Chapter 67 Doomsday Base

After speaking, he added: “Controlling Xiaojingang is a very important part of our plan.”


In the sky, an airplane was flying slowly. There were a few children on the airplane, and a few middle-aged people in very bright clothes.

Suddenly, one of the children pointed to the sky outside and said to the middle-aged man among them: “Dad, I just saw someone flying next to our plane.”

The middle-aged man rubbed his child’s head with a smile, and said dozingly: “Really? That’s really amazing.”

After speaking, he turned his head and said to the person who looked like a housekeeper next to him: “After you go back, give the young master a pair of glasses, and then take him to check his body, whether he has been having hallucinations on the plane recently.”

In a forest in Langyatai, there is a secret base that no one knows.

The layout of this secret base is very concealed. If you don’t know it in advance, you will definitely not be able to find this place.

And here is the most important secret base of the Doomsday Organization, the Academy of Sciences.

Near the Academy of Sciences, rows of soldiers were patrolling around. In the middle, there was a huge pit. Inside the pit, there was a huge monster like a sleeping gorilla.

And above this big pit, there is a room full of various electronic instruments. A very delicate-looking man is manipulating various data on the computer. He is the chief scientist of the Doomsday Organization, Under Armour.

“At present, some of Xiaojingang’s data are very normal. I believe it will not take long for Xiaojingang to wake up and control him.”

Looking at these constantly stable data, he smiled knowingly.

Suddenly, the various values ​​of the little King Kong inside the big pit began to rise sharply. He made a decisive decision and immediately sounded the alarm. After the nearby soldiers heard the warning of the rising value, they quickly lifted his weapon. On his chest.

“Quickly, stop him.”

In an instant, an astonishing aura exploded from Little King Kong, who hadn’t made much movement, and around him, the iron chains that had originally imprisoned him were directly pulled and faltered by him.

In the nearby corridors, a large number of soldiers were shooting at him, but it didn’t work at all. Instead, his light tail swept away and cleared everyone in the vicinity.

At the same time, the hair around him kept emitting a strange black light. After all kinds of weapons hit him, they only rippled, as if they were gently tickling him.

In less than a minute, the base was messed up by King Kong.

Everyone started to back up, their eyes were filled with disbelief, and even they didn’t know why King Kong lost control.

And in the transparent glass room above, Under Armour took out a small box, which contained the monster controller he carefully set up.

He walked forward with great confidence to admire his work, and the smile on his face grew stronger.

And just when he was about to use his monster controller to control the little King Kong who was running away in front of him, the sudden change occurred.

The little King Kong suddenly realized something, and suddenly rushed in the direction of Under Armour. The huge chain that was originally tied to Little King Kong’s body was quickly torn apart like fragile spider silk.

In less than two seconds, King Kong’s fist had hit the glass of the house.


Under Armour’s body was thrown away fiercely by the violent air current, and at the same time, the alien beast controller in his hand also broke away from his palm.

He looked desperately at the alien beast controller in his hand, almost reaching the point of collapse in his heart.

Originally, he hoped to be able to use this alien beast controller to control Xiaojingang to help them avenge Xuehen, but he did not expect that the new alien beast controller would be directly destroyed by Xiaojingang before it started to be used.

And at this moment, the alien beast controller in mid-air was suddenly firmly grasped by a hand, and then two figures appeared in Under Armour’s line of sight. He looked at a man and a woman in front of him. , Somewhat at a loss.

Needless to say, this man and woman are naturally our Xu Hai and Hao Rong.

In mid-air, Xu Hai and Hao Rong stood near Under Armour, holding the monster controller in their hands.

“What is this?”

Hao Rong looked at Xu Hai out of breath, not knowing what Xu Hai sold here.

Since arriving at this instance, Xu Hai has been flying with her at very fast speeds. With such a long distance, even Hao Rong felt a little overwhelmed.

And the two people rushing for such a long distance, the ultimate goal is such a small box, this can not help but make Hao Rong a little surprised.

Of course, now is not the time to speak.

Before the people present had not reacted, Xu Hai directly took Hao Rong’s hand and went outside the encirclement without hesitation.

“This thing is the instrument to control the alien beast, and it is also the most critical part of our plan this time.”

The specific principle of this thing, to be honest, neither Xu Hai nor Hao Rong is clear.

But Xu Hai knows that this thing can easily control all kinds of strange beasts. This is also the brainchild of the Doomsday Organization researching so long in this dungeon.

If Xu Hai and Hao Rong didn’t come to this place this time, then it’s no surprise that Little King Kong should be born soon.

“You mean this thing can control the gorilla below?”

“I think it’s a bit suspicious, I feel that the gorilla below is going crazy, and everyone in this doomsday organization seems to be unable to stop him.”

“Is this gorilla’s power being restrained? Look at the pipes in his body, and even this way, his strength is much stronger than mine.”

In fact, Hao Rong felt unstable in his heart. With such a small box in Xu Hai’s hand, how could it be possible to control such a gorilla that was running away?

With so many pipes in his body to restrain his strength, he is already much stronger than Hao Rong. If all the pipes are pulled out, will he just kill Hao Rong and Xu Hai directly?

Especially this guy is still in a state of rampage. It is estimated that if Xu Hai messes with these things, it is likely to backfire and let him attack the two.

Xu Hai did not speak, but looked in the direction of Little King Kong. In the big pit near him, almost everything was broken by him. The only thing that didn’t fluctuate too much was Little King Kong’s body. Those pipes are plugged in.

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