Chapter 76

“If Hao Rong also had a shortcoming in it this time, let’s not talk about the loss of such a super-assisted genius in our school. Just talk about the Hao Rong family, who of you teachers can afford this? responsibility?”

“Sun Qiang? Zhang Jian? Or is there any teacher who thinks he can afford it?”

“You in the Science Department can go crazy as much as you want, but is it a bit too much to confuse the outstanding geniuses of our combat department?”

If these words are kept in peacetime, he would absolutely not dare to say them.

Not to mention Sun Qiang, an old genius in the scientific research department who protects his calf to Ultimate, even if it is Zhang Jian, he dare not provoke him at will.

But now, these teachers in the scientific research department are unprecedented, and none of them has come out to refute.

Obviously, they are also a little bit unspectacular in their hearts.

These people feel that they are indeed a bit irresponsible for not preventing Xu Hai from choosing this level three task.

Not far away, Sun Qiang stood quietly. After hearing these words, he felt some discomfort in his heart, but he did not stand up and say anything.

Although what the teacher of the combat department said was very awkward, it made sense in accordance with the routine.

However, Li Changsheng beside him was very calm.

Sun Qiang and the others may feel that entering the virgin forest copy with Xu Hai’s strength may not be more than enough to complete a level two task.

But Li Changsheng, who has been in contact with Xu Hai for a long time and knows Xu Hai’s trump card, knows clearly that level three tasks may be difficult for other students, but for even the extraordinary level warriors, they can play a good Xu. For Hai, it’s not necessarily a big problem.

Knowing that Xu Hai chose the third-level mission, Li Changsheng was indeed a little surprised, but he was definitely not shocked.

He originally thought Xu Hai should choose a level three mission to challenge himself.

Of course, Hao Rong, who once worked in the combat department and now joined the scientific research department, would actually get together with Xu Hai, which was indeed a bit unexpected.

“This young man from the Hao family really has the courage. Just for this courage, I think she is much better than the elders in her family.”

Of course, some people are happy and some are worried.

Li Changhai is not depressed here, but the teachers in the scientific research department, especially Zhang Jian, are very worried.

The science department has really few geniuses in combat, and Xu Hai hasn’t appeared in heaven-defying for a long time.

Teachers like Zhang Jian, although they are all engaged in scientific research, it is absolutely impossible to say that you don’t like Xu Hai’s fighting genius.

Especially after I heard that Xu Hai also brought Hao Rong in, the love for Xu Hai in his heart was beyond his girlfriend.

But he never thought that the two students would choose the three-level mission of the original forest copy.

For a genius of this level, let alone the loss of two, it is the loss of one. Zhang Jian will feel heartache for a lifetime.

If both of them are in trouble, even if the school does not hold him and Sun Qiang accountable, neither he nor Sun Qiang will have the face to stay in the scientific research department anymore.

Of course, if you want to return, in front of these teachers in the combat department, they can’t show too much guilty conscience, otherwise, they will lose the face of the scientific research department.

At the moment, Zhang Jian frowned and stood up and said to the teacher of the combat department: “We all see the strength of Xu Hai. Instead of worrying about Xu Hai, we might as well worry about Zhou Hua.

This kid tried to stumble upon us Xu Hai over and over again, but this time he probably didn’t have any good intentions.

I remember that he was killed once in the illusion dungeon because of a sneak attack on Xu Hai. ”

However, what unexpectedly happened to Zhang Jian was that not only was the teacher of the combat department not worried, but he smiled disdainfully and said: “Zhang Jian, don’t forget, if something goes wrong with Zhou Hua, his brother’s By the way, you will find your scientific research department.”

After hearing this teacher’s words, Zhang Jian was stunned for a moment: “His brother? It’s just a student. It’s not his turn to take care of what I want to do.”

After hearing these words, the teacher didn’t say much, but he still had a disdainful smile at the corner of his mouth, and in his heart, he seemed to be judging something.

Seeing that he was no longer talking, Zhang Jian didn’t bother to care about it, so he stepped back and began to admire the moonlight.

After their bickering, the atmosphere on the teacher’s side returned to silence again.

In the depths of the original forest copy, two human figures are flying rapidly in the sky.

These two figures are Xu Hai and Under Armour who are looking for wild orangutans.

They have been looking for this place for a long time, but because the primeval forest is too large and covered by various trees, it is difficult to find a specific sleeping place for the wild orangutans.

The two people at this moment, although tired, are still searching in the sky.

“No, can we fly lower, don’t you feel cold?”

Under Armour shivered all over.

The virgin forest at the moment, in fact, the temperature is not very cold under normal circumstances, but because two people are at an altitude of several hundred meters, coupled with the bursts of cold wind, it really makes Under Armour a little uncomfortable.

He is different from Xu Hai. Xu Hai has a Chakra body, but he does not.

He curled up his body as much as possible, but it was useless, his teeth were still trembling.

Faced with Under Armour’s question, Xu Hai smiled faintly and said: “Um… cold, but not very cold.”

In fact, he can add a Chakra shield to Under Armour, but this will cause him an extra cost. In such a dangerous place as the virgin forest, this should be regarded as a very unwise decision. .

And Under Armour also knew this truth deeply, so he didn’t ask Xu Hai to add this layer of Chakra shield to him that would make him not so cold.

In this way, Xu Hai held Under Armour, and constantly shot through the air based on the information the other party said.

In fact, if you change to someone else, at such a high altitude, there is no way to find the location of the wild orangutan, but Xu Hai, who has turned on the two-gou jade Sharingan, can penetrate these trees and find it very efficiently.

Finally, at a certain moment, Xu Hai frowned and suddenly said to Under Armour: “I seem to have found the position of the wild orangutan.”

Surrounded by countless woods, there is an area where a towering tree stands, and the bottom of the tree is hollow, and underneath it seems that a huge monster is inhabiting.

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