
Chapter 10 Should the attack have a rhythm? The more chaotic the better.

Three days later, Torchic's progress has been obvious, and he has been able to adapt to the basic performance training. Today Fuyuki is going to take Torchic to do a comprehensive training mainly focusing on offense.

"Fuyuki, are you going to train again?" When Fuyuki was passing by the mayor's house to the next Hiroshi field, he was stopped by the mayor.

"Yes, Tetsuo uncle." Fuyuki replied politely.

"I heard you're going to Rustboro City to go to school? Are you not going to go hiking?"

Fuyuki nods: "Yeah, I don't think I have that innate talent, yet You need to study again."

The mayor said casually: "You brat is the most creative in our valley town, but under Normal circumstances, the Academy faction can't beat the actual combat faction."

Fuyuki didn't take it seriously and said, "I'm not ready to graduate, so I will participate in the Alliance Conference, so I can travel after graduation."

The mayor of the town nodded, "It's good if you know what you're doing. ."

Fuyuki, who bid farewell to the mayor Tetsuo uncle, brought Torchic and Houndoom to the Hiroshi field again.

Fuyuki began to explain today's training schedule to Torchic, "Torchic, this morning we will do Ability training, and this afternoon we will do Performance training."

"Then use the [Reversal] we developed. ] Exercise method to finish."

"Wait until dinner is over before doing Breathing Technique and Calm Mind."

"Chamo!" Torchic said no problem .

For training, of course, Houndoom is also indispensable.

"Houndoom, don't be idle. In the morning's Ability training, you can train with Torchic. Use Torchic as an automatic target. If Torchic's [Ember] misses the target, you should take the initiative and put [Ember] Absorb it."

Houndoom: ? ? ? Why is it me again?
"Torchic, what we need to train now is the accuracy of [Ember]."

Why don't you practice the accuracy of flame splashing?
That thing, Focus Energy takes a long time and consumes a lot of energy, and Torchic can't put out a few shots at all, okay?

How can there be a tú tú sudden bah【Ember】to come refreshingly.

"Chamo!" Torchic stood firm, eyes Lock On Houndoom, ready.

"Houndoom, run around Torchic!"

Although Houndoom was reluctant to be a target, it still followed Fuyuki's instructions and ran around Torchic.

"Very good! Torchic, use [Ember] for Houndoom!"

Torchic starts using [Ember] at Houndoom.

pei pei pei pei pei pei pei pei pei pei.

Ember is a finished font for a while, and a plum blossom for a while, which is very beautiful.

Although the Houndoom put water in, the running speed was not fast, but Torchic's [Ember] was all lost, and then was attracted back and absorbed by the Houndoom.

Fuyuki understood the problem after looking at it: "Torchic, don't aim at the current Houndoom, you have to judge the movement trajectory of the Houndoom, and then attack the position that the Houndoom is about to reach, and also calculate the automatic speed of the Houndoom. And your own [Ember] speed, so let the two appear at one point!"

"Chamo??!" This cute chicken is just a husband and a chicken, and it doesn't count. ! ! !

Fuyuki looked at Torchic in a daze, patted his forehead, what he just said was a bit taken for granted, Torchic didn't seem to understand at all.

'Teach Torchic math now? '

Fuyuki shrugged the head, throwing this dangerous thought away, dazed Torchic didn't know that he was standing on the border between hell and heaven just now.

Fuyuki changed his words this time.

"Torchic, you just need to predict the Houndoom's trajectory and attack ahead of time!"

"Chamo!" okay! I can do it!
Torchic once again uses [Ember] for Houndoom in Auto.

The effect is obvious, this time it is much better, and the hit rate has increased to about 30%.

But Fuyuki wanted more, "Torchic, if it's hard to aim at a long distance, you can catch up and close the distance, it should be a lot easier."

"Chamo !" Torchic also didn't like to use Ability in place, and after hearing Fuyuki's suggestion, he immediately used [Agility] to catch up.

During the chase, Torchic kept using [Ember] to attack Houndoom.

However, Torchic used [Agility] to shorten the distance, but because of the use of Ability while moving, the hit rate was reduced.

Fuyuki looked at the satisfied nodded of Torchic who was chasing after Houndoom. Although the hit rate of Torchic in this way is not high, but this kind of training is closer to actual combat and can lay a better foundation for Torchic.

In fact, his original intention was to let Torchic close the distance and then use Ember.

But it's fine now.

It not only trains Ability's hit rate, but also trains Torchic's mobility. Most importantly, Torchic likes this training method, it's perfect.

Time flies fast when you work hard.

When Torchic's [Ember] formidable power was significantly weakened, Fuyuki decided to stop it.

