Unexpectedly, in just a few days, Hao Rong actually learned this secret technique and improved this skill.

Hao Rong didn’t realize the shock and praise in Xu Hai’s heart. She looked at Xu Hai, blinked and said, “Why don’t you leave?”

Xu Hai came back to his senses, nodded and said, “Oh, I was a little distracted just now. Let’s go. We have to rush to the city where the Doomsday Organization is located before the others. It’s best to control King Kong. ”

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