I Choose The Heroine's Route

Chapter 43 - Pre-Basic and Advance Magic

I woke up earlier than I usually do today. When I arrived at the classroom, it was just 6:44 AM, and seeing Anakin there with no other students but just him, already on his seat, I was slightly surprised.

I'm aware that he can also be a good student as well as an early riser, but I think most people can agree with me that 6:44 can still be too early especially when the class or lesson actually starts at 8:00.

Well, as for why I decided to go to the classroom this early... I couldn't think of anything else to do since whenever I would wake up, I can no longer go back to sleep no matter what time it is. The only exception would be is whenever I'm really tired or sleepy. So I just got ready for school, and when I also couldn't think of a way to pass time where time would actually be enough, I decided to just head to the classroom.

– Not caring much about Anakin's stare when he saw me, I walked forward until I finally sat down on my seat beside him. Even if the sitting arrangement is like this, I didn't bother to give him any look or attention... since there was no need to.

But then, he spoke first, breaking the silence, "I!.. I mean..." The first word he said, which is 'I' was quite loud, as if he's shouting – Hearing how he repeated that, he's obviously aware that he said that louder than necessary. I gave him a cold look and saw how nervous he looks.

"I want to say something to you for the other day... but first, let me correct you, I don't think highly of that Crown Prince. Come on, me? Anakin Lansera? Think highly of someone? Impossible." Hearing this, my gaze turned blank. Is he talking about this to perhaps make the atmosphere more light or something? Or he simply really wants to defend himself?

I guess he arrived this early because he's nervous about telling me whatever it is he wants to say to me.

"Also... I..." He started stuttering again, "You better not tell anyone about my ability, alright?" My gaze remained blank.

"I'm warning you, if you dare tell someone, I will use my authority as a Prince to–"

"Your Highness, if you don't want me telling the others about it, then you shouldn't have told me about it in the first place." I said with a cold tone, "Also, is it that hard to say sorry?" His eyes widened before squinting as if offended.

"Because! You just seemed too pitiful that night, and of course it's hard to say sorry! It's not that easy to do or say for everyone, you know! But who told you I want to apologize to you? I don't!" Listening to him like this, I couldn't help but think; This person... is really annoying. Although I'm not that annoyed – probably because I'm already used to this kind of character and such. It's definitely getting there though.

"I know." I simply said. Anyway, it's not any of my business anymore if he doesn't want to say sorry even if he obviously wants to.

"You... You're also messing with me, aren't you?" I didn't give him a reply, already uninterested. I simply looked in front, specifically at the blackboard with a bored stare. Well, I guess I am messing with him a little. He finally noticed. I should be able to at least annoy him back this much as a payback.

"You better not –" Just as he was about to speak again, the door of the classroom creaked, making me look at it. Anakin is also probably looking at it since he finally stopped talking. When the door opened, it was Anastasia who entered. She continued walking without looking anywhere else but in front until she finally reached our row and sat down on my right. Then she glanced at me, giving me a brief nod.

I blinked. Before I could respond or do anything else, she already looked away.

Even with what occurred yesterday... I still have a long way to go.

It was complete silence again for a few seconds, until someone who couldn't stand the silence broke it again, almost like it's his job to do so.

"Hello there, Anastasia. It seems like you're the type of student who always arrives early as well. It's still 7:09 AM." Anakin said after glancing at the wall clock in the classroom. However, before Anastasia could respond, and before knowing if she'll actually respond to him, the door opened again, and this time, it was Deor and Franco who entered. When he sat down, for the second time, it was silent again.

I guess it's good that it's Deor and Franco who arrived this time since Anakin probably has less 'want' or dėsɨrė to talk or initiate a conversation now.

And it was proven to be true when he didn't speak again until other students finally started arriving one after another. Strangely, it was the 6 of us who first arrived; the heroine, the capture targets, and the villainess, because right after Deor and Franco, Percival arrived as well. Is this also plot or this world science or just them being a good student?

I also noticed how some of the students kept glancing at me, and I was reminded of the fact that it should already be known by the whole school now that a teacher was kicked out of RA because of me. After all, words spread fast, especially among nobles. They also definitely haven't forgotten what had happened yesterday.

Perhaps it's also because of what had happened earlier that Anakin felt more need to speak to me. Percival also looked at me for a brief moment earlier.

I paid no mind to their gazes and just continued minding my own business.

They're the ones wasting their time by watching me like this, not me. I guess it's kind of amusing how they insisted on observing me there for quite a while.

Fortunately, when it was finally 7:55, a female teacher arrived, and they were forced to stop on giving me too much attention. After the teacher introduced herself, she immediately began discussing about Pre-Basic and Advance Magic.

