I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1259 Kitchen thief!

, I come from the world of punishment

"Now that you've opened a store, you have to run it well in the future. You can't give up halfway, you know? It's more or less a career."

At the lunch table, Sister Yuxi lectured her so hard that Luo Huai nodded repeatedly, because Sister Wutong was also watching.

It seems that after assigning "him", the three sisters have regained their previous harmony.

Or maybe it's because of Tu Yuling standing behind the counter. According to current statistics, Sister Wutong and Sister Yuxi have inadvertently glanced at Tu Yuling several times from the time she came in to the time she sat down to eat, but she was so scared that she didn't even dare to sit down. Sit down and don't dare to steal at all.

"..." Luo Huai wanted to say that this is not a problem with your work, it's just a woman's enemy radar.

But it's a pity that now he can't protect himself.

Alas, after graduation, I still can’t escape the teacher’s education.

"Then, how's the turnover in the past two days?" Sister Wutong asked after Sister Yuxi had finished talking.

As a serious person running a company, she definitely doesn't want to talk about those lies. She can just ask about the current situation directly.

Luo Huai breathed a sigh of relief, recalled for a while and then said: "The situation of receiving guests is not bad. I have accumulated some reputation here in the south. There should be more people in the afternoon."

"I see on the door that it says the door opens every four days. Why?" Sister Wutong glanced at the door.

"Because I plan to change regions one day. As for the handover of tasks, I can open the store separately. Of course, the premise is that it is during business hours." Luo Huai originally planned to ask Sister Wutong to plan the regional rotation, but after thinking about it, it was too troublesome. Now that there are employees who can look after the store, it's better to be simple and crude.

"Well, can we go directly from the south to the west, east or north?" Sister Wutong thought of Luo Huai's ability, but she was not surprised. She was just wondering if someone would take advantage of this.

For example, after figuring out this pattern, deliberately pick the right time to hand in tasks, and then cross regions.

It's fine if it's really just for a free ride, but if it's to do something bad, such as evading checkpoints, it would be a bit troublesome. After the official inspection, Luo Huai could easily be affected.

Luo Huai also understood this and said: "I will have special treatment. From which store door you enter, you will exit from that store door. This function will not be open to outsiders.

"Well, that's good." After Sister Wutong said what she wanted to say, she ate quietly.

"Alang, have another bowl!" It was Alang's turn to comment, and naturally he was talking about a foodie.

"You can't lose your figure as soon as you graduate." Luo Huai took the bowl and scratched her nose. Then, regardless of the girl's complaints, he went to the wooden barrel next to him to fill the meal.

There was no one in the shop at this time, so Luo Huai asked Shi Ji to change the layout of the reception area and use thin wooden boards to mark out several "private rooms" so that they could be separated from the public areas of other customers. And with the blessing of magic, the sound insulation effect is very good.

This was something he only remembered after finishing his meal, and he planned to keep this service later on. After all, not all strangers like to be in the same area as others, not to mention that people's hearts are evil. Some teams have plans and secrets that they don't want to have. What others heard.

After the meal, Sister Yuxi wanted to go back and rest for a while. With her current vampire physique, she had the least energy at noon. Most likely she would take a nap at this time, and then she would not be able to sleep at night...

Sister Wutong went back to the company to deal with some matters. During the graduation season, there was a lot of publicity work, and there were also some arrangements for the recruitment of new people.

Although the human race today focuses on activities in the mortal world, many activities still remain the same as in the past and go to the fantasy world. When it comes to the fantasy world, the situation of the human race is actually not very optimistic.

Many of the more marginal cities lacked defensive garrisoning due to the transfer of manpower, and have been lost after some incidents.

In other words, the human race has not only shrunk its territory in the mortal world, but also in the fantasy world.

Fortunately, technological breakthroughs in the mortal world can also be fed back to the fantasy world, such as underground facilities and so on. However, the construction of the fantasy world is more difficult than that of the mortal world, with higher energy and a higher chance of monsters appearing. Fortunately, the human race The accumulation of so many years in the fantasy world is not in vain. Although many soldiers may be just soldiers in the mortal world, their strength in the fantasy world can also increase. After all, the energy activity in the mortal world is still lower than that in the fantasy world. of.

All in all, although the human race's fantasy world has been reduced a bit, it's not too bad and it's not harmful.

Let’s talk about the matter back to the mortal world.

