I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1260 The heartbroken old master

, I come from the world of punishment

"Oh, I'm so exhausted..."

"Alang, let's go get something to eat after get off work." Tu Yuling invited.

The two are acquaintances, and with the current "shared weal and woe", their sisterhood has suddenly become even deeper.

It's a pity that Luo Huai, the evil man, is still watching from the side. In order to satisfy his evil boss's desire for performance, how could he allow the two of them to whisper to each other.

"Go, go, there's still a corner over there that hasn't been swept, so you're just deserting here, right?" He walked up and slapped Ah Lang on the butt, looking vicious.

"Aluo is bullying people, I want to go back and tell my sister!" The little girl revealed her bargaining chip.

"Hmph, why, you can still unite to attack me." Luo Huai was fearless.

"Hmph, wait!" I never expected that Ah Lang would actually say harsh words, but he still imitated Ah Luo's tone of voice and yelled, waving his pink fist.

Tu Yuling on the side couldn't tell that these two guys were chirping me and me. He felt uncomfortable eating the dog food, so he had to go aside by himself.

Of course, she could also tell that Luo Huai was just joking with them. After all, Luo Huai had told her a long time ago that as long as she didn't delay in receiving guests, she could do anything else as she pleased. She couldn't finish the food in the kitchen anyway. You can take whatever you want to eat.

Maybe he was really worried that Alang wouldn't be able to keep his mouth shut and would lose his shape.

After all, there were too few customers in the store, so it would be fun to make a scene.

But it's true that cleaning was Shi Ji's responsibility.

Until the store closes, all the customers have arrived, and it's time to get off work.

"Nuo, this bit of meat and the rest of the skewers, you can take it home and eat it." After settling today's salary on the spot, Luo Huai gave Tu Yuling another big bag of meat, which was all cut piece by piece and was heavy.

The hotel's own storage equipment can keep the food fresh, so even if a long time has passed, the meat will be the same as when it was freshly served.

"Wow... Master, there's so much meat, I really can't eat it. Please consider Alang's figure as well as mine." Tu Yuling still stuffed the things she took yesterday into the refrigerator and hasn't finished eating yet. She couldn't I'm not confident that I can get all the fat to where it should be.

But Luo Huai tilted his head and thought for a moment, as if he had made some calculations in his mind, and said: "Looking at the energy flow in your body now, I deduce your food consumption. It should be quite large, and you will finish work the day after tomorrow. You have to rest for three days. This amount of food plus what I will give you in the next two days is just enough for you to eat until work starts..."

Food preservation equipment is quite advanced these days, so keeping food for a week is not a problem at all.

"Ah this..." Tu Yuling was speechless for a while. He didn't expect the master to even consider this. Although he was very touched, he still wanted to complain, is this the master or the old father?

"By the way, does the rented house not have a refrigerator?" Luo Huai saw her embarrassed look. It seemed that his kindness had also brought a burden to the other party, so he reached into his pocket, preparing to get some poverty alleviation subsidies.

"No..." Tu Yuling saw that the golden brick was about to be forced into her hand again, and she quickly shook her head. In desperation, she had no choice but to express her difficulties.

"Actually, Master, I... am not very good at cooking."

The ingredients are of high quality and there is plenty of food to eat, but if it doesn’t taste good, you won’t be able to eat it...

"Uh..." Luo Huai and A Lang were both stunned. They didn't expect it to be such an embarrassing question.

Fortunately, people who have learned how to cook can understand that feeling to some extent. They say that no matter how terrible the food they cook is, they should still eat it. But if it really doesn’t taste good, they won’t eat much.

At the very least...it would be fine if I didn't spit it out.

Tu Yuling felt a little hot on her face under the gazes of the two people. Although there are many children who have become parents early, she has run away from home and there is no home for her to be a parent. In addition, her life has always been quite good, so she has no family. Take the time to learn this.

"In that case..." Luo Huai thought for a moment, waved his hand to summon Luo Xiaohuai, then pointed at him and said to Tu Yuling, "Let him teach you how to cook?"

"Ah?" Tu Yuling looked at Luo Xiaohuai's dazed look, which seemed a bit unreliable, although she also knew that Luo Xiaohuai was always cooking in the kitchen.

She was a little hesitant or unprepared to bring a boy home. After all, the house was very messy and she was embarrassed. Then the master would say that her life was sloppy.

Although calling her master usually feels a bit joking, but Luo Huai takes such good care of her, and she calls her master with sincerity.

"This is my avatar who is in charge of the kitchen. You don't have to worry about not being able to communicate well. I'll let him cook for you tonight, and you can just watch and learn from the side." Seeing her hesitation, Luo Huai added, anyway, he's a good person After all, if this girl is good at cooking, it won't be a problem even if she wants to go out and be self-reliant in the future.

It seemed like I was really worried. I was worried that she would be hungry and whether she would be able to be self-sufficient when she went out.

"Yes." Tu Yuling lowered his head slightly and left with Luo Xiaohuai.

A Lang next to Luo Huai asked: "A Luo, have you sent out a lot of clones?"

"Well... there are a few, but I can still handle them, because they are all very simple things, so they don't take up much mental workload."

"..." Ah Lang muttered and said nothing more. Uu was reading, but she looked at the backs of Tu Yuling and Luo Xiaohuai who were walking away. The two were very close. Tu Yuling even held Luo Xiaohuai's hand to lead the way. , so that her eyes became more vigilant.

A Luo, a big carrot, must be watched closely, otherwise there will be guys from outside trying to attack him again. The key is that he can't stop him yet, he can only strengthen his precautions.

"Let's go, what are you looking at? Let's go home." Luo Huai saw her small eyes, pulled her and urged her to go home.

"Is Aluo a big carrot?" The girl suddenly turned her head and asked innocently.


"That's the big pig's hooves."

"Not really~"

Uh-huh... Ah Lang can't think of words, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Since that's not the case, forget it.

The silly girl happily followed her home, unaware that her simple personality had once again gained the upper hand, but what could be done? This is what happens when you stay with Alo, making people not want to think too much. Very reassuring.

Sure enough, it was up to Sister Yuxi and Sister Wutong to guard against foreign enemies.

But these are digressions.

Soon, a few days passed.

The newly opened stores have made their preliminary debut in all four regions, causing some slight fluctuations in the local area.

But Luo Huai later discovered that even if he worked shifts to look after the store, some problems would still arise.

For example, all the food in the kitchen must be supplied by Luo Huai.

Although this is the case, Luo Huai thinks it would be better if everyone participates in this matter together. For example, the acquisition of food ingredients and hunting are also team activities in themselves.

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