I Choose The Heroine's Route

Chapter 44 - Monsters Mastery

When it was already around 12:35 AM, I finally headed back to the classroom after eating from the cafeteria. When I reached my seat, my eyes met Anastasia's and I didn't dare to miss out on the chance to at least nod unlike before. Fortunately, she nodded back at me. Anakin also grinned at me with a 'hey', but I chose to just give him a blank look, not really knowing what to say. I ignored his look of disbelief, obviously offended because I didn't respond to him and just sat down.

It was around 12:55 when a female teacher arrived. We watched her walk towards the teacher's desk, and when we all thought she was going to introduce herself like all the teachers usually do before teaching – she slammed both of her hands down on the table, creating a loud bang.

From my peripheral point of view, I could see how most of the other students flinched.

I almost did as well.

"Today, I'll be teaching you all about the Monsters that exist in our world!" She exclaimed as she grabbed the remote that controls the viewing screen, and an image showing different kinds of monsters was then showed, "As you all might already know, we don't ȧssess monsters as A, B level, and such, we just call them Low, Average, High, and Elite Class Monsters defending on what kind of monsters they are, and how strong they are which can be observed or known through different categories or characteristics." She continues.

Listening to her like this, I could tell based on the other students' expressions that they don't exactly know how to react yet. They're definitely thinking something along the line of; Are you not going to introduce yourself first?

Since there was no introduction or warning first, and the female teacher went straight into discussing how monsters are labeled, it suddenly felt like everything was going too fast at the moment.

"Now, name a monster then state their class and explain why that's their class." At this sudden recitation, the whole classroom seems to be still for a moment.

I couldn't help but avoid my eyes from looking at the front or anywhere near the teacher.

This reminds me of those times or situations from my world before where a teacher would suddenly just ask a question that she's actually supposed to just talk about as if expecting that everyone already has advanced or just enough knowledge about it.

Well... I guess it's to be expected since this is Class A, and I'm sure most of the students here also do already have knowledge about it if not all – but after the classes from before where there have been some actual introduction regarding the topic, this is quite different. I guess this is just normal, the others are also probably just hesitating on answering even though they have an answer.

"What? No one from Class A –?" Just as the female teacher was speaking, I saw a familiar-looking person standing up. A girl with pink hair and purple eyes. I frowned a little.

I should know her... but I forgot her name. Sometimes, I would just have these moments wherein I can clearly recognize a person's face and sometimes even the events of how I met them, but I'm unable to remember their name. I guess I just have a bad memory when it comes to things like this, especially on remembering a birthday or holiday dates and such.

"May I, Miss?" Although she asked that, she still continued speaking without waiting for the teacher's response.

"Goblin. It's an Average Class monster. As for the reason why, although they're small, it's not that easy to fight them because they can be quite clever and playful especially when there's a lot of them. There was a study stating that since Goblins can not be considered as a High Class monster, but can not also be underestimated as a Low Class monster, it was decided that it's an Average Class monster." She stated.

The female teacher showed a wide smile, "And your name, lady?"

The girl with pink hair and purple eyes blinked before smiling proudly, "It's Eula Francis, Miss." I blinked as well as I finally remembered her identity.

"Well, that's is correct lady Francis," The teacher looked around the classroom, "Anyone else?" This time, Percival stood up from his seat.

"Feral Boar. They're Low Class monsters. Although they move quite fast, even ordinary humans can match their speed. When attacking, they don't attack continuously and only charged forward towards their opponent. Overall, they're an easy opponent, and it might just be a little more dangerous when surrounded by a lot of them." Percival said, then he smiled, "Also, it's Percival Roques, Miss."

"That's correct as well, lord Roques. Another one?" Another female student answered.

"Giant Rats. They might be called giant rats, but they're usually just about 3x the size of a normal rat, and their maximum size so far according to a study has been 3'5 inches tall. They're Average Class as well because they move incredibly fast and can be incredibly dangerous when you're fighting a lot of them at once. Normally, giant rants actually gather in one place or they form a group because they know they will have an advantage this way. They're clever as well."

The female teacher clapped, "Correct again. Now... since you've done your part, let me do mine as well."

The viewing screen flashes and it showed an image that shows the different classes of monsters that there is – then, the teacher suddenly introduced herself, "So, I'll be your Monsters Mastery teacher this year and will also probably be your 2nd and 3rd-year teacher as long as you remain in Class A. I'm Melissa Neils, and you can call me Teacher Melissa or Teacher Neils."

At this moment, everyone in the classroom excluding Teacher Melissa was probably thinking of the same thing; You're doing this now?

