, I come from the world of punishment

"Is Alang sleeping?"

As soon as Luo Huai made the quilt for A Lang and pushed out of the room, he heard words coming from the other side of the sofa.

To be honest, the lights were not turned on in the living room, so it was quite scary to come so suddenly, but when I heard the voice, it was Sister Yuxi. I looked at the open door of the room, and sure enough, the one who was awake was Sister Yuxi.

"Yes." Luo Huai nodded, consciously sat on the edge, and asked with concern, "Sister, how is your health? You sucked so much blood at one time..."

In terms of knowledge, Luo Huai, the one who was sucked, must know the most, and his weight is real.

I heard that Sister Yuxi slept for nearly two days before waking up, but he was in the secret realm at that time and it was difficult to contact him. After he came out, he remembered and thought that he would be back anyway, so he simply met and asked again.

Furthermore, he had already made some "little mistakes" with Sister Wutong and Alang. In any case, he felt a little guilty in front of Sister Yuxi.

Well, I feel very guilty. I am afraid that if something happens later, I will suddenly be asked by Sister Yu Xi: Why are you so skilled?

Ah...how should I put it? Practice makes perfect. I'm afraid I won't be bitten hard on the neck or on the aorta.

Always, Luo Huai sat down calmly, and his normal and caring look gradually turned into a guilty look for some reason, which almost made Yu Xi laugh. But it was close.

Because no matter what, she is angry now, and she must look angry even if she is not angry.

"Xiao Luo, you said that if there was a quick cake, you had it ready to eat, but someone took a bite of it, would you be angry?" Sister Yu Xi did not answer Luo Huai, but asked herself, At the same time, he silently leaned over and controlled Luo Huai secretly.

Another doomed situation.

"Well..." Seeing Sister Yu Xi's face getting closer and closer, Luo Huai simply stopped making excuses, closed his eyes, and lay down on the sofa, looking like he was at the mercy of others.

But Sister Yuxi obviously didn't want to be like this, so she patted his face and said, "Speak, don't pretend to be dead."

Luo Huai had no choice but to think for a moment and replied: "Maybe he will be a little angry..."

"What if you eat it whole?"

"Sister, please spare me~"

"Come on, come on, talk quickly." Sister Yu Xi touched Luo Huai's face with both hands. A slight scarlet color appeared in her big eyes, revealing a very charming look. She pressed Luo Huai's face to the back of the sofa.

"Probably...very angry." He returned weakly, because the distance between their faces no longer allowed him to speak and breathe too much.

"Then, let's make up for it." Yu Xi finally couldn't bear it anymore and reduced the infinite distance between the two to zero.

Deep feelings and a dull mouth.

The night is like a mellow wine night, exuding a charming aroma and intoxicating the heart and mind.


Unlike the previous two, Luo Huai felt weak this time, and of course, there was a faint tingling sensation.

The hug with Sister Yuxi was like holding a thorny rose, but no matter what, there was still a lingering fragrance of the flower lingering on the tip of my nose.

The aorta was indeed tied, which was probably a sign of anger. If Luo Huai didn't have such a strong physique, then there would probably be one more case today.

Fortunately, Luo Huai's recovery power is not limited. Sister Yu Xi learned the lesson of "drinking the military situation" last time and did not drink it all. It felt like bleeding, and half of the body was dyed red. This may be a vampire's behavior. Play some weird stuff.

All in all, last night's scene may be a bit too exciting for ordinary people, but for two people with just the right conditions, this may be another scene with a different kind of interest.

Sigh...forget it, let's take a shower first.

After all, it is another time-consuming torment.

I woke up early on purpose. Sister Yuxi sucked some blood yesterday. She should get up later today. If Alang doesn't get up early, he will definitely sleep in. Sister Wutong doesn't know, so let's say hello. Breakfast is ready and put on the table. , he went downstairs first because he had something to do.

"Sister, I'm leaving first."

"g~" Wutong's claws that popped out from the quilt fell into place. It was a pity, otherwise there would still be some fun morning activities.

It's wonderful for class members to be in good health, and sometimes they can be much more relaxed than ordinary people when they get high.

But it was a pity that Luo Huai was afraid of wasting too much time. Before that, he thought about getting things done today.

After going downstairs, I met Tu Yuling, who was looking up. This guy seemed to be expressing his complete surprise and shock.

"If you stand in the center, you will block other people's roads."

"But master, you don't have as much wealth as the lecturer's mother."

"No matter how big it is, it's not mine. Why are you surprised? I, your boss, only have one small restaurant. If you don't like it, just change jobs. Anyway, it's not difficult for you to debut as an idol with your appearance." Luo Huai knew that he was in business. It is completely inferior to Sister Wutong.

"Then forget it." Tu Yuling looked uninterested and waved his hands, "I don't want to practice that kind of nervous dancing every day."

It seems that the aesthetic gap between her and her peers is really not the same. Fortunately, Luo Huai is about the same when it comes to reading uu. She is not interested in idols. Maybe it’s because she has seen too many of the three little ones around Qinglin, no matter how nice they are. All of them were disillusioned.

"Okay, let's go, I'll take you to find a rental house." Seeing that this guy was still here with his legs crossed, Luo Huai had no choice but to pat her on the shoulder and urge her to go away.

As for why he took the initiative to help, it was not because this guy was here. He knew at a glance that he was here to intercept him. If he wasn't afraid that she would make a joke if she stood here for a long time, he would definitely fight Sister Wutong for 300 rounds before coming down. , let her feel the feeling of overcoming difficulties.

"Master, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net is there any cheaper rental house? I have just graduated and my funds are limited. I can't afford to live in something too luxurious."

"Yes, but this place is located in the center of the city, so it must be a bit more expensive." Luo Huai, who was walking in front, thought for a while, then took out another gold ingot and threw it backhand to Tu Yuling.

"G!" Fortunately, Tu Yuling had quick eyes and quick hands, so he continued and couldn't help but ask, "Master, what are you doing?"

Luo Huai said without even looking back: "Just think of it as employee benefits, housing subsidies or something like that."

"Wow, Master, you are so kind." It was not convenient for Tu Yuling to drool over the gold ingot, so he looked at Luo Huai and drooled, very much like a slut.

In other words, it is very similar to Sister Yuxi who was just rescued by Luo Huai, but now it is the power of money.

In the end, Tu Yuling picked and picked, and finally, with the support of the gold ingot, he chose a rental house very close to Luohuai. The rent was not cheap, but with a big gold ingot, it became much cheaper.

The entrance of Luo Huai's restaurant has also been decided, right on the wall next to Sister Wutong's building.

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