I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1208 The sleep talk that dispels the music

, I come from the world of punishment

"We found them, and there are still three of them." Luo Huai took off his headphones, left his seat, and said to the driver, "Master, stop for a moment."

"Okay." Luo Huai was the only one in the car. The driver was quite enthusiastic and there happened to be a stop in front of him.

In the downtown area, there are many stations.

Jumping out of the car in a few steps, Luo Huai walked into the crowd and began to move towards the goal.

It was very noisy here. In order not to encounter people frequently, Luo Huai had to switch between normal hearing and listening to music.

The distance is still a bit far, and there are so many people around, and they are all moving around, so it is not easy to confirm.

Furthermore, the opponent is not always using energy, so the fluctuations are not always emitted, but Luo Huai tries his best to capture the traces every time and shorten the distance.

There will be frequent energy fluctuations, which also shows that those guys are using abilities, which means they are "hunting" and looking for targets.

They always choose a noisy environment so that people won't pay too much attention to the slightest difference in hearing. Even if they suddenly fall into silence, the noise that comes back will make them think that they are just too high and suddenly have tinnitus. For a moment.

"Give way, thank you... Hello, please give way..." The crowd became more and more crowded as we walked in. If we didn't follow the flow of people, we would almost be blocked every step of the way.

Finally, he captured the rhythm again, and this time it was very clear, so clear that he could determine which person in front of him was emanating it.

"Hey!" He reached out and patted the man on the shoulder, and the man and his companion turned around at the same time.

The two young boys looked a little haggard from staying up late, but at least their faces were clean and they didn't cover their faces. They didn't look like evil believers at all.

This is why Luo Huai chose to greet him directly. If you compare it with the evil believer before, you will find that the fluctuations emitted by the three little boys in front of him are obviously much weaker, and it is likely that they are only initially affected.

Facing their questions, Luo Huai just pretended to be embarrassed and said: "Oh, I'm sorry, I recognized the wrong person. Your back looks a bit like my friend."

After saying that, he returned to the crowd with a little apology, and the other party didn't care. This kind of thing always happens in such crowded places.

Luo Huai's first action after retreating into the crowd was to decisively turn in one direction and walk over blankly.

The behavior just now was just to lead out the real master. There were three fluctuations in total, two of them were ordinary people, and the remaining one was better hidden.

Following the clues, a moment of physical contact is also a contact between energy fluctuations.

In such a crowd, the person who walked directly towards his face was undoubtedly conspicuous. The evil believer hiding in the corner of the crowd felt something was wrong. Behind him was the entrance to the alley, a city that had just experienced a cleanse not long ago. It is undoubtedly dangerous to make moves inside, and it is always ready to escape.

After two seconds, it determined that the young boy was walking towards it, with a smile in his eyes.

This made it a little confused, but the vigilance in its heart still made it choose to turn around and leave, even if it gave up two prey that was about to be obtained.

And just when it was about to turn around and take one last look at the person coming, it really saw a purple halo flash in the person's eyes.

It's very nice to see, but it also proves that it's a professional, and he has mobilized the energy in his body.

This is obviously a sign of taking action!

The evil believer's heart twitched and he quickly wanted to escape into the darkness, but the next moment, a purple light flashed in front of his eyes, and a figure blocked him.

"Hey!" Luo Huai showed a smile that was very scary in the eyes of evil believers and said hello, "I recognized the wrong person just now. I think you are the one I am looking for."

How can the evil believer still have the mood to argue with him? The severe beatings during this period have almost made him nervous. He finally went out to "hunt" once, but he encountered a plainclothes man!

In its eyes, Luo Huai is just a young plainclothes policeman. Well, maybe youth is also part of "plainclothes".

Anyway, it has to get out of here first.

He quickly bypassed Luohuai, and the evil believer's back blurred as he escaped into the darkness.

But this time Luo Huai just turned around and smiled softly, and chased after him with a relaxed look, because he had a new way to deal with evil believers.

A few minutes later, the evil believer appeared in a corner.

There is too much noise in its ears, so much that it is almost affecting its sanity. It must stop and feel the silence to relieve its emotions.

This is the function of their abilities, and precisely because of this, after constantly using their abilities, they will become more and more thirsty for music, so much so that they gradually give up the desires they originally had as humans.

There was no movement behind him. It seemed that he had successfully escaped. This city was getting harder and harder to deal with, but the problem was that other cities were not that good. Next door was the headquarters of TPC, and the other side was similar to here.

It seems that the next individual to store its will must be found as soon as possible. Only by changing to a new identity can it be able to mix in the city again.

If it drags on any longer, those guys who came into the city from the wild may still have to fight with themselves.

It is said that one's own people are more cruel to one's own people. If you don't stand up, you will be suppressed by a group of people who know the truth. Then the sky is really dark.

"Okay, no matter what, at least let me feel the peace now..."

It likes this environment, far away from the crowd and quiet around it, but it prefers silence that is even more dead than this.

The heart gradually calmed down...The rhythm of the music was so beautiful, constantly soothing its heart.

But suddenly, it discovered that there were some discordant things mixed into the music, which made it feel uncontrollably irritable after finally calming down. UU reading www. uukanshu. net

"Damn, what the hell is this."

Each tune seems to be weirder, more disharmonious, and less able to bring peace than the last one.

This made it feel irritated, almost crazy.

At this moment, a burst of footsteps sounded from behind, breaking the silent world.

The young man came over humming a long or short note.

"It's you..." The evil believer should have run away, but in its semi-madness, it asked instead, "It's you who disturbed my music!"

"Hey, please don't say that." Luo Huai stopped the melody in his mouth and shrugged, "This is a ballad-like sleep talk, very nice to listen to."

After finishing speaking, he suddenly clicked his mouth and quickly burst out two syllables.

In an instant, there were a few bloodshot eyes in the evil believer's eyes, and he covered his ears in fear.

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