, I come from the world of punishment

"Of course it's easy for you who graduated early, but it's not like me. I dropped out of school early and worked hard to support my family every day..." Luo Huai became more and more outrageous as he spoke, making Ye Manang impatient.

"Okay, okay, you seem to be unwilling to talk about the nonsense you do every day. I think you have a lot of fun running around here and there."

"That's true." Luo Huaizhen didn't even bother to quibble, "Okay, let's not talk about it for now. I will send some cores of omnics to the war zone. I'm going to eat now."

"Okay, get busy." Ye Feng hung up the communication, thought for a while, and called Sister Yu.

"Aluo, how about we go to the food court later in the evening!" Alang quickly climbed from the study table to the chair at the dining table and said excitedly as he watched Luo Huai bring the last dish.

But Luo Huai glanced at the boss of White Wolf behind him, exchanged glances with him, and said, "White Wolf said that your graduation project is still a bit unfinished?"

"Ah... this..." Alang panicked and prepared to make an excuse and said, "That's because Xiaobai is too serious! The requirements given by Sister Yuxi are obviously enough."

"This..." Luo Huai looked at the boss of Bailang again, thinking that the boss might have subconsciously copied Ah Lang's homework according to his own level.

That's incredible. What level is that, boss? Even if he comes up with some theory, it may be a result that shocks the academic world in the mortal world. If so, it is really unnecessary, otherwise Alang will not be able to pass the defense at all, and he may not even get a diploma in the end. If he doesn't, he will be buried behind his back, and Alang's popularity will be ruined.

'Don't worry, I'm not one of those guys who play with fire. I don't have any sense of propriety. Besides, I'm just giving Xiaolang some ideas. The main problem still needs to be solved by herself. ’ The white wolf boss said through telepathy.

"Okay." Luo Huai shrugged, then resolutely stood on the side of the white wolf boss, and said to A Lang, "You still have to put your studies first."

"Hmm..." Alang's mouth opened slightly, and the expression on his face fell. It seemed that he was about to launch a rogue and coquettish move.

But Luo Huai struck first, touched her head and said, "After you graduate, I promise to take Alang to fun places!"

"Really!" Alang was captured instantly, showing no sign of resistance.

Well, in fact, she also thought about a problem when she was just accumulating strength. After finishing her meal, it seemed that she couldn't eat much even if she went to the food court, so she might as well stop and let Alo promise a big reward.

Hoho, Ah Lang is very calculating now.

But after all calculations, Alang still gets a headache when he thinks about his graduation project.

"By the way, just let A Luo... Huh? Where is A Luo?" A Lang ate a few mouthfuls of food, but when he looked up, he found that Luo Huai was not at the table.

It seems that there is only one pair of dishes and chopsticks on the table.

At this time, Luo Huai, who had changed into casual clothes, walked out of the room and said, "It's very lively outside. I'm going out for a walk. Ah Lang should cheer up at home."

"Eh!!!" Alang's mouth opened wide, his expression looking astonished.

A Luo actually betrayed him like this! Even if I make a big table of delicious food, I can't leave her to go out and play by herself.

For people who are doing homework, the cruelest thing is when someone says they want to go out to play.

"I will definitely bring a supper for Ah Lang when I come back." Luo Huai said with a smile, and ran away through the door before Ah Lang pounced on him.

Even when the door is closed, you can hear Alang's resentful whine.

However, Luo Huai, who came downstairs, did not go to the downtown area, but got on a bus.

Since other modes of transportation within the city have become available, there have been a lot of empty seats on the buses, and only some elderly people still like to take them.

But now it's evening, just a few hours after the rush hour, and the bus is even emptier.

The bus Luo Huai took was not an intercity bus. The entire route was just driving around the city.

Lean against the window and turn on your phone. There are many messages on it, including friends from other areas. This feeling is very good... Even if you wander around the world, when you come back, you can know that many people remember you, even if it is just as a friend. greeting.

But I will answer these greetings later, there is still business to do now.

Slide the information to the top information box. This is the official non-public information box, and there are many notifications in it.

One of them happened to be seen when Luo Huai was cooking.

‘According to reports from soldiers standing guard on the front lines, it is very likely that several evil believers have sneaked into the southern city. ’

In fact, there are many evil believers lurking in the city. After all, under such a big tree in the city, there will always be shadows. This message is not urgent, it is just a notice to remind relevant personnel to pay attention.

Luo Huai didn't want to worry about it at first, but after looking at the description in the notification report, he decided to come out and take a look.

It is said that the soldier who reported the report did not intend to report it because he just thought that he was a little tired from standing guard at night. He still thought so after the operation to annihilate the omnics. However, after seeing the announcement report in the war zone, he still noticed it. There was a hint of anomaly, and when I think about it again, there is indeed something strange about it. Out of caution, he still reported his situation.

This is due to education. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Any official employee will be repeatedly emphasized on some points that need to be cautious when joining the job. Although most people will gradually ignore it in the past period of time, there is always such a point. The impression is imprinted on my mind.

After contacting each other, Luo Huai concluded that the evil believer who had infiltrated was probably the same group as the guy who caused trouble in the City of Omnic Machines before.

If this is the case, then his new skills in finding those guys will come in handy. The streets have been so lively during the day and night these days, and it is the perfect time for these evil believers to attack. Alas... it is still a worry. life.

Sitting on the bus that drove around the city, Luo Huai put on his headphones and stopped playing music, and just immersed himself in that silent world.

The rhythm, the beating rhythm, can sense that there are other rhythms in this world, which means that there are indeed evil believers of the same kind. Even if they have not just sneaked in, they are still threatening.

Riding the bus back and forth, he also passed many lively places, but this had nothing to do with the deserted bus. To him, it was all quiet.

After passing three commercial streets with people coming and going, Luo Huai, who closed his eyes to rest, finally opened his eyes.

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