I Choose The Heroine's Route

Chapter 31 - Dark Magic pt.2 ft. Gaos

"Gaos, do you think someone has already thought of using Dark Magic the way that I'm using it?" I asked Gaos as I opened 5 small gaps all at once on the ground.

"You're planning on doing something more with this void, arent you? You're probably the first who have thought of it this way, but don't get ċȯċky human! I'm still better!" Ignoring the last part, I couldn't help but think as I open another 5 small gaps as the other previous 5 close, however, this time, instead of opening or placing them on the ground, they're floating in the air, surrounding me.

When I started thinking about what I can do to take out an object without direct contact, I've thought of using the void this way with the help of all the various fictional works I've read.

Besides that, I also kind of refused to believe and admit that something like this can only be used for storage and keeping.

– As I was thinking like this and about what Gaos said, I was slightly distracted, thus, all the gaps closed immediately, disappearing mid-air without even a trace as if they're merely nothing but an illusion.

Well... as I might have already said before, maintaining them is really not that easy.

I have to control my Mana, focus on their sizes, location all at once if I opened multiple of them, and I also have to think of the object that I want to take out if that's what I'm planning on doing. It's like you're doing various tasks all at once without any break because once you do take a break, everything will get disrupted and then vanish.

As for how I'm going to take something out of the void and gap without direct contact, I can probably use shadow control and Magic.

If I just want to take or push out an object from the void then onto the gap, then I can just do that with shadow control, but if I want to make it more 'useful' especially in combat, then I can use Magic, enhancing and such, raising its speed, its weight, if I want to.

I can control shadow inside the void where it's supposed to be just endless darkness with no light at all – as I mentioned earlier, this void of mine probably originated from my own shadow.

A good example would be –

I opened up another gap in the air, one that's slightly bigger than the one I've been creating before. Visualizing the long sword which is one of the swords I've brought and stored inside there as I maintain the gap, I also controlled the shadow inside, making it hold the long sword as I yank it out with quite the force.

Then, before it completely left the gap, just half away out of it, I quickly cast speed enhancement on the long sword and before I could even blink, it was already out from my field of view, and what remained was only the still opened gap. All I heard was a large clank as if some sort of mental hit the wall hard.

The gap finally closed and I turned my head, seeing that there was no damage at all to the wall.

However, the long sword was quite far from it – almost as if it was repelled. The stunt I pulled obviously worked, and the wall having no damage at all must have meant that...

"It's repelled." Gaos stated, voicing out my thoughts, "You humans are quite handy, thinking of convenient things like this."

Besides the Mana Absorption Magic in this training room, there's also probably a Repelling Magic, a Magic that's lower in level than Mana Absorption but still definitely higher in level than others.

Thinking like this, I somehow inhaled a larger intake of breath than usual, I didn't even realize that I was unconsciously limiting my breathing as I was doing all of that.

Considering that I have to focus on doing multiple tasks all at once, it's kind of understandable, but it also only means that I still have a long way to go. I have to be able to at least get used to doing things like this.

That was simply one gap, and I don't plan to stop at only that.

I looked at the long sword on the ground as I opened up a gap underneath it, placing it back inside my void. Then, I looked back at the wall with curiosity. It's been proven that this has Mana Absorption and Repelling Magic but... what if the damage done is from direct contact? Something like a punch or some sort. Is it only Object Repelling Magic or General Repelling Magic in general?

Between the two, General Repelling Magic is definitely much more of an Advance Magic since it works on everything that would make contact in it.

I walked towards the wall. I'm not planning on actually damaging it. In the first place, I lack the raw strength to do that, no ordinary person would probably be able to damage a wall just by punching it even in a fantasy world like this unless... they're not exactly ordinary. In my case, I really lack strength.

Once I was finally near it, just in a close enough distance that would let me make contact with it, I raised my hand, punching it with all the force I could muster.

– There was quite a loud thud, my fist was also in pain but there was no damage on the wall at all. But... my fist wasn't repelled, then it must be true that it's just an Object Repelling Magic. Setting that aside, regardless of the type of Repelling Magic this training room has, the materials used to build this wall are certainly durable.

With that checked, I walked back to the center of the training room, my attention once again going back to Dark Magic – at least that's what I plan to do.

"Hey insect, can't you let me out of this darkness even once?!" Gaos suddenly exclaimed.

"No, I don't trust you." I answered quickly.

