I Choose The Heroine's Route

Chapter 26 - Percival Roques and Classes

I watched closely as a student with seemingly sparkling and bright silver hair walks up to the platform. His aura radiates nothing but confidence as he made his way with confidence. From where I was sitting, although his expression is serious, I could even see his icy blue eyes that shine with seeming pride.

However, despite the serious expression, I could also clearly see the slight smirk that's gracing his lips. One wouldn't even notice it unless they paid really close attention.

With confidence, he stood in front of thousands of students as he hold the sound amplifier, smiling with both unconcealed smugness and pride.

Seemingly arrogant but also with undeniably talent, Percival spoke with a clear and loud voice, "I am honored to be standing here in front of all of you."

– This is exactly how Percival Roques made his first appearance in the game, perfectly showing his character's personality. Pretty, talented, arrogant, prideful, and undoubtedly the 1st placer of the Royal Academy who has both intelligence and incredible skills in Earth Magic.

"Ever since I was a child, I have always dreamed of attending Royal Academy. So, when it comes to Magic, I tried to always do my utmost best."

"Although I have confidence with my skills and talent, I certainly didn't expect to be the one standing here." Percival continued his speech. A half-lie, half-truth. He indeed has the confidence, but untrue that he didn't expect this result. As someone who has played the game, I know for sure that Percival already knew that he was going to become the 1st placer and representative of the 1st year – that's just how confident he is.

"I really do believe now that working hard pays off, I mean, look at me now, I can't believe that I'm standing in front of all of you." Some students laughed, and a few were saying to 'stop lying'.

"For this, I am thankful. I swear to do my best until the very end, and I also would like to congratulate everyone here, as well as myself, for being accepted into Royal Academy. That will be all my speech, thank you."

A round of applause was given, some, mostly girls, even cheering loudly for Percival as he made his exit. The auditorium only went silent again once Percival went back to his seat, and Headmaster Roderic took over the stage again.

"The Academy isn't that strict when it comes to rules. There is only one thing you should never forget; Violence inside the Academy is prohibited. You are not allowed to hurt other students or teachers. If you do, you will be expelled and punished by the Royal Family as well." He said with a serious expression.

I already knew about the content of both Percival and Alex Roderic's speech, so of course, I also already know beforehand about the rules, regulations, and such of the Royal Academy. Although this was not included in Chapter 1 of the game itself because that chapter ended at Percival's speech, it was told in one of the extra chapters.

It's also been shared by the developers as trivia on their social media page.

However – "However, there can be cases where violence is necessary, such as defending oneself when extremely needed. If this happens, there would be an investigation and discussion." Headmaster Roderic continued.

It isn't exactly wrong, since there could be times where violence is the only solution. But, this is also a flaw that a person could abuse by framing someone. The fact that 'violence is prohibited inside the Academy's is also already a flaw.

Does this mean that if it's outside the Academy... It's allowed?

It was something I couldn't help but think about when I learned about the Academy's number one rule for the very first time I played the game.

I'm not even sure if this rule was made just like that on purpose or not... If it is, it also means that Alexander Roderic doesn't mind if students would resort to violence outside of the Academy.

I wonder if they're saying that since it's outside the Academy, it's not any of their business anymore? If you'll ask me, it's not really wrong... but that's just my own opinion since normally, even in my world before, some schools would still care about their student's image outside of school.

Because, as long as you wear the school's uniform, and it is known that you are a student from that school, it will damage the school's reputation and image if you did something bad. This doesn't apply to every school though, it mostly depends.

Maybe Alexander Roderic is telling us to settle our problem outside of the Academy if we can really no longer keep it to ourselves.

Shaking my head at my thoughts, I decided to just focus again on Headmaster Roderic as he speaks.

"We will now announce the class." He said before snapping his fingers. The blank, large white screen in front then lights up as an image or set of words appears. It was the list of sections; Class A, Class B, Class C, and Class D.

"We have Class A until Class D, with A being the highest and D being the lowest. At every end of the month, Royal Academy will hold an examination and a mock battle which can change a student's class depending on their results and performance." He explained, snapping his fingers again as the image of the screen changed.

It's monthly, but there was a moment in the game where it's mentioned that even though it's possible, changing class rarely happens. Class D has the highest chance of being transferred, but it rarely happens in Class C and Class B since... improving one's self is not really that easy, and RA expectations and wanted results can be quite high.

"Each classroom can have 40 students, so considering the number of students the Academy has, each Class is divided. This applies to all 1st years students until 3rd year." Headmaster Roderic gestured on the white screen as I silently read the words in it that already know.

Class A has Class 1-A and Class 2-A. Class B has Class 1-B until Class 4-B. Class C and D are similar to Class B, it was also divided into 4 classes.

Only Class A was divided into 2 because even though there is a lot of students in the Academy, only a few are said to be qualified for Class A.

"We will now display your names and classes in accordance with the Pre-Examination Ranking, so do pay attention to the viewing screen. Rest ȧssured that we will send a copy of your classes to your respective dorms later along with the subjects and lessons that there will be." As soon as he finished speaking, everyone's attention was immediately on the white screen – 'viewing screen' as they wait for their name to appear.

I quickly found mine since those who ranked high in the Pre-Examination Ranking are shown first.

'Aksia Euridice – Class 1-A'

I also didn't forget to check the Heroine and Capture Targets Class, and as expected, they are all in Class 1-A as well. It was the same as it was in the game. Confirming this, I can't help but be aware again and reminded that currently, Anastasia Clovis is sitting beside me. It's not that I forgot, Its more like I tried to ignore it for the time being.

"Classes will officially begin 1 week from now. During this time, you are free to explore and familiarize yourself with Academy." Headmaster Roderic then smiled, "Once again, I welcome all of you to the Academy."

All of a sudden, as soon as he finished speaking, the light coming from the chandeliers in the ceiling disappears as the whole auditorium was surrounded by darkness. Some students couldn't help but exclaim, as the others started whispering and standing up from their seats as well in confusion. I remained still with a calm expression.

Then I started counting from 5 to 1 on my mind.

Until I reached 1 – and the sound of an explosion was heard.

Along with people's exclamation of surprise, colorful and bright fireworks light up the large and wide dark ceiling of the auditorium, colorful sparks flying through everywhere as everyone stared in amazement.

Looking at this beautiful view, I couldn't help but be impressed as well. Other than that 1 time when I was still alive as Shana Monique, this was probably only the 2nd time I've seen something like this.

Something that looks so beautiful and magical.

Perhaps standing here and watching this also reminded me of some things.

"Congratulations to all of you for being accepted to the Academy!" Headmaster Roderic's voice was heard again, and at that moment, it was as if I was pulled back somewhere to the reality that I was in.

I looked around to see if some students are already leaving the auditorium, and by chance, I happened to look in Anastasia's direction as I meet her eyes who also happens to be looking in my direction. Maybe she was looking around as well.

There was this mysterious urge to say something, but in the end, I just ended up casually looking away as I stood up, whispering a silent 'excuse me' as I made my way out of the auditorium.

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