I Choose The Heroine's Route

Chapter 28 - To The Training Center

The next day after the Royal Academy's Entrance Ceremony – which I could easily mistake as a dream, I woke up early. Yesterday, the Ceremony started in the morning as well, around 9 AM, and ended in the afternoon. All I did after arriving at the dorm was simply to organize my room, belongings, and such which took me about a few hours to do.

Then after that, I ended up sleeping at around 11 PM, and now, it's 6:46 AM. When I woke up, I was honestly tempted to just stay on the comfy king-sized bed for the whole day. Unlike in the Euridice Dukedom, there's no one here who would wake me up or tell me what to do for the sake of keeping up a noble lady's appearance and routine.

I might have just done that if I didn't remember that I have a place I need to go to today.

So despite still feeling a little sleepy, I got up from the bed to prepare, changing from my sleepwear to the Academy's uniform. Even though the classes have not officially begun yet, it's still mandatory to wear it as long as you're inside RA unless you're about to go out somewhere outside RA, with proper permission, of course.

Once done with the preparation, I immediately went to the dormitory's lobby, and saw a few female students chatting there and doing their own thing.

"Look, those humans are already being buddy-buddy with each other while you're still all alone." Gaos said as I made my way out of the building, planning on heading to the Training Center. There was no need to bring the Academy's map with me since I had already memorized the way to the Training Center last night.

Only the way to Training Center though, as for the other buildings... I'll still have the time to memorize and explore those places.

"There's nothing wrong with being alone. Besides, those girls might have already known each other for a long time." – Aside from them knowing each other even before meeting one another at the Academy, there's a possibility that those girls are actually 2nd or 3rd-year students already. No one can really tell unless asked or told since the girls dormitory isn't divided based on the year that students are in.

"Right, right, say whatever you want, doesn't change the fact that you are alone." Gaos continues, and I chose to not just say anything back this time because if I don't stop, this will just become an endless and pointless argument. Well... as I said, I don't mind being alone. Sometimes, some people would think that when a person is alone, they're lonely. However, that's not always the case.

There are people who value their alone time greatly, and it's also important to have a peace of mind every now and then. In the end, it all depends on the person.

Walking on the way to the Training Center, I couldn't help but also glance at the things and buildings I passed by. The RA as a whole is really a humongous place. Perhaps it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that one could get lost and never find their way back again to where they originally were – that's how huge it is.

It's almost like an island, but at the same time, it's not since it's located in the Lansera Kingdom, specifically in its Capital which is Illira City.

If there was one word that I would use to describe Royal Academy, it would be 'beautiful'.

For me, this is a beautiful place, one where I would be taking my 1st step of learning more about the Magic that I'm quite obsessed with, a place where I'm hoping to discover more about myself and perhaps help me to really think more about how I want to live my life in the future once I finally have all the freedom that I need.

Maybe now I am still quite unsure about my goal other than my obvious interest in Magic and dėsɨrė to live a life free of any shackles.

I did wish for death and a new beginning – a chance for myself to have and live a life where I could truly feel happy or satisfied with.

That's really easier said than done though. You could live your whole life and still fail to find what it is that you truly want and are looking for.

And I... have not found mine yet, that's why I truly envy the people who seem to know what it is that they truly want to do in life.

However, unlike from when I first opened my eyes in this world, I'm not in an extreme or that much of a desperate rush anymore. It's still there... but it's more tone down, for now at least.

It's almost like the longer I spend my life living here, the calmer I became. But I guess, that's just how life works. The longer you live, the more knowledge, experience, information, and such you gain. From being a child, as you grow up, you realize that it can't stay the same – even if some things will stay the same, you can't remain as a child forever.

You have to widen your horizons, be more open-minded, learn a lot more about different kinds of things, accept reality and face your hardships.

I wasn't saying I'm not calm before. Maybe it'll be more accurate to say that I'm now less restless. I was able to really adopt as a 'citizen' of this world – or to be more specific, I was able to fully adopt living Aksia's life.