"What do you mean you don't trust me?! It's your trust issues kicking in again! We're bound by a contract already. You just have to call out my name and it'll be done!" He continued on.

Gaos... seems to be in a rush, as if he's almost desperate which is extremely unusual.

I guess although he can see the outside world through me, he's still fed up with just staying inside the void. As for the 'call out my name' phrase that he said, well... I did remember him telling me once about it before – that if I want him to materialize in front of me, I must call put his whole name.

Elrize Algaos Y Zikiel.

That's Gaos full name.

If I hadn't asked him persistently about how to get him out of the void or summon him if I wanted to, he wouldn't have told me about it. I teased him a little by saying that I might just forget about it since his name is too long for me, but I do remember – mostly because I have no choice but to do so since it's important.

I don't think I'll ever be in a situation where I would need his help, but I made sure to engrave it on my mind just in case.

"No, you're too big." I said, voice, monotone.

"You... you're just making up an excuse aren't you?!" Perhaps. Aside from having not much trust about what would happen if I really allow him out of the void, I also feel like it would just be unnecessary. Even if I somehow have the need to, I would still hesitate.

The fact that we're bound by a contract doesn't ease my worries even by the slightest because I can't seem to command or make Gaos do something despite me being the 'master'.

As the superior one in the contract, Gaos can't harm me, he also has to protect me, or else he will simply just disappear as well since I'm the very reason for his current existence. I thought I could order him to do something as well despite the order being something he doesn't want – but when I tried it a few weeks after the contract, nothing really happened.

I thought of two possibilities why it didn't work. First, our contract simply doesn't include executing every command or second... Gaos is a powerful creature, an abyss dragon even, therefore, he can resist my orders.

I... haven't asked Gaos much about his existence, about how he knew so much despite seemingly dying young base on his bones which I thought were a lizard's bones. Even if I do ask him, I know I would get nothing so it's best to stay quiet for now.

To check which one of the two possibilities it is, I guess I would have to acquire another shadow familiar – that's what I decided to call them since I can't really think of another name, and there's no default name here in this world of what they call the shadows they extract from the dead using Dark Magic.

For necromancy, it's called undead. I tried thinking of a name from that, but the best I can come up with by the end is shadow familiar.

Well, there are times where I'm bad at naming, but if I do find a much better name, then I'll definitely change it.

As for why I wasn't able to quickly get another... dead creature to extract a shadow from, aside from the reason that I can't always just sneak out of the Euridice Duchy before I attend RA because I'm preoccupied with other things, I might have also just unconsciously decided that it was not as important as getting other more information regarding Dark Magic which is wrong of me.

I focus too much on many other things – and sometimes, when it's like that and you're stuck thinking about a lot of things all at once, you tend to get distracted and mess up, especially if you rush things. That's why I will also go by my own pace, steady and in a way I know for sure that I'm using and taking my time in the most right and best way possible.

Once I'm able to finally have a holiday, I'll go to Morte again – or it doesn't even have to be from there. It can be any dead creature anywhere as long as that creature can be something of use to me.

"Maybe I'll let you out next time." I said, without really any promise or even the slightest hint in my tone of voice that I will actually do it.

"At least try to sound sincere!"


[Author's Note:

Hello again with this author's note because I can't fit it in the author's thoughts lol. Sorry for this :>

So... I read a review about my novel being translated to Russian? Shout-out to the person who did that rev and thank you :) I wasn't aware of this at all until I saw that rev lol.

Thank you very much for all the reviews! I also greatly appreciate all the comments, votes/power stones, supports, everything! Thank you :D

– Well... so, I'm guessing here on , it's quite normal to just find your work on other sites?

Just asking to make sure since so far, I officially only have this posted on Wattpad and here. I think one site even got the Wattpad version (I know since my author notes there are slightly different). In case you want to know, my Wattpad username is emoisreal_x, you can also see it on my profile.

And that's it for Dark Magic for now. I feel unsatisfied again but I'll keep trying. I wonder why I also named this chapter Dark Magic pt2 ft. Gaos xD. What do you think? :)

I don't want to make anyone hope so... I'll just say that I'll update again next week. In the next chapter, classes will officially begin! Don't worry, I'm also excited for Aksia and Anastasia's interaction but I can't rush them and I hope for their relationship to develop naturally so let's suffer together lol.

Hope you are still enjoying the story so far, I'll see you again, until then... salutations!

(^ ^)7]

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