I Choose The Heroine's Route

Chapter 32 - Classes Officially Begins

Wearing the RA's uniform, I stood in front of a particularly slightly large double door. Looking up, one would immediately be able to see the sign that says 'Class 1-A' on the top of the door frame.

A week has passed, and finally, the classes in Royal Academy will officially begin.

It's currently 7:25 AM, and considering that classes start at 8, and there are still 35 minutes left before that. With this, I should probably be allowed to say that I've arrived quite early. I'm definitely not that fond of waking up early, but I'm also not that fond of being late to class, especially when that means that I'll be in the spotlight much more.

"Just enter already!" Gaos exclaimed on my mind, seemingly impatient, and with how loud he said that, I feel like I can still hear it ringing in my ears.

"I will." It's just... for some unknown reason, although it's not that noticeable on my expression, I still couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

I guess there really isn't that much difference when it comes to attending your 1st day of school no matter where you are, even if you're in a totally different world. You still feel nervous, or maybe it's more accurate to say dreadful – as if you're about to enter a battlefield of no return, one you can't escape and will give only give you a choice of staying until the end. This doesn't apply to all people, of course.

Shaking my head at my thoughts, I decided to finally enter.

Pausing as I standstill near the door, I let my eyes quickly wander around the place. It was probably about two times bigger than our dorm room. There was space in front, and there was a blackboard and a viewing screen on the wall; each taking half-space of it. There was a teacher's desk, and on the very side left wall, there's a small bookshelf.

The setting of the classroom was like those I often only see in popular and huge Universities, the chairs were aligned and arranged in a stair-like manner, and there are a total of 10 rows, with each row – on left and right, since there's a stair in the middle – having just the right size to probably provide sits for 5 students.

The ambiance of the whole classroom was great overall, there's something in it that actually makes you feel like you're part of a fiction story of some sort.

As I look around the class, a few of the students that are already there happened to meet my eyes as well, and my gaze landed on a familiar Second Prince, I almost grimaced. On the other hand, when Anakin noticed me, he smirked before waving his hand.

I gave him a cold look.

Did... he forget about our little disagreement that happened on my debutante? I don't think we're in a relationship that's close enough to be waving at each other like this. Maybe he's disregarding it.

Not wanting other students to misunderstand, I merely gave a nod as a response. Despite his mirth, Anakin has a lot of unexpected traits, like being part of the Pre-Examination ranking and being an early bird.

Ignoring his piercing stare, I glance at the person sitting beside him – the Crown Prince, Deor Lansera. This was probably the first time I'm seeing him with my own eyes like this.

With white hair, and then those eye-catching gold eyes that are seemingly sparkling, one wouldn't doubt that he's the Crown Prince of this Kingdom. Especially with how cold his expression looks, almost as if he's bored or tired of everything. Others would often say how he's the exact spitting image of their father, the current King, Aled Lansera.

It's because of those golden eyes that a lot of people expect him to be the next King. Most of the time, it's the Royals who have golden eyes that become the King. However, it is also not unheard of for those who don't have it to inherit the throne.

Now that I thought about it... there's a paragraph in the game that briefly mentioned something about royals with golden eyes having a special ability other than their own Magic. It wasn't confirmed or denied by the Royal Family, but there wasn't really any evidence about it being true either.

But thinking about Prince Anakin who told me that he senses other people's emotions... then it must be true. The only difference is that it doesn't seem to have anything to do with having golden eyes or not.

Although Anakin and Deor are siblings, they looked quite different from each other. As said earlier, Deor looked more like a younger version of the current King, while Anakin took after her mother whom where he got his blazing red eyes and red hair from. Although they are indeed siblings... they both have a different mother.

Before I continue looking at the capture targets, I walked forward, thinking that I should definitely sit first and not just continue to stand there in the doorway. I've probably been standing there for almost a minute already.

After checking left and right, I found myself looking and stopping at the 5th row. On the left side was Anastasia Clovis who was sitting there alone, reading a book in peace and silence. It almost seemed like a picture, one that came to life right in front of me.