It's probably more than just that – or maybe that's not it at all. Maybe I was also slowly starting to have less and less care. As if... I could just allow myself to go with the flow. Years of spending time at the Euridice Mansion and interacting with Duke Lancer and Duchess Oceana definitely took a toll on me even if I didn't notice or acknowledge it.

Little by little, I started noticing the little changes, like how I sigh less now, and how I feel like I have no motivation at all in doing the things that aren't needed or necessary. Maybe I'm tired of trying or just tired of everything.

Sometimes it's things that we don't think would ever affect us that can also have an impact on our life. Maybe we're just in denial, or like I am, I... didn't want to acknowledge it. I don't want it to be known that I'm affected, especially by those people.

After all, showing your very raw and true self, your weakness, and such will never be an easy task.

Other than that, different people have their own different ways of facing or coping with their pain and problems.

It made me feel all tired, numb, and... just everything.

But I wouldn't say those feelings are enough to stop me to keep ongoing. After all, emotions... don't tend to always remain the same all the time. Those feelings can appear all of a sudden, then also disappear as if nothing has happened at all. Emotions are just complicated like that.

That's why, even though I do know that this is my reality now, it still feels like a dream.

A dream I don't want to wake up from.

It's a feeling similar to those times whenever you wake up from your sleep not wanting to get up, wishing to maybe just sleep for eternity, forgetting all your worries, anxieties, problems, thoughts, and other things that just weigh heavily on both mind and heart.

"Hey, human! Are you spacing out? I think that's the Training Center already!" I was snapped out of my thoughts when Gaos spoke and I looked up, seeing a big but smaller than the dormitory building not from afar, a dome-shaped building, to be more specific.

"Yes, that's indeed the Training Center." I replied almost automatically.

Deciding to throw away all the unnecessary thoughts on the sideline, I quickened my pace of walking, and a few seconds later, I finally found myself standing in front of a huge double door.

Entering the building, a lobby similar to the one at the dormitory welcomed me. However, there's one certain big difference between the two of them – behind the counter where a male staff stood, about 10 steps away, is a seemingly huge window or glass wall, and through it, you could see an area that's similar to that of a stadium. It was a large and wide field of grass, and there was no roof. It's entrance was also a door made out of glass as well.

That's the training area that's accessible to every student. It's spacious enough to probably fit thousands of students – possibly even every student in the RA.

Then in the left and right direction of the counter is a hallway.

I walked towards the counter to ask the male staff, "May I inquire about the location of personal training rooms?"

He blinked at me as if thinking about my identity for a brief moment before smiling and gesturing to the left with his hand, "Of course, my lady. Just walk towards that hallway and you will see rooms with doors that have numbers on them."

He then put down his hand before adding, "The personal training rooms here in the RA are built-in with Magic that protects the walls and ground of the room, so the students will have no need to worry about destroying it. If Magic were to hit it, the supposed damage and Magic would simply just be absorbed." That's... convenient.

It's definitely something that must have been done by a powerful Mage, after all, no average Mage will be able to do such advanced Magic.

I thanked him before doing as he said.

As I walked in the hallway, I let my eyes wander, searching for doors with numbers on them until I saw a door with the number 10. I continued walking until I finally, I found myself standing in front of a door with the number 3. I immediately fish out the key in my skirt's pocket.

When I entered the personal training room, the first thing that came to my mind is that... it was clean and almost flawless.

It's a room with all walls painted in gray, however, despite the color, the whole room was still bright because there are pipe shape lights placed on all sides of the wall. It's Bright, but not too bright that it's irritating or blinding. The main reason why I said it was clean or flawless was definitely because there's really nothing in the room.

It was spacious enough to move around and use Magic without any worry.

Thinking about the built-in Magic absorption Magic that the male staff told me about, I raised my right hand as a small ball of water started forming, then once it was completed – I aimed it at the wall as it shoots out of my palm where I hold it.

I watched as it slowly disintegrated, the small ball of water turning into small particles the moment it came into contact with the wall before completely disappearing.

"That's a real Advance Magic there." Gaos said and I unconsciously nodded my head, agreeing.

Now that's done and tested.... I should start on doing the real thing.

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