Chapter 79

“The forest lizard is one of the most powerful monsters in the primeval forest. What evil did we make to monitor this guy?”

“My goodness, how do I feel that he is about to wake up, has his breath become more and more restless recently?”

“Don’t stop crows mouth. If he wakes up, it is estimated that even half of the people present will not be able to go back alive. Let us do this job now, it’s almost a gambling on our lives.”

“I heard that one of our bases seemed to have been destroyed by the other group, and it was caused by Xiaojingang’s loss of control.”

“Don’t talk nonsense about this kind of thing, leave it to the top to do it, we are just ordinary soldiers, just do our own thing well.”

“Yes, but then again, this forest lizard is really big. Usually those lizards can reach the sky with a height of three or four meters, but this guy actually has a height of hundreds of meters.

Fortunately, he walks on four legs. As long as he stands up on two legs, he can’t just dry up our base. ”

“To be honest. I really didn’t expect that there is such a big lizard in this world.”

And while they were discussing the forest lizard, not far from Xu Hai, the wild orangutan who had just recovered most of his strength suddenly became irritable. He raised his arm and pulled out a giant tree directly. Come out and wave the trunk of that tree.

After waving for a while, he said to Xu Hai: “Master, I feel the breath of the forest lizard, no, I must kill that guy.”

In another part of the primeval forest, in the base of the Doomsday Organization where the forest lizards existed.

Inexplicably, the breath of the forest lizard also began to become restless.

In his body, the lights of different colors are reflected in each other, and in the mouth of the forest lizard, the speed at which those unique bytes are spoken has also begun to accelerate.

Obviously, the forest lizard is very irritable at this moment.

Not far away, the staff who observed this scene sounded the alarm without hesitation.

“Level 1 alert, level 1 alert, all surveillance and combat personnel return to their posts, ready to be on standby.”

“The first level of alert, the first level of alert, all combatants will go to their posts and be on standby at any time.”

Once this voice came out, it meant that the entire base of the Doomsday Organization had entered the highest alert state. In an instant, all the people in the entire base entered their combat positions with fear.

“Oh, oh, our monitor is destroyed.”

“What? Where was the monitor destroyed?”

“All the monitors that watched the forest lizards were destroyed by the forest lizards in the instant they woke up.”

“Wake up? Doesn’t the forest lizard need a week to wake up? Why did it wake up so quickly? What’s the problem?”

“Not sure, but our instrument seems to have detected another wave of fluctuations, but we are not yet sure what kind of fluctuation it is.”

“Oops, the forest lizard is heading towards our base.”

The staff watched this scene with a panic in their hearts

“What’s going on? Didn’t our previous research data say that forest lizards are one of the few primitive forest beasts that can’t attack the human race? Why is it so.”

If it weren’t for research that proved that forest lizards would not attack humans at will, then they would never place forest lizards in such an environment.

If a monster of this level is to be studied, at least it should be restricted by various high-tech weapons in its movement and strength like Xiao Jingang.

“I knew that this guy would have such an abnormal behavior, so he should be euthanized directly when he was asleep.”

Seeing the surveillance equipment outside the Doomsday organization base being destroyed one by one, the people present were really panicked.

Once the forest lizards came to the base, then even if they were immortal, they would be maimed by the forest lizards.

In fact, they had an argument when the forest lizard was still asleep.

Most people actually advocate anatomy of forest lizards and use the various organs of forest lizards in the development of modern weapons or various researches.

However, another part of the people think that the forest lizard is a top-level virgin forest animal. Since it doesn’t like to attack humans, it’s a pity to kill it directly. Under the dispute, this is the establishment of such a relatively less rigorous management study. base.

The main reason for this is that the sleeping state of the top alien beasts in other virgin forests is very dead. Most of them may not be able to wake up even if they are bombed with missiles, but the forest lizards have always been shallow. The state of sleep.

If it weren’t because he hadn’t launched an attack on humans for so many years, then the members of these doomsday organizations would have killed him long ago.

But this time, the forest lizard not only made all kinds of strange moves, but also destroyed all the monitors along the way, and finally walked towards the base of the Doomsday Organization, which made everyone present feel great. Panic.

As time passed, the people in the base gradually saw the forest lizard. At this moment, everyone present panicked.

“Quick! All the weapons are placed in the direction of the forest lizard. As soon as he steps into our base, he will immediately start attacking.”

After the order was issued, all the combatants on the scene gathered in the direction from which the forest lizard came, and one after another modern weapons extended from the inside of the base.

In fact, if you are facing other types of alien beasts, these weapons can definitely be easily solved. However, facing the forest lizards of the top alien beasts in the primeval forest, these weapons are more or less not enough.

One thousand meters, eight hundred meters, five hundred meters, three hundred meters…

As time passed bit by bit, the forest lizards were getting closer and closer to the base of the Doomsday Organization, and the members of the Doomsday Organization present were getting heavier and heavier.

“When he enters our range, he will shoot as soon as he has the intention to attack, but if he doesn’t want to attack, then we will wait for a while. Can we try not to provoke him, you know? ”

A staff member familiar with forest lizards said to nearby people.

“But what if he comes to our base and starts offensive again?”

“Yeah, I think it’s better to attack him directly now, it’s better to attack first.”

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