I Choose The Heroine's Route

Chapter 27 - Dorms and Lessons

When I finally arrived in front of the girls dormitory building with the help of the map that was provided by the Academy, I couldn't help but be a little astonished.

The building was quite far from the Main Building where the classrooms, facilities, and important areas or rooms are – If the Main Building is located in the North, then the girls dormitory is in the East while the boys dormitory is in the West, the exact opposite of the girls dormitory's direction.

On one of the special or extra chapters of Magical Romance, it was briefly mentioned that the reason why the boys and girls dormitory was so far from each other was because one of the Headmaster from before thought that if they're too close, something 'improper' might happen...

Additionally, one of the main worries was affairs or romance affecting the students studies. Romance in the Royal academy isn't forbidden though, but the Headmaster from before definitely wanted to avoid it as much as they can thinking that it can be a hindrance or a distraction.

And until now, nothing has really changed about it since Headmaster Roderic didn't think that something should be done about it, and it's okay to just leave things as is since it's not really severely affecting anyone.

Casting those thoughts at the back of my mind, I finally made my way inside of the building, and as I enter the large double door, I was made even more aware that it is indeed a large and wide establishment.

Perhaps it's bigger than the Main Building of the Euridice Dukedom, but it would make sense since all of the female students of the Academy are staying here.

Once you enter, a hallway of lockers will welcome you, then passed that is the lobby of the dormitory. There was a counter at the center back near the wall where a female staff of the Academy can be seen, in case of emergency and in need of ȧssistance, then about 5 steps away in front of the counter, several empty chairs are placed.

And about 10 steps away beside the counter, there is an elevator wherein instead of technology, it's powered by Magic instead.

There are long hallways on both opposite sides of the lobby, they're so long that they seem endless. There's a lot of rooms and on their doors, different numbers are displayed.

Just then, I remember from the information the Academy sent me when I was accepted that my dorm room number is 067.

I walked towards the counter, "May I ask what floor room number 067 is in?" I asked the female staff politely.

She looked at me for a few seconds with eyes slightly wide before answering with a small smile, "It's on the second floor, my lady." After thanking her, I rode the elevator. There's no stairs in this building, so I could only take the elevator.

Earlier, the female staff called me 'my lady'. She might have recognized my identity based on her reaction, but that wasn't the reason why she called me that. In RA, noble or not, every student can be addressed as my lady and my lord or miss and mister as something like a respectful or polite thing to do.

The coachman from earlier already brought my luggage and belongings to my room, and all that was left to do is to arrange it once I arrived.

So when I finally found my dormitory room with the number 067 and was able to enter with the key sent in advance to me by the Academy when I was accepted, my eyes immediately went to the luggage that was placed on the floor, near the king-sized bed is.

The room wasn't as big as my bedroom that was in the Dukedom, but it definitely wasn't small.

The bed takes up almost half of half-space of the entire bedroom area, with small tables on both of its sides, a large closet beside it on the left side, and a study desk opposite of where the bed is. Near the study desk, there was also a couch and a table with a flower vase on it and... a small box that's seemingly coated in gold.

Then about a little distance on the right side of the bed, there's a door which is probably the bathroom and restroom area.

"This is smaller than your room from before, human." The peaceful silence was broken when Gaos spoke to me in my mind, again.

"... It's a great room," I paused, "I thought you were sleeping." Maybe if one would listen closely to the tone of my voice, they will notice that I almost definitely sound disappointed. Gaos stopped speaking earlier, and I was quite grateful for that because it helped me focus more on the Entrance Ceremony.

I was able to have a peace of mind and silence – literally.

"Do you expect me to not hear the disappointment in your tone! How dare –" Ignoring Gaos, which I have already been used to, I walked towards the table to check what's inside the box.

I was quite disappointed that the box wasn't really made out of gold, and just plastic coated in gold, but I immediately shook my head. It'll probably be even more abnormal if the box was actually made out of gold. If it's like that and all the students will be given this... then isn't the Academy really too rich?

Maybe even richer than the Dukedom since although it was the Royal Family that mainly supports it, other Noble families of its students and the alumni would also often give support.

When I opened the box, there was a total of 3 things in it. A paper with the list of the lessons and subjects, and a key with a note attached to it that reads 'personal training room key 03'. Then there was another paper or more like a letter explaining that all the top 10 ranked students in the Pre-Examination rank are given a personal training room located in the training center of the Academy.

Training Center was one of several establishments in the Academy. Out of all the establishment that there is, it's the closest one to the Main Building.

Although I'm only a 1st-year student, the list also included lessons that 2nd and 3rd years take perhaps to inform the students in advance of what kind of things they should look forward to and prepare themselves for.

For the 1st year students, they have;

History of Magic, Elemental Magic, History of the Lansera Kingdom, Pre-Basic and Advanced Magic, Potions, Monsters Mastery, General Academics, and Mana Control.

For the 2nd year students; Elemental Magic, Basic And Advance Magic, Potions, Mana Control, Basic Combat, General Academics, Pre-Alchemy, and Monsters Observation.

Then for the 3rd year students; Elemental Magic, Basic and Advance Magic, Practical Monsters Engagement, Advance Combat, General Academics, Basic and Advance Alchemy, and Practical Magic Examination.

All of these are things I'm interested in.

According to my schedule here, classes usually start every 8 AM in the morning. As a 1st year student, on Monday, I have History of the Lansera Kingdom from 8 to 10 AM. Then we have History of Magic from 1 PM until 3 PM, which means that the time in between those 2 subjects is the students break or free time.

On Tuesday, I have Mana Control from 8 to 10 AM, then Elemental Magic from 1 to 3 PM.

On Wednesday, there's Pre-Basic and Advance Magic and Monsters Mastery at the very same time.

For Friday to Sunday, there's nothing on schedule which means that students are free to do what they want. However, free time doesn't necessarily mean that all they would be doing is resting. Royal Academy isn't the only Magic School that there is in the world, but if not the best, it is one of the best Magic Schools that there is. The battle for the top ranks is fierce, especially for nobles who have their pride to protect, and expectations to fulfill.

Students use those 3 free days; Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to study and learn on their own, study further, or do some advanced learning. Afterall all, they can't afford to be left behind by the others.

And even though I haven't mentioned this before, after spending 3 years at the Royal Academy and graduating, one can still pursue higher education based on what they want to focus or excel on – basically, it's just kind of similar to the setting of education in my world before.

The difference is, although I called it 'higher education', there's really no school for that.

It is done through doing a lot of things and having a lot of experiences through research, jobs, studies, and more. Some can hire tutors or private teachers, there are also some established groups or organizations for it, while some tend to apply as an apprentice of someone who they can learn from.

In the end, it all depends on the person.

Putting the list down the table, I decided to just clean up and arrange my belongings since from now on, I'll be staying here for a while. I... don't really miss anything in the Euridice Dukedom other than Amy. Maybe I'll try writing a letter to her as soon as possible. There are holidays where students can go back home, but if I were to go back there, then I probably only will do so for the sake of seeing Amy or doing something important.

For now, I'll take one step at a time, then maybe tomorrow, after I finally arranged everything, I can go and check the personal training room given to me at the Training Center.

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