Chapter 80

Not far away, a man dressed as a doctor coldly glanced at those who advocated attacking now, and said indifferently: “How much damage do you think our weapons can cause it?

Let me tell you the truth, even if it’s face-to-face, these things will at most cause a slight injury to the forest lizard, and at this distance, the biggest effect is to anger the forest lizard and let him take down the base of the Doomsday organization quickly. ”

After speaking, he turned around, never looking at the group of stupid guys behind him again.

And after hearing these words, the faces of those few people also flashed a sceptical smile.

“Look! The forest lizard doesn’t seem to be moving anymore.”

A person who had been staring at the screen suddenly said.

After hearing this sentence, the others in the room immediately looked towards the screen.

I saw that at a distance of more than 100 meters from the Doomsday Organization base, the forest lizard suddenly stopped and began to walk back and forth around the Doomsday Organization base.

“It’s weird, what kind of medicine is sold in this forest lizard gourd? Why didn’t you go forward?”

“Based on the information we have just received, the mood of the forest lizard seems to have become a little irritable.”

“The mood has become a little irritable? Isn’t he asleep all the time? The combatants around us who observe him have not done anything that affects him, right.”

“Our research on forest lizards is relatively incomplete. The reason for his irritability is temporarily unclear, but I guess it should be something threatened.

The string of sounds he made seemed to be a scream based on the information we collected before. ”

“Screaming? Impossible. Who else in this world can make a forest lizard scream? It’s absolutely impossible to scream.”

Seeing that the forest lizard did not seem to be planning to attack the Doomsday Organization base, the staff present were also slightly relieved.

“We should have dissected it directly. If he really launched an attack on our base just now, I guess no one would survive.”

At this moment, everyone looked at Qin Likang, who was full of sadness in front of him, with confusion and perplexity in his eyes.

Among all the people present, the one who knew the forest lizard the most was definitely Qin Likang.

“To be honest, I don’t know why the forest lizard makes such a strange move. Based on the experience gained from the research in the previous years, there is definitely a certain reason for this move.

Now, the most important thing for us is to figure out why the forest lizard behaves so agitatedly. ”

The depths of the primeval forest.

After Xu Hai heard the wild orangutan say this, he was taken aback for a while, then smiled and said, “Are you saying that the forest lizard has completely awakened because of your awakening?”

The wild orangutan nodded.

“It seems that this time I made this move quite right, first disturbing the wild orangutan’s sleep, and then actually awakening the forest lizard.”

This time the wild orangutan was interrupted by Xu Hai’s sleep. In fact, the forest lizard, who was also sleeping, felt a great threat. This is also the reason that the forest lizard will escape from the place where it was originally detained in an uncharacteristic manner and destroy so much surveillance along the way. The root cause of the device.

Of course, the group of people at the Doomsday Organization Base certainly couldn’t think of this level. Now they are still at a loss as to what happened to the forest lizard.

“Originally, I was a little worried that the forest lizard would be tricked into helping the human race after it wakes up. Now that I wake up the forest lizard in advance, then Dr. Qin should not be able to negotiate with the human race. It is just right now, as long as I rush over Control the forest lizards, then my plan can continue unimpeded.”

Thinking of this, Xu Hai walked not far away and picked up Under Armour again, ready to take him out of here.

“Aren’t you here to rest for a while with the wild orangutans? Why are you in a hurry.”

Xu Hai glanced at Under Armour, hesitated, and told him his plan.

“Oh, I plan to go to another base of the Doomsday Organization to find a forest lizard.”

As soon as this sentence was finished, Under Armour yelled: “Are you crazy? Did you know that forest lizards and wild orangutans are natural enemies in the virgin forest? Once they meet, they will definitely fight of.”

In this world, most of the racial conflicts between wild beasts in the virgin forest have been studied by the human race. Among them, the most famous is the state of war between the forest lizard and the wild orangutan that has lasted for many years.

Every time two alien beasts fell asleep, it can be said that in addition to better defense against the human race, the rest is to prepare for the battle with each other.

But Xu Hai didn’t pay attention to them. He threw Under Armour into the air with one stroke, and then he flashed and led Under Armour to the wild orangutan’s shoulder.

“Go, let’s find the forest lizard.”

After hearing Xu Hai’s order, the wild orangutan patted his chest a few times, and then strode forward.

In the middle of the air, Under Armour looked at the behemoth under him, grabbed a wild orangutan’s hair in a panic, and in his heart, even more condolences to Xu Hai’s family ten thousand times.

“Who am I? Where am I? Why am I riding on the shoulders of a wild orangutan, is this guy really crazy? Actually wanting the wild orangutan to find the forest lizard.

If the two monsters fight each other, am I going to die? ”

Although Under Armour was scared to death, Xu Hai next to him lay comfortably on the shoulders of the wild orangutan with his eyes closed.

For him, what Under Armour fears is exactly what he expects.

At the same time, at a certain refuge base.

“Dong Yunhao, I have brought all the boxes of lunch, so I can open the door.”

Dong Yunhao opened the door cautiously. Inside the door, there are hundreds of humans taking refuge here.

And this city had been destroyed seven or eighty-eight because of the invasion of alien beasts.

“To be honest, I really didn’t expect that a first-level task would require several senior students in our scientific research department to do this kind of tortoise behavior.”

“This is pretty good, OK? I heard that a few students in the logistics department encountered an alien beast when they were doing a first-level task, but in order to complete the task, they fought directly with the alien beast.

In the end, although the alien beast was repelled, one person’s leg was directly bitten by the alien. We can now safely protect these ordinary people in a refuge base, but it’s very good to repel some criminals occasionally. NS. ”

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