"Lady Clovis," I called her name like how she called mine on the Entrance Ceremony. She blinked, seemingly her reaction of only noticing my presence just now before looking at me with cold eyes.

"May I sit beside you?" I asked. I didn't smile because I didn't see and feel the need to, but I made sure to be polite.

There was a brief of silence.

"... You don't need my permission to sit here."

She said before looking back to the book she was reading again.

I paused before speaking again, "I see, I shall sit here then."

Right after sitting, Gaos spoke to me in a teasing tone, "This girl doesn't seem to like you at all."

"Or maybe she's really just like that to anyone." I countered. And even if it is true that she... doesn't like me, in her defense, if she's well informed of some rumors and such, who would willingly befriend someone they just met, especially someone like Aksia Euridice?

Either way, It seems like the plan, or operation 'befriending the heroine' won't be progressing anytime soon. I don't think Anastasia hate me since she responded to me, but... it seems like although she's colder than I expected her to be, her social skills remained the same.

Well, I can't say I'm any better than her at it though – which means more that I'll have a long road ahead if I want to get closer to her. But am I going to give up? No, of course not.

Having found a sit now, I looked into the Prince Deor and Prince Anakin's direction once again. The two sit on the 3rd row on the right side, and sitting beside Prince Deor is the 4th capture target of the game, Franco Louis. From where I'm sitting, I can still see a little of his side profile... which didn't lessen his appearance at all.

With black hair and brown eyes, along with the serious expression that makes him appear as if he would immediately strike you down if you did something wrong, he really looks quite intimidating. But looking at him as he sat to Prince Deor's left side while Anakin is on Deor's right side... he somehow reminds me of a dog. A big dog.

As for Percival Roques...

I looked at the 1st row, and there he is, sitting as he read a book with a small smile.

Now that I look at all of them like this together in one room, I can already tell just by a glance that they're really the main character of this world.

– Deor Lansera, the Crown Prince of this Kingdom who's wise, talented, and has two Magic attributes or two Elemental Magic which is Lighting and Earth Magic. Since he's a royal, then like Anakin, he must have another ability as well that he's hiding since it wasn't mentioned even in the original plot of Magical Romance at all.

Anakin Lansera, the Second Prince of this Kingdom who besides Fire Magic and talent at swordsmanship, apparently also have the ability to sense the emotions of others.

Percival Roques, the genius 1st placer of the Royal Academy who's incredibly talented in Earth Magic. Although Deor has two Elemental Magic, Percival is still better at it in general. Well, having and balancing two Elemental Magic is not easy and in terms of knowledge, and actual application of it, Percival definitely have the higher ground.

And lastly, Franco Louis, Crown Prince Deor's friend, and personal guard or knight, one who's previously an S rank adventurer. Out of all the capture targets, he's probably the best at swordsmanship, even better than Anakin. Although he mostly uses his sword in the game, he also has Water Magic.

From their appearance, personality, aura... and especially with the way of how other students attention is naturally drawn to them – I guess I'm also included since I'm supposed to be the villainess. From where I'm sitting, I could clearly see the other students looking at them.

I can also feel eyes on me.

This is probably how it will always be in RA. We'll always attract people's attention whether I like it or not. As I also said before, even if I wanted to avoid the spotlight including the heroine and the 4 capture targets as much as I can, it's impossible.

The case that would likely happen is that the more I avoid them, the more I would find myself involved. In this kind of world and setting... there's really just seems to be a rule like that.

So in a situation like this, it'll probably be better to just let things naturally happen. I won't avoid them, but I also won't actively approach them with the exception being Anastasia. I will only talk to the other four if the situation calls for it or if needed. Maybe it'll be good to at least build a good relationship with them since that will certainly help me.

It doesn't have to be friends, just knowing each other and being an acquaintance is good enough. After all, they're not my main target.

And with this.... I guess it officially marks the start of classes.

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