I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1253 Returning home

, I come from the world of punishment

On the train, because of the "third party" joining the party, Ah Lang, the little girl, couldn't have any more sneaky ideas, so she could only grumble and grab Luo Huai's arm, muttering and listening to Luo Huai Talk to Tu Yuling.

"Master, when will I go to work this time?"

"Probably... within three days after arriving in the south, you can take care of your own accommodation then." Luo Huai thought for a moment, seemed to have considered something, so he gave a conservative time.

But Tu Yuling scratched the back of his hand as if he was a little troubled and said, "Master, doesn't your place include food and accommodation? I remember the last time I went there, wasn't there a guest room upstairs in the restaurant?"

"It's not for you to live in. Besides, don't you remember what my restaurant looks like? If you live in it, if I don't open the door, you won't be able to get out, and you won't be afraid of being locked in."

"Don't be afraid, because you are a good person, master." Tu Yuling flattered him without leaving any trace.

"Well, that's a good point, but you still have to find a place to live by yourself. It's just that housing in various cities is quite tight now, so you may have to work hard."

"Okay." Tu Yuling agreed.

She has been away from home since she was a child, so she still knows how to find a place to live. If she can't, she can just find a place to make do. Anyway, she has special skills. She finds a small corner, gets herself a pack of energy, and wears a layer of earth and stone shell. When I squatted in the park, people passing by thought it was a newly made statue, but it mysteriously disappeared again the next morning, which may form some strange urban legend.

But it’s okay, in this world with monsters, it’s normal to have some urban legends.

"You'd better not think about squatting in the park, otherwise you may be reported by people wandering around at night, and then be dealt with by the construction pile overnight.

After all, the southern part is originally in the construction period, and with the newly recovered Omnic City, there are too many places to start construction, so there are many construction department vehicles stationed around the city, and there may be some buildings in the park. Planning, it is normal to move them immediately when you see an obstacle.

Sister Si knew what she was thinking, so she told Luo Huai directly and asked him to help warn her.

"Ah, what should I do? Then I will have to sleep on the street? And then when I wake up the next day, I will be pointed at by passers-by?" She was really ready to do this.

"This... really doesn't work. When the time comes, you can find me at this address. A place to live should still be arranged."

"Then I just follow you, master." Tu Yuling smiled and looked like he had no intention of finding a place to live by himself.

There was no other way, Luo Huai had no choice but to emphasize his identity again and said: "Classmate Tu... uh no, it should be called Xiao Tu now. You have to understand that now that you are an employee of our company, you should think more about it. How can I overcome difficulties for my boss, that is, me, instead of asking my boss to find ways to overcome difficulties for you, understand?"

"Okay boss, no problem boss." Tu Yuling responded with great ambition, almost missing another salute.

"Well..." Luo Huai nodded tentatively with satisfaction.

Then a few hours later, when they arrived in the south... Tu Yuling still followed him carrying large and small bags.

Finally halfway through, Luo Huai couldn't bear it anymore and turned around and asked her, "Should you go find a place to live by yourself now?"

"Then I also need to know where your residence is, master. Besides, it's so late, so I'll just find a hotel closer to you." Tu Yuling said, following more closely.

It's really a little tail.

Because it was traveling at night, when this bus arrived in the south, it was already late at night and early in the morning, and the speed was obviously faster than during the day.

But Ah Lang still couldn't hold on. At this time, he was being carried by Luo Huai, lying on his shoulders and drooling. If Luo Huai's shoulders hadn't been covered with a layer of fusion blood to absorb the saliva, half of his shoulders might have been wet by now.

There were no buses late at night, so he had to take out a car and control Luo Xiaohuai to drive the three people.

"Wow, master, your ability is really convenient. No wonder you can handle two master ladies." This girl actually knows how to drive.

But this was really out of tune. Luo Huai said seriously: "Don't make jokes like this randomly, otherwise you will make others unhappy."

"Oh..." Tu Yuling immediately knew that she had said the wrong thing and admitted her mistake obediently. However, her irrepressible temper still made her ask: "Master...are you a little busy alone..."

"I..." Luo Huai really couldn't hold it back this time, so he just gave this guy a knife on his forehead.

"Ah!" Tu Yuling lost his fighting ability, his eyes turned into mosquito coils and he fainted in the back seat.

This guy might as well sleep in the car tonight... But this is just a complaint. If she resists the beating like this, she will wake up on her own after a while, not to mention that she is just pretending.

Sigh... This guy is like that, he's so cheerful with acquaintances that he talks nonsense, and he's also good at drama.

After driving around in the city for a long time, it was another hour later when we arrived at Sister Wutong's company building.

"Master, do you live near here?" Tu Yuling was also a little sleepy. When he felt the car stop, he opened his squinted eyes and asked.

"Well, you go find a hotel to sleep in. If you can't find a place tomorrow, come to me and I'll ask for you."

"Well, goodbye, master..." Tu Yuling got out of the car and staggered towards a hotel. He even said goodbye in a perfunctory manner. It seemed that he was really sleepy.

Luo Huai drove the car to the company gate and stopped, then sent the car and Luo Xiaohuai back to Wheat World, and the two went upstairs.

"Sister, why haven't they slept yet? UU is reading www.uukanshu.net. Didn't you tell me that I would come back very late today?"

When I drove over from a distance, I could still see a room with lights on at the top. I didn’t know whose room it belonged to, but it must have belonged to my sister.

Maybe it's Sister Yuxi. Although Sister Wutong is a cultivator, she doesn't go to bed late every night. Only Sister Yuxi, because of the influence of the vampire clan, sometimes wakes up late at night to look at the moon.

At that time, she often liked to have "trysts" with Luo Huai. In fact, she just took Luo Huai to be alone, and then had some little flirtations. This was a common thing at night in the past few years, and it belonged to two people alone, just like Wutong and Ah. Wolf also has time alone with Luo Huai, such as in the office, playing games, and watching movies.

"Squeak~" Luo Huai gently pushed open the door, slowed down his footsteps, and then carried Alang back to his room.

I don't know when, the first floor of the residence where Sister Wutong was originally living alone became three people living together. As for Luo Huai, he only has the right to choose a room by himself.

Hmm... I always feel like this is some kind of conspiracy.

But forget it, the living room sofa is where men belong.

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