, I come from the world of punishment

"Come and buy, freshly baked beggar's chicken!"

On the playground of the new campus of Southern College, the shouts of food vendors have not stopped since seven or eight in the morning.

This is the third day after the omnic annihilation operation. The consumption potential of the suppressed people is very high. It seems that they can last for a few more days. Of course, the merchants are extremely happy. It happens that the college is on holiday on the weekend, so the playground Part of the open space was rented out and a food festival was held.

Sure enough, you only know how valuable it is when you lose it. In the past few days, people have recalled the days when they could go shopping freely, and their longing was simply suppressed to the extreme.

The annihilation of omnics is also a great event in the south. The government also needs to raise a festive atmosphere among the people, so the lively scenes in various cities these days also have some small official promotion, which also gives the economy that has been stagnant for several days Slow down.

But for Alang, today is tragic, not just because Aluo is not here.

"Ah~~~! Why did I have to go out to play yesterday!"

With a wailing sound, Arlo, who was lying on the table, was flattened.

Just because I went out to play all day yesterday, yesterday's tasks were piled up to today, and the result is terrible! The school actually held a food festival! All the classmates went, but she could only stay at home bitterly. Sister Yuxi also went with Sister Xinmeng, and even said with a smile that she would bring food back for her.

But...what's the use! There is no way to buy as much food in a few bags as on-site. After all, you can only taste it.

When he thought of this, Alang rolled on the carpet angrily.

Anyway, she is the only one in the family, so she can act as she pleases... Oh no, there is also Big White Wolf. Of course, he is just a clone, but he is still elegant and handsome sitting there.

Seeing the baby rolling around, Bai Lang shook his head helplessly. He was obviously here to give this girl guidance, but in the end he became the target of her complaints.

But for a lonely old man like him, he didn't mind much if a little girl was willing to make noises in his ears. She seemed to be doting on and pampering her daughter.

The problem is that this guy Alang still has to push his limits. He doesn’t roll the carpet enough, and he even starts to pull his hair...

‘Okay, stop making trouble. ’ The white wolf raised his paw coldly and froze the silly girl into a sitting position, then pushed her back to the table and thawed her again.

"Ah~ sneeze!" Ah Lang sneezed, and then he had no choice but to continue tinkering with his graduation project angrily.

Bad Alo, he ran out and left others at home...

As he wrote, Alang found a new target to release his resentment.

Sigh... The white wolf boss sighed helplessly. The feeling of raising a child is indeed the best when imagined in his mind. As for the reality, he only has a headache.

Next week's Friday will be Alang's graduation ceremony, and the submission and defense of the graduation project will be on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Ahhhh... It was almost too late. Alang grabbed his snow-white hair and twisted it into a white cat bug on the ground.

Otherwise, why would you call the White Wolf boss to save the situation?

The white wolf walked over slowly, stopped the rolling A-lang with one paw, and made a perfect stop. Then he bit the flesh of the back of her neck, picked her up, dragged her back to the seat, and then began to give instructions.

‘Like this, like this, like this… Do you understand? ’

"Hmm..." Alang followed it seriously, and at the same time, his brain stopped thinking and let the boss take him off. "

Finally it was noon, it was time to eat, and I was able to take a short rest.

"Ah... I have to make lunch by myself. It's so uncomfortable."

Sister Yuxi went out, and Sister Wutong also went out because of work matters. She was the only one left at home.

As for the white wolf boss, he is more accustomed to eating raw food, and he is good at frozen fish fillets, but Alang still likes to eat cooked fish.

At this moment, there was new movement in the kitchen.

A Lang and Bai Lang boss turned their heads at the same time.

"Aluo!" Alang immediately smelled the familiar smell and ran away happily, without the complaining look on his face before.

White Wolf also recognized it, but did not go over.

"Hello!" Luo Huai, who had just returned, put down the kitchen knife in his hand with great foresight, and turned around with his free hand to help the girl who flew towards him.

"Aluo, when did you come back!"

"Just now." He hugged the girl and spun her around, put her down, and asked, "What do you want to eat?"

"Barbecue! Hamburger meat! Stewed meat! And more..." The person who loved her the most in the family was back, Alang said directly while talking.

"Okay, okay... But there are only barbecues and stews. If you eat too much, you will really get too fat." Luo Huai said, naturally pinching the little flesh on the girl's belly, which is meatier than before. too much.

But in the past, I was thin due to not eating enough and being hungry, which was not healthy at all. However, it is better now, very suitable, and not too fat or thin.

But the girl's reaction was great. After staying with sisters Yuxi Wutong for a long time, she would also care about some things that girls care about.

"I'm not fat. I will definitely lose weight through training." A Lang almost got angry because she thought Luo Huai thought she was fat.

But Luo Huai immediately smiled and slapped him on the head, stopping the silly girl's declaration of losing weight, "Just keep a healthy figure. A Lang is also in good shape now."

In fact, Ah Lang's belly is still flat now, but it's just not too concave. This waistline and her hipline set off each other, and she still has a super beautiful girl figure.

After making the girl happy, Luo Huai continued to make lunch.

As for why he is here, it's because the matter has been resolved.

What? The process of killing omnics? detail?

Oh... we'll talk about this later. After floating in the universe for more than two days, he just wants to enjoy the warm daily life without using his brain.

On the other side, the situation report was left to Luo Xiaohuai.

"So are you sure all the omnics have been dealt with?" Ye Feng asked, holding a notebook and UU Reading www.uukanshu.net.

"Yes, it's clean. Everything clicked. Just break it down and sacrifice it to make sure it's clean." Luo Huai was too lazy to come over right away, so he gathered some consciousness and came here.

"If that's the case, it will indeed save a lot of things for the officials." Ye Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, the official did not sit still and wait for death. The whereabouts of the omnic were always under observation. If Luo Huai did not take action, the official would organize an action soon to hunt down the omnic. Of course, the premise is that the omnic did not run too far.

It seems that Luo Huai saves the officials a lot of trouble.

"When this report is reported, I believe those above will no longer have to keep a somber face."

"I must apply for a large reward when the time comes. It would be best if you give me the college's diploma."

"Can you be more successful..."

ps: There are three chapters today, and the one I missed yesterday has been made up.

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