"I'll be teaching you every information there is that you need to know about monsters, so listen well. I don't like fools who don't even make a single effort like a particular fool named Zen Arden." Teacher Melissa continued, and for some reason, Teacher Zen who never showed up again since the briefing was mentioned.

She slammed both of her hands at the table again, "Anyway! Let us begin." Is this... the infamous spartan way of teaching? I guess although I called it spartan, this is still not that hard or extreme.

"So, you've already given me an example of a Low Class and Average Class monster. Give me a High Class monster now – but before that," She paused, looking around the classroom.

"You might be questioning why I kept asking questions when I'm supposed to be teaching, but this is just me ȧssuming and expecting you already have knowledge about this. After all, this is Class A. The lessons here are more advanced than the others. To make it here, it means you've beaten the other thousands of students, so shouldn't it be normal for me to expect this much? Since this is the Royal Academy." She smirked. Hearing this, I somehow suddenly felt a shiver down my spine.

The other students seems to feel the same way as I did, as their eyes slightly widen, while a few couldn't help but smirk or smile in anticipation or perhaps both nervousness and excitement.

"May I?" A cold voice then resounded in the classroom. I turned my head to see Deor standing up from his seat.

Teacher Melissa looked at him before nodding with a smirk, "Anyone is welcome."

"An example of a High Class monster is Orc. Although it's not comparable to humans, they are much more intelligent than other monsters. They attack with some or just enough knowledge of combat or weapons, and are brutal, aggressive, and barbaric." Deor then sat back down after stating that short but accurate description.

"That is correct, lord Deor." Teacher Melissa smiled before the image on the viewing screen changed again, and this time, it showed a familiar figure to me.

"And another monster that has comparable or perhaps even greater intelligence than humans are dragons, an Elite Class monster." – on the viewing screen was a red dragon with some golden scales. It looks... quite majestic.

"What an ugly-looking dragon." Gaos suddenly said, and I recalled the first time I saw his original form in the library. If I remember correctly... Gaos dragon form is a big black dragon, with its shadow-like body which almost seems like you could just pass by it. It was misty black, and it looked terrifying especially when paired with glowing red eyes, huge wings, long tails, huge horns, and big, dangerous teeth which are all black except the eyes.

Compared to this red dragon on the viewing screen, it's quite different. If Gaos can read or hear my thoughts, he'll definitely question me about what I mean.

"Dragons are endangered species. They're Elite Class monsters that have high intelligence and a high amount and talent for Mana and Magic. However, always remember that dragons don't like interacting with humans that much. Rather, it could go as far as saying that they hate us." Teacher Melissa said, and as if to give confirmation, Gaos spoke again.

"Of course we do. Insects." It came with a click of tongue.

"Dragons have different races, there's Water dragon, Ice dragon, Fire dragon, Abyss dragon, you name it. They are rarely seen and they rarely interfere with other creatures. Let me just tell you this though, if you somehow encounter an Elite Class monster, which has like... a 3% chance of happening, just run. " Melissa continued with smiled before turning her head to look at the wall clock. 9:15 AM. She then scowled.

"Unfortunately, as much as I'd like to teach more, I have a teacher's meeting to attend at 9:30 AM, so I'll have to cut the lesson here." She gave everyone a serious look, "Next week, we'll continue talking about monsters, their characteristics, and classes. I'll also continue to ask some questions. Until then, study hard!"

– And she left.

"That was... something, I guess?" Anakin said, more to himself than to others. He turned to me, "I really hate it whenever teachers would ask questions." I couldn't help but nod my head slightly, agreeing with him.

"I like it though." Percival said from his seat in front of us.

"That's you." Anakin said with a grimace as if he just heard something unbelievable.

Afterward, that grimace was immediately replaced with a smile as he finally bid his goodbye. After giving a minute or 2 speech, he finally exited the classroom. It might have been because Anakin was talking too much, but when he stood up to finally leave, that's when I noticed that Franco and Deor were no longer in their seats.

Percival then gave a short goodbye before going as well, leaving only Anastasia and me among our group.

"... I'll go as well. See you tomorrow." I said after thinking about what to say. In a span of few seconds, several phrases come up on my mind, and an elimination process has begun until only this one is left.

"See you tomorrow." Anastasia responded with a nod, and that was enough to make me feel like I did or said the right thing. Since I've already said what I have to say, I exited the classroom first, before immediately heading towards the Training Center. Now that all the lessons for today are done, as I said or noted to myself, I'll train.

I also made a mental note to perhaps try and invite Anastasia to eat at the cafeteria next time.

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