Chapter 75

Even if it measures a combat power index of several thousand points, it can only be compared with the average transcendent level, and it will directly hit the street when it encounters modern weapons.

“It’s all right, don’t talk about it.”

Meng Xiaotian frowned. In fact, he didn’t really like the mobs of these people. He even felt a little embarrassed when he looked at the faces of these people.

“According to the information I have obtained, Xu Hai is not the only one who chose the virgin forest alien beast camp, and several people also chose the virgin forest alien beast camp. I am going to solve these people first.

Although they are not considered to be very important, but the lion fights the rabbit to do their best to solve them in order to better solve Xu Hai. ”

“Zhou Hua, do you know where these people are?”

“I know, I have found someone to investigate. These people are not difficult to find, and they can be easily found through the high level of these human races.”

Meng Xiaotian nodded in satisfaction and said: “Okay, let’s go and solve them first.”

After speaking, he walked toward the outside of the conference room, and behind him, the combat students looked at each other and stood up and followed Meng Xiaotian’s footsteps.

And outside of the original forest copy at this moment, several doctors in white coats are discussing with each other about the copy near the teleportation area.

“Now that these students have all gone in, it seems that there is no problem.”

“How long have they been in? It would be weird if there is a problem, and if he can complete the task in such a short time, it means that he must be able to complete more advanced tasks, and now he has to die.”

“It also makes sense. The training time for our virgin forest copy this time seems to be two weeks. I don’t know how many students will suffer casualties this time.”

“I heard that this time someone has chosen a level three mission. I don’t know if they can come out…”

“Choose a level three mission? Isn’t this crazy? I remember that the last person who completed the level three mission should be a tianjiao more than ten years ago. Is that tianjiao now a half-step marshal.”

“Yeah, things like Level 3 missions are basically not something humans can do. Although the Imperial Capital Budo University is a good school, it is still far from the top universities, so I am not optimistic about their choice of level 3 missions. Student, if there is no accident, he would not be able to come out alive at all.”

“Not necessarily, not necessarily, do you know who is the one who chose the level three mission this time?”

“who is it?”

“He was the student who entered the fourth-tier valley map of the Illusory Dungeon during the freshman experience and killed the Quartet in it. Even the military was alarmed by him, Xu Hai.”

“Xu Hai, I know him. Isn’t he the student who chose the Konoha Village inheritance? I heard that because of him, many military and school officials have begun to re-study the Konoha Village inheritance.”

“If it were him, I felt it was possible.”

“When you say that, I really look forward to it.”

The doctors talked casually, but the military next to them looked very serious.

Many of them are also paying attention to the experience of this copy of the virgin forest at the same time.

“I heard that this time there is another student, oh, no, it seems to be two students, they chose the alien beast camp in the primeval forest, and it is still a level three mission.”

“Oh my god, this is not fatal, the level three mission, even those seeds of the military, have not been completed for many years.”

“This time the two people who chose the third-level task are from the same team. The female member is not too good, but it can also be said to be a first-class level among peers, but the boy who took the lead in choosing the third-level task is just fine. There is a background.”

“What do you mean? The son of a big family?”

“No, no, no, according to our information, he should have no identity background, but you should have heard his name. He is Xu Hai, the heaven-defying player who won the first place in the fantasy dungeon. ”

“Xu Hai… Do you mean that Xu Haodong, Chief Xu Haodong personally invited him before, but was rejected several times by others?”

“Yes, that’s Xu Hai.

To be honest, if it is someone else, I might think that he will be trapped in the virgin forest forever this time, but if it is Xu Hai, I think it is really possible for him to complete this level three mission. ”

“But… if he has completed this level three mission of the Primal Forest dungeon, wouldn’t many of the students who oppose his camp who chose the human mission be trapped in this dungeon forever? ”

“In theory, this is the case, but do you really think that so many students are trapped here, we will not rescue? And to say a cold-blooded words, there are such heaven-defying players as Xu Hai, want them to have What’s the use?”

If this sentence were known to the public, it would definitely cause an uproar, but the soldier next to him nodded in agreement.

Those who have been fighting on the battlefield for a long time naturally know what a top genius means in the battlefield of different dimensions.

On the other side of the copy, the teachers were basically gathered together.

Compared with the discussions between these doctors and the members of the army, the atmosphere here is much quieter. After all, most teachers are worried about the survival of their students in the dungeon, so they rarely discuss these things leisurely.

But in this slightly depressed atmosphere, a voice suddenly broke the original silence.

“Some students really can’t help themselves. They actually chose the third level mission, and they are still a strange animal camp that opposes all the students. This time, if he can come out alive, it will be a hell.”

This person is a leading teacher of the combat department. He was involved in leading the team in the previous fantasy dungeons, and this time assassination of Xu Hai, he was also one of the organizers:

“This Xu Hai was originally just a rubbish with the inheritance of Konoha Village. Relying on the inheritance he has obtained, he is a little bit crooked. After taking a good place in the illusion dungeon, he pretended to be arrogant here, and didn’t want to Think about what you are.”

“He just did this desperate thing on his own, and he abducted Hao Rong, one of our best students in the combat department, who has obtained the hidden inheritance of Orochimaru.”

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