I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 1261 Hunting in the Central Region

, I come from the world of punishment

To put it bluntly, they just caught one employee, Tu Yuling, and pinched him hard, but to put it nicely, it meant that everyone closed the store together and went out for a good trip and hunting.

Today happens to be the day after the four regions have completed their rounds, Friday.

After the new adjustment, the business hours have been changed to open from Monday to Thursday to take into account the catering industry. It is closed from Friday to Sunday. People who have received the task can enter the store through the function of task paper during these three days and ask questions. Luo Xiaohuai, who was stationed there, submitted tasks in exchange for rewards.

The so-called balance between work and rest, as a store owner who doesn't care much about profitability, Luo Huai said that less is better.

Ever since... there was a small off-road vehicle parked in front of the store today, with a carrying capacity installed on the back. It could carry several people and carry a lot of supplies.

Although Luo Huai's backpack can do everything, it is always better to have a car with complete functions.

"Master, let's set off." Tu Yuling arrived with his luggage. Seeing that Luo Huai and A Lang were already waiting for him by the car, Tu Yuling immediately loaded his things into the car to avoid further delays.

"Well, let's go." Luo Xiaohuai was still in the driver's seat.

This time, only the three of them set off. Sister Yuxi’s biological clock has almost reversed from that of normal people since she went on vacation. Even if she doesn’t rest during the day, she stays at home and is very lazy. Even Sister Xinmeng has become a half-house. , the two of them practiced fitness and cooking at home all day long.

But this is no wonder for them. The summer after graduation is very hot. Even in a big shopping mall, you have to go to a store to enjoy the coolness of the air conditioner. So after buying things, it is better to stay at home.

Sister Wutong is also busy, staying in the office, and occasionally asking Sister Yuxi to help with something. The relationship between the two has always been good, and they are living together at least.

The camera turned back to this side, where the shop owner Luo Huai and the three employees set off in the car.

Strictly speaking, they were going on an adventure as a team of three, and the procedures for leaving the city were the same. However, they had never seen a team of only three people. Originally, the inspectors could not go out according to the safety factor, but Luo Huai temporarily called a few Luo Xiaohuai came out dressed up in different ways and managed to get by.

"Master, where are we going?" Tu Yuling asked as the three of them were sitting in the trunk.

The reason why she was in such a hurry just now was that she thought she was going to take an adventure in the fantasy world, but she didn't expect that she was actually in the mortal world.

"Let's go north." Luo Huai was still checking his phone, searching for recently popular adventure areas.

I was busy with my own affairs before, but now I found out after checking that the professional people in the city are actually quite active, especially after the omnics were cleared, and travel conditions in the wild were relaxed. With the employment agency certificate for activities in the mortal world, you can form a team and go out.

After a period of screening, everyone basically knows which places are suitable for adventure, and there will be more prey and harvest.

But in addition to the popular areas where adventure teams pursuing safety would go, there are also some areas that are more dangerous and require certain strength, and this is where Luo Huai plans to go, the central area.

The central region is mysterious. It is an ancient wilderness in myths and legends, and many terrible monsters come from there.

To put it bluntly, it is more dangerous.

Even so far, most adventure teams are only approaching and have not directly entered the central world with complex and changeable terrain.

"To the north." Tu Yuling shrank when she heard this, obviously thinking of her mother.

Luo Huai noticed it immediately and said: "It is the central land area, just north of the south, not the northern area. You can't reach that far by driving in a while."

He noticed it the day before yesterday. It was the opening day of the store in the northern area. This girl was acting strange. Her attitude towards receiving customers had improved a lot in the past two days, but suddenly she hid behind the counter and exposed herself. Half of his head was looking at the door furtively, and every person who came in shrank down as if they were frightened.

Maybe he was afraid of meeting that familiar face. After all, the Luohuai store was quite popular on the Internet, especially on the professional website of the camp.

She knew that her mother's new support was a professional who had considerable strength and was very responsible for the team members. This was why her mother was willing. After all, her mother was betrayed by her past partner compared to her. The person who was abandoned was the one who was hurt the most. If he wasn't really moved, he wouldn't be able to let go.

Fortunately, she was lucky. She knew that her mother was living a happy life now, at least much happier than when she was a child, so she didn't want to bother her even more.

Unless unfortunately she finds her mother again and makes her alone, then she will resolutely go back and get to know her, and then become her support.

"As long as you have this heart, then you are a qualified daughter." Seeing that she still lowered her head, Luo Huai comforted her.

For a person who has experienced trauma, he must always pay attention to psychological comfort, so as to achieve long-term and effective positive effects.

Alang also learned to comfort her and touched her head, which made people laugh.

The two girls rubbed each other's hair in revenge, and the atmosphere suddenly became lively again. Luo Huai looked on with a knowing smile.

The journey from the southern urban agglomeration to the central region is neither long nor short. It was still early when we set off, and it was already close to noon when we reached the edge of the region. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

It was said to be a day of hunting, but in fact Tu Yuling said that he had nothing to do at home, so he might as well go out together, and the weekend rest didn't matter.

The main reason is that I don’t have many friends. I stay at home alone. I haven’t played many games since I was a child. I don’t know how to pass the time. I usually exercise.

Thinking about it this way, Tu Yuling is really an excellent tool man. Fortunately, he met a conscientious boss like Luo Huai, otherwise he would have been squeezed out of the labor force.

"Master... please don't look at me like this, okay." Tu Yuling, who was playing around with Ah Lang, noticed Luo Huai's satisfied eyes and hugged herself in fear.

When Alang saw that Aluo, a big carrot, had exposed his legs, he immediately became alert, hugged Tu Yuling in his arms, and then tried to distract Luo Huai's attention as if chasing a big pig's hooves.

What else can Luo Huai do? He looked away a little funny and looked out the window to look at the scenery.

The car has passed through several abandoned small cities, and the road has gradually reached its end. It is only here that the off-road vehicle can show its ability.

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