, I come from the world of punishment

"Did anyone in town say dragon hunting was a kid's game?"

"No, probably not."

People around him wouldn't be provocative, but they would turn around and tease his classmates, and there were quite a few.

The two girls riding motorcycles, whether they are wearing clothes or wearing "weapons" on their bodies, are not very similar to their style of painting here.

More importantly...it's too clean.

It's not that they don't pay attention to hygiene outside, but things will always have some marks, wrinkles, etc. after being used for a long time. In short, they will never look as... new as they do?

It can be described with this word.

At first glance, it looks like it came from the city.

"Yu Ling, are they all looking at us?" Alang sat behind Yu Ling and looked around at the people around him a little warily.

"Whatever, people in this world are not very powerful. If they dare to have any ideas, we will beat them up." Yu Ling has also experienced such attention, but in the past he was regarded as a strange child who had run away, and later It was in college that he became a violent maniac with a strange personality due to mental problems.

Sigh... Looking back, her previous relationships were really terrible.

The two of them rode their bikes all the way into the village.

This place is not just an abandoned wilderness. In fact, only people who don't know this place think it is abandoned. In addition to the dragon hunters who gather here temporarily, there are actually some people living here who are out of sight of ordinary people.

A Lang and Yu Ling came here just to find such a family.

The two of them entered the dungeon normally, so they actually have a reasonable identity now. Of course, this reasonableness only allows them to make excuses during some conversations. As for whether it is in compliance with the rules here, I don't know.

They are dragon hunters from distant cities... Unlike other dragon hunting teams stationed in one area, they focus on taking on smaller commissions and travel between cities for different commissions.

In fact, it has been a while since they entered the dungeon, almost a week.

The speed of time in this world is quite different from that in the mortal world. In addition, there is a whole day on Friday, so they can have more than two weeks of activity here.

Because Alang is the incarnation of power, sleeping for a day will not have any impact on the body. Yu Ling may need to adapt to the fusion of body and soul after returning, but with Shi Ji taking care of him, it should be much better.

Before departure, Luo Huai also bought her some safety escape devices. Coupled with Ying Longhun's protection of the soul, she has a strong ability to withstand the escape of the soul.

However, during this period of time, Luo Huai did not join them. Instead, he contacted Alang through the contract and asked them to walk slowly according to the task instructions given by the copy.

They are taught in the academy how to quickly understand the background in a new dungeon world, and how to better integrate into it based on the simple identity given by the dungeon, so as to further develop.

So the two girls started activities based on their identities. The tasks given to them by the copy were transformed into the actual distribution form. Someone contacted them through the small advertisement they posted on the wall.

Many small dragon hunting teams actually use this method of promotion, so it is still somewhat useful.

After a week of "hard work", the two girls successfully bought a motorcycle.

Hoho ~ I feel a sense of accomplishment. After all, under the premise of ensuring safety, this dungeon journey is like playing a holographic game.

Of course, there are not all obstacles in the way. Small businesses sometimes encounter rogue employers.

For this kind of people, of course, they have to serve them with fists and forks. After beating the people, A Lang and Yu Ling ran away on their small motorcycles.

On the other hand, based on how well the two of them completed the previous tasks, they also received follow-up tasks while escaping.

It happened to be in the same direction as they were running away.

The tips are simple, first you need to find the people who meet the connector.

Alang, who was in the back seat, took out a folded piece of paper with a small map on it. He made a cross somewhere with a marker that was almost out of fuel. It was a bargain he bought at a roadside stall. .

Well...after all, it's only been a week since I arrived, and buying a nice motorcycle has already cost the girls several days of hard work and savings. Naturally, they are a bit poor in other aspects.

"Well... I hate looking at maps the most. The actual location is always different from the one marked. It would be great if Aluo was here, but we don't even know where he is now." She hugged the waist of Yu Ling in front of her, complained.

The two of them have a good relationship, and riding a motorcycle is a bit bumpy, so it’s a good idea to stick with each other!

Ahem, back to the topic, Luo Huai's ability to read maps was all thanks to his experience of treasure hunting and finding a home in Mai Kuai. Surprisingly, there is some knowledge that can be used in life.

But what the two girls were more concerned about was where Luo Huai had gone.

Obviously if he wanted to come over, he should be able to do it very quickly given his ability.

But Luo Huai only said that he was going to some dangerous places and it was not convenient to take them. uuread a book

Sigh... Let's finish the mission first. Arlo said this morning that he would be coming soon.

According to the points marked on the map, the place where the client lives should be at the corner of the village, not in a housing complex, and can only be seen after crossing a river.

"Yu Ling, be careful, this bridge is very swaying..." The two of them didn't expect that the bridge over the river was actually a suspension bridge. It was swaying back and forth. They were so frightened that the two girls who ran onto the bridge became nervous. A Lang hugged them. Yu Ling howled even more.

Fortunately, there was no danger.

After running through a small forest, they finally saw a slightly decent wooden house.

After getting off the motorcycle... Yu Ling has been a receptionist for so many days and is very skilled in dealing with strangers. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net These days, A Lang is basically following behind.

She went up and knocked on the door.

"Here we come." A female voice came from the door.

Soon, the door opened, and a middle-aged woman walked out. She was obviously stunned when she saw the young appearance of the two people, but she still introduced herself: "Hello, my name is Marlene, girls...what are you doing?" Something?"

"We have accepted a commission. Is this Mr. Joseph's home?" Yu Ling took out the mobile phone in this world, opened it and showed her the email inside.

The woman seemed to know it at first glance, but her expression was obviously a little bad.

But even so, she still let the two of them enter the living room first.

Yu Ling now serves as the negotiator in the team, so he looks more serious. A Lang didn't care so much and sat down on the sofa carelessly.

The middle-aged woman didn't entertain them much. After saying hello, she turned around and entered the back room. Immediately, there was a faint sound of arguing inside.

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