I Choose The Heroine's Route

Chapter 9 - Obsession With Magic

After yesterday's event, I decided that I should start learning and studying Magic again. Last time, after learning for one year and locking myself up in the library every now and then – I got sick. The reason for that is probably because I've been too busy and caught up in reading and learning that I forgot to eat and take care of myself.

Amy scolded me a lot, because of that I decided to take a break for a while from Magic.

Which is extremely hard because... it's Magic.

A month has passed since then. I already know quite a lot of Magic, such as teleportation, voice changer, face changer, levitation, I first learned everything that could help me in 'certain' situations just in case.

As for my dark magic, I've also been practicing it. It's actually unfortunate because I can't find any book about my own magic in the library, but I guess that's to be expected since the owner of the house – the Duke, hates the very mention of dark magic.

Since I don't have that much information about dark magic, I just trusted my instinct and what I knew from reading fantasy novels and watching fantasy movies.

The first thing I did was try to control my shadow. Because it's dark magic, I ȧssumed that it also had to do with shadows – that's also how it was on the other fantasy novels I've read.

But imagine my reaction when my own shadow swallowed me whole.

I thought I was going to die again.

I tried controlling my own shadow first, but it swallowed me. It's like I fell deep into the ground and all I could see was darkness. Strangely, I don't feel uncomfortable at all. It's like I'm just in another dimension where there is nothing to be seen, just pure darkness.

Fortunately, I was able to get out when I concentrated and imagined myself back at the library.

I'm not scared of practicing inside the library since I used magic to lock the door. Besides, the only one who really comes here is me.

That was how it went last time, and now I'm thinking of doing something more dangerous.

"But where would I find something dead?" I asked myself while looking blankly at the book in front of me. I'm at the library again alone.

No, I'm not planning on killing someone. Definitely.

Since I found out that I can control shadows, the first thing that comes to mind is 'controlling others shadows', but since it's dark magic, doing this to a living organism might be a bad idea. Last time, it was fine. But that's probably because it's me and I have dark magic itself.

If I put a living person or any living organisms other than me in that dark dimension, they might actually suffocate and die. I'm not really sure If I can put other things there that's why I want to try.

So the solution I came up with is to do it on a nonliving organism – not an object, but a once-living organism that is dead.

But where would I find something like that?

I sigh.

It doesn't have to be a dead person – No, it would be great if it wasn't a dead person. I'm just looking for a maybe dead animal, insect, or anything other than a person.

I have a lot of things I want to know. I'm also wondering if I can extract the shadow, store them into the dark dimension, and call for them whenever I need them. That would be a great help if I can really do that. But I just hope that the consequences of doing that won't be that severe, since that's literally like bringing the dead back to life but just their shadows. If there isn't any, then better.

I guess I'll have to sneak outside. I wouldn't be able to find something just by staying in the house.

I'm too used to staying at home that I didn't notice the fact that I haven't been outside the whole time I got reincarnated here. Maybe it was fortunate that the Duke and Duchess aren't making me attend any gatherings and party right now.

Even in my last life, I just always locked myself up in my room. I was... very lazy – actually, even now, I am still lazy. That probably won't change.

But since this is about magic and it's needed...

Tomorrow, I'll sneak out.

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