I Choose The Heroine's Route

Chapter 8 - This Brother Is Not Cute At All

Today, something unexpected happened – and in case I didn't make myself obvious enough, I'm being sarcastic about the 'unexpected' part. If I word it how an Otome game would, an 'event' had occurred, although I'm not really the heroine.

The instant I woke up, Amy immediately informed me that my brother, Hariz, who I haven't seen for four years, has come home. Amy told me that Hariz received a one week vacation. When I asked her how did she know about that, she told me that it's the talk of the whole mansion.

Which I'm not surprised to hear since Hariz is basically the Prince of Euridice.

I don't really know what to feel about Hariz. He didn't do anything harmful to Aksia, but at the same time, he also didn't help her. In the game, Aksia wanted to get along with Hariz, but Hariz doesn't care about her. He's the same as his cruel father, Lancer.

There is no reason for me to meet and greet him, so I just stayed in my room, reading the books I took from our library, however – imagine my expression when a maid informed me that the Duke called for me, and wanted me to eat dinner with them.

That's how I ended up in this awkward situation. It'll definitely be one of the moments I'll never forget.

I glance at the three of them.

All of us are eating in silence, the only sound I could hear is the sound of utensils. Now that I'm seeing the three of them together, the resemblance is crystal clear.

They looked like a family out of fairytales. The Duke of Euridice, Lancer, with his dark, raven hair and yellow – almost gold, eyes. The Duchess with hair as blue as the ocean, a perfect fit for her name, and pink eyes that's almost red.

And Hariz, he's the spitting image of the Duke. He has the hair and the same eyes, he almost seems like the younger version of him.

While Aksia – I, have pink eyes like the Duchess and raven hair like the Duke.

From a stranger's point of view, we may look like a perfect family but in reality, we are very far from that.

"Hariz, how is your work at the Castle?"

The one who broke the silence was the Duchess.

Hariz, who was questioned, looked up from his food and answered, "It's doing well, I'm currently helping the Second Prince with something."

His answer reminded me that in the game, it was said from Anastasia's point of view that Hariz is really close with the Second Prince, Anakin. This actually made Deor warry of them since he thought they're planning something, it was understandable since he needs to protect his Crown Prince position.

The Duke, who seems satisfied after hearing his answer nodded. I decided to just focus on eating, I'm not even sure why they wanted me to eat with them.

Then, while eating, my eyes accidentally meet Hariz, and he looked at me coldly. I was tempted to do the same, however, since I didn't want to attract any unnecessary attention, I just looked at my half-eaten steak. Now that I'm actually staring at the food, I realized that it was more pleasing to look at it.

This brother of mine isn't cute at all.

In my past life, I also had a little brother. He's eight years younger than me, and I often find him annoying. I knew it was childish of me to fight with my brother

who's eight years younger, but we still did. Even if that's the case, we love each other without a doubt.

But Hariz is... he simply isn't cute.

While thinking of such things, the awkward dinner ended, time passed without me realizing it. I went back to my room, and slept – I slept while thinking about how I would avoid Hariz, since it's not like I'll get something if I choose to interact with him. Right now, he's just another person I need to be wary about.

Then the next day –

"... Amy, what is he doing here?" I whispered to Amy.

I decided to go to the garden, however, I didn't expect that I would see Hariz there. In the game, it was said that Hariz doesn't have any interest in flowers and such.

But why is he here?

"Because he lives here...?" It seems like Amy choose to be sarcastic, and with very bad timing.

Should I turn back? Hariz hasn't seen me yet.

"Amy let's just go to the library." I said, but before I could take a step, Hariz who has been staring at the red roses look in my direction. His eyes meet mine, and I internally cursed my luck.

"Sister." He said and I almost flinched.

It's true that Hariz and Aksia aren't close, Hariz doesn't care about her but he still calls her 'sister'.

I calmed myself down and smiled slightly, "Hariz." I called. I went near him with Amy behind me.

"What are you doing here?" He asked and I gave him a look of disbelief for a moment – but I immediately replace it with a small smile. I almost said something along the lines of 'Are you serious? I also live here, I can go wherever I want'.

"I just feel like walking in the garden."

I turned my attention to the beautiful, red roses. Hariz could've just ignored me and yet, he called me. There must be a reason why he's paying attention to me now.

"Sister," I looked back at Hariz when he called me. Now that I can see his face close once more, it's a mystery that Hariz isn't a capture target in the game. Maybe the creators find it cliche to make the sibling of the Villainess one of the capture targets.

"Why are you so desperate?"

I blinked.

"... What?" I asked back after a long pause.

"Mother is abusing you and yet, you continue to strive for her love. The same with Father who doesn't care about you. You also wanted me to notice you." He said. Simply put – he's saying that I'm desperate for their love. For the original Aksia, that was true.

But does he really have to say that? Why did he even say that?

"You wouldn't understand." I answered, voice as cold as ice. You – someone who was love all his life, someone who can have everything they want, you wouldn't understand. This person isn't talking to me as a brother, he just sees me as a stranger, and he's curious. That's the reason why he's talking to me. I might be misunderstanding something, but that's how I see it right now.

He just simply wants to know how I – Aksia continue to want love from them, from a family who never looked her way even once.

"I advise you to control your curiosity, future Duke." I said before turning around and walking away. I clench my fist. If it was the original Aksia, talking to Hariz would've made her happy.

But it just made me feel complicated.

"My lady..." I looked at Amy who is silently following me.

I smiled, "I'm okay, Amy."

I should be because I shouldn't let something like this affect me. It's really strange how everything around me is affecting me, I'm not even the original Aksia. Even if I missed my family from my past life, even if I have to face a lot of problems – I won't cry.

Aksia Euridice wouldn't do that. I also won't.

This is my wish, and I wouldn't regret anything.

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