"Torchic, Houndoom. Okay, come and rest."

Fuyuki gave them some moo milk and then sat down on a bench at the edge of the square.

Of course, Fuyuki was not idle, but summed up Torchic.

"Torchic, you should pay attention to timing and rhythm when you attack."

"Chamo?" What is timing and rhythm? Wouldn't it be over if you went upstairs?

Fuyuki saw Torchic's doubts, so he explained patiently: "In terms of timing, it is the timing of attacking and the timing of dodging."

"Now you mainly use attacking , such as when Houndoom is about to turn, jump, or do other actions that will affect his current state, this is a good time to attack.”

Fuyuki continued: “If the Houndoom What if I don't give you the opportunity to attack? Then you create the opportunity yourself."

"Chamo?" How do you create it? No one taught this at the breed center.

Fuyuki looked at Torchic, who was a little confused, and complained to himself, 'Oh, it would be great if I also had a Starter Pokemon that could train myself, learn Ability, and research and create moves. '

shook the head and Fuyuki shook the strange thing out of his head.

"You can force him to reveal the weak spot by attacking."

Fuyuki raised his chestnut: "For example, if you attack Houndoom with Ember and Houndoom avoids it, then he is avoiding this spot. The time in the process is the best time for you to attack!"

"At this time, it is difficult for the Houndoom to dodge twice, which greatly increases the hit probability."

Houndoom curl one's lip next to it: Lord dog, I'm standing still, you can spray with Ember, move it and I'll lose.

"Chamo!" Torchic looked at Houndoom be eager to have a try.

Fuyuki has nodded pain, originally Fuyuki planned to train Torchic into a gentleman.

It now appears that Torchic has a greater probability of becoming a gangster.

Fuyuki hurriedly turned Torchic's little head back, "It's not over yet! Concentrate!"

"I'll tell you what rhythm is next."

"Just now when you attacked Houndoom with Ember, it was very rhythmic, and the attack rhythm was stable without any change."

Torchic raised his chest high, not to mention his expression. How proud.

"However, because your attack rhythm is very fixed, it is easy to be detected by Houndoom, so Houndoom hides very calmly."

After listening to Fuyuki's words, Torchic said that The high chest was like a deflated balloon, quickly deflated.

Fuyuki smiled and stroked Torchic's head, comforted.

"As long as you can change the rhythm at any time, Houndoom will not be so easy to detect."

"Simply put, the more chaotic the attacking rhythm, the better."

"Unexpected attacks can definitely greatly improve your hit rate."

Torchic is still very concerned about being able to attack the Houndoom.

"Chamo!" Torchic's emotions were stirred up by Fuyuki again.

Physical exhaustion didn't stop Torchic from training.

Torchic's answer is still so full of energy.

"As for you, Houndoom." Fuyuki rubbed his bare chin with a serious expression.

"Forget it, Houndoom, you should continue to be a moving target, and pay attention to attracting those failed [Ember]s, but don't let [Ember] burn down the square."

Houndoom: ? ? ? Forget my pants, I have no pants.

During the rest period, Fuyuki secretly arranged to Houndoom: "Houndoom, you can put more water later, single [Ember] try to dodge as much as possible, but the speed must be controlled a little slower."

Blindly hitting is not a good method, only obvious progress can better mobilize Torchic training enthusiasm.

Okay, Houndoom has to be nodded.

After the break, Torchic and Houndoom had another workout.

Torchic isn't chasing Houndoom this time.

It's a rhythm-changing attack with [Ember]. Houndoom cooperated very well this time, and was hit multiple times by Torchic.

"Yeah, Torchic, that's it."

"Very good, Torchic keeps it as it is."

Fuyuki observed and gave Torchic cheers.

After practicing for a while, and after Torchic inspired the [Blaze] Characteristic Trait, Fuyuki ended the morning training.

"Okay, Torchic, cancel the [Blaze] state, today's training is enough."

Fuyuki patted Houndoom's head.

"And Houndoom, Torchic has improved so quickly thanks to your help."

Finally it's my Houndoom's turn to be praised! So happy.

So Houndoom happily used his tongue to wash Fuyuki's face.

Torchic next to him happily touched Houndoom's leg.

"Chamo~Chamo~" Thank you spicy today, black dog.

Houndoom hummed twice, I know, I know, I, a mature single dog in my twenties, will still meet you, a chick, Normal.

Fuyuki wiped his face and hugged Torchic: "Okay, it's getting late, let's go home and prepare lunch."

The book is finally enough. Now, it's ready to go!
It will be on the shelves at the end of July, and it will be fried on the street for the first order!

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