"Before we begin, I'll give a brief explanation first of what exactly is Basic and Advance Magic." She then pointed the remote on the viewing screen and an image showing two circles appeared. On the circle on the right, there's words that say 'Low Mana', while the circle on the left says 'High Mana'. Above the two circles, another word can also be seen which is 'Usage'.

"As most of you might have already known, different kinds of Magic have different Mana Usage. Some of them might only need Low Mana Usage, while some could have High Mana Usage. Years ago, when the Mages first discovered different and variety of Magic, they noticed this matter. Thus, they had an idea to come up with a name that will allow them to distinguish which is which – and that's where Basic and Advance Magic came from. Basic Magic for those with Low Mana Usage, and Advance Magic with those with High Mana Usage."

The image on the viewing screen change, showing a slide that simply says Basic and Advance Magic with both Low and High Mana Usage below them.

Listening to the teacher like this, I couldn't help but have the urge to yawn. Well, I... already known some of this, and there's also the fact that I woke up earlier than usual today, so it's unavoidable to feel sleepy especially when the lesson for today seems to not be on the practical side for now.

I'm sure some students who would find themselves bored out of their life during some lessons can understand me.

"But then, only a few months after Mages started using these two terms, some Mages realized that although some Magic have Low Mana Usage, they can become much difficult than those with High Mana Usage, thus, the Tower of Magic and other Mages had this project to thoroughly study every Magic that exists to label them if they're really a Basic or Advance Magic." The viewing screen showed a silhouette of a tower.

"Every time there would be a new Magic known to the World, new books and news regarding it will be issued; This time, they considered both the actual difficulty and the amount of Mana used." Then the image also changes to books, newspapers, and other means of spreading information and trends.

"And that's the explanation for those two!" The female teacher paused, before smiling, "An example of a Low Mana Magic is... let's see..." She looked around the room until her gaze landed on one of the student's table that is sitting on the first row, specifically on the notebook on that student's table.

"One example is levitation." On cue, the notebook floated, swaying left and right before flying towards her, circling her slowly.

"This doesn't use that much of a High Mana, but it requires great control. You have to control the height of the subject, the stability, their direction, and more – then you'll have to maintain that, because if you lose focus," The notebook suddenly dropped to the ground, creating a 'plop' sound, "This will happen."

"Although a few argued that Levitation should remain as a Basic Magic since it can be counter with the use of Levitation Magic itself as well and other Magic, it was decided to be an Advance Magic since that doesn't change its difficulty." She then used levitation again, picking the book, and making it float as she returned it to its previous or original location.

"And... that's it for now! Short isn't it? Well, since I'll perhaps be having you do some Basic Magic and a few Advance Magic next time, you can use your free time to practice." She smiled, "You should prepare yourself, the 1st week in RA is still quite relaxed, but the next weeks would no longer be like that." Hearing this, I couldn't help but unconsciously nod my head.

This... is also definitely a flag¹, right?

"Well then, see you next week."

As soon as the teacher left, Anakin spoke.

"So... it's been a while since we all went together to the cafeteria. Want to–" Before he could finish what he was saying, Percival had already stood up, giving Anakin a polite smile.

"I have to study about Basic and Advance Magic." Then he left. Anakin didn't bother turning to Deor and Franco, and the two also just stood up to leave as well. He turned towards Anastasia and me. Anastasia immediately stood up and left without saying anything, and before Anakin can say anything else, I also stood up from my seat.

"I plan to study as well." Then I walked towards the classroom's doors.

"Come on, you're all so boring!" Ignoring Anakin's complaint, I exited the classroom. Once I was finally outside, I couldn't help but look on the left and right sides of the hallways. Seeing no one in particular, I looked at the time on my wristwatch. 9:02 AM. Since it's still quite early, I decided to just go back to the dormitory for now.

Although I thought of something I can use to escape Anakin, since it's like this, I might as well do as I said.

Before I went to RA, I bought more books regarding Magic, and if I remember correctly, I should have one about Basic and Advance Magic.

I did read a book about it before on the Euridice Mansion library, but this book should have a different author. Maybe I'll be able to find something I didn't know about it. Books about Basic and Advance Magic might contain the same Magic, but depending on the author of the book, their ideas, thoughts, and ways to do that Magic can be different. Of course, all books about Magic have to go through the Tower of Magic wherein they will be checking if its contents are legitimate and safe.

Which means that any book that doesn't go through that process is illegal and considered a crime which could give the author at least 20 years minimum sentence in prison and a lifetime one at maximum.

– With that said, I'll really be studying for now. I can also... practice some Magic that won't require me to go to the Training Center since that's what I'm planning to do anyway in the afternoon after class ended.. After that, I'll go to cafeteria 1 to eat before heading back to the classroom for the afternoon lesson.

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