Alang originally planned to not only run with Luo Huai during the holidays after graduation, but also follow sister Yuxi and sister Wutong when they had nothing to do, such as following the activities of Roushui Pavilion, going to some photography sites, and sister Yuxi taking a break at noon. At that time, I actually went to explore the fantasy world or the dungeon.

Unfortunately, after following her a few times, she discovered that the dungeons Sister Yuxi chose were either in the evening or at night, and were always scary. No wonder Sister Xinmeng told her to be careful and not to be scared. Please download the app Aiyue app for the latest content

It's a pity that A-lang's courage is really not very big. After a few times, she doesn't dare to do it anymore. Unless A-Luo is there, then her courage will definitely expand several times.

But today Alang decided to play in the store. There is Shi Ji in the store to control the temperature, and there is even a mobile phone signal. If you are greedy, you can steal food from the kitchen. It is not too comfortable, okay?

Even Tu Yuling, who was conscientious in his duties, was misled by Ah Lang, so the kitchen thieves turned into two... In the end, they were both caught, and were caught by the Luo Xiaohuai picket brigade. They caught them on the spot and confiscated the stolen goods - two sticks. Kebabs.

So in this case, as the boss, he has provided sufficient benefits in the past, so of course he must strictly implement punishments.

"I'll leave the cleaning of the store to you when I get off work today."

"Yes..." Tu Yuling took the punishment honestly, while Alang was just watching the show, not realizing his mistake at all.

Humph, this girl must be taught a serious lesson today, otherwise she will lead to bad employees, and this store will not be able to open in the future?

"Alang~ You are coming too."

"Ah~~~" The eldest girl suddenly showed a very embarrassed expression. She never expected that Aluo would be so selfless.

"Aluo, I know I was wrong~"


Luo Huai saw that she actually wanted to have an "illicit affair", so he waited on her with a stupid head and a knife, and then drove both girls to get mops.

Huh~ After you have passed the addiction of a good boss, of course you must also have the addiction of a bad boss, only then can you be considered complete, Luo Huaichu thought at the counter.

Well, this guy definitely asked two beautiful girls to clean the house just to satisfy his sense of novelty...

March, early spring.

To view the latest chapter content, download the Aiyue app. The latest chapter content is already in the Aiyue app. The website has not updated the latest chapter content. A corner in the eastern part of Nanhuangzhou.

The hazy sky was gray and black, showing heavy depression, as if someone had spilled ink on the rice paper, and the ink soaked into the sky and blurred out the clouds.

The clouds overlapped and merged with each other, spreading out streaks of crimson lightning, accompanied by rumbling thunder.

It's like the roar of gods, echoing in the world.

Please download the Aiyue app, no ads and free latest chapter content. Blood-colored rain, with sadness, falls into the mortal world.

The earth was hazy, and there was a ruined city, silent and lifeless in the dim red rain of blood.

The city is in ruins and everything is withered. Collapsed houses can be seen everywhere, as well as blue-black corpses and pieces of meat, like broken autumn leaves, silently withering.

The streets that used to be bustling with people are now desolate.

The sandy dirt road that used to be bustling with people is no longer noisy now.

Only blood and mud mixed with minced meat, dust, and paper were left, indistinguishable from each other, which was shocking.

Not far away, uu read a broken carriage, stuck deep in the mud, full of sadness, except for an abandoned rabbit doll hanging on the shaft, swaying in the wind.

The white fluff has long been soaked into wet red, full of eerieness.

The turbid eyes seemed to have some residual resentment, looking lonely at the mottled rocks in front of them.

There, a figure was lying down.

This was a boy of thirteen or fourteen years old, his clothes were torn and covered with dirt, and he had a broken leather bag tied around his waist.

The young man squinted his eyes and remained motionless. The biting cold penetrated his shabby coat from all directions, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net and spread throughout his body, gradually taking away his body temperature.

But even though the rain fell on his face, he didn't blink, staring coldly into the distance like an eagle.

Following his gaze, he saw a skinny vulture gnawing on the carrion of a wild dog, seven or eight feet away from him, observing the surroundings vigilantly from time to time.

It seems that in this dangerous ruins, if there is the slightest movement, it will instantly rise into the sky.

Download the Aiyue app, the latest chapter content is ad-free and free. The young man is like a hunter, patiently waiting for the opportunity.

After a long time, the opportunity came, and the greedy vulture finally buried its head completely into the belly of the wild dog.

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Chapter 1,259 Kitchen thief